R. Ott, T. Zache, M. Prüfer, S. Erne, M. Tajik, H. Pichler, J. Schmiedmayer, P. Zoller Hamiltonian Learning in Quantum Field Theories,
Phys. Rev. Research 6 43284 (2024-12-16),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.043284 doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.043284 (ID: 721175)
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We discuss Hamiltonian learning in quantum field theories as a protocol for systematically extracting the operator content and coupling constants of effective field theory Hamiltonians from experimental data. Learning the Hamiltonian for varying spatial measurement resolutions gives access to field theories at different energy scales, and allows to learn a flow of Hamiltonians reminiscent of the renormalization group. Our method, which we demonstrate in both theoretical studies and available data from a quantum gas experiment, promises new ways of addressing the emergence of quantum field theories in quantum simulation experiments.
G. Giudici, F. M. Surace, H. Pichler Unraveling PXP Many-Body Scars through Floquet Dynamics,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 190404 (2024-11-08),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.190404 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.190404 (ID: 721171)
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Quantum scars are special eigenstates of many-body systems that evade thermalization. They were first discovered in the PXP model, a well-known effective description of Rydberg atom arrays. Despite significant theoretical efforts, the fundamental origin of PXP scars remains elusive. By investigating the discretized dynamics of the PXP model as a function of the Trotter step τ, we uncover a remarkable correspondence between the zero- and two-particle eigenstates of the integrable Floquet-PXP cellular automaton at τ=π/2 and the PXP many-body scars of the time-continuous limit. Specifically, we demonstrate that PXP scars are adiabatically connected to the eigenstates of the τ=π/2 Floquet operator. Building on this result, we propose a protocol for achieving high-fidelity preparation of PXP scars in Rydberg atom experiments.
C. Fromonteil, R. Tricarico, F. Cesa, H. Pichler Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for Rydberg-blockade processes,
Phys. Rev. Research 6 33333 (2024-09-24),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.033333 doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.033333 (ID: 721246)
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We discuss time-optimal control problems for two setups involving globally driven Rydberg atoms in the blockade limit by deriving the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. From these equations, we extract the globally optimal trajectories and the corresponding controls for several target processes of the atomic system, using a generalized method of characteristics. We apply this method to retrieve known results for CZ and C-phase gates, and to find new optimal pulses for all elementary processes involved in the universal quantum computation scheme introduced in [Physical Review Letters 131, 170601 (2023)].
K. Vodenkova, H. Pichler Continuous Coherent Quantum Feedback with Time Delays: Tensor Network Solution,
Phys. Rev. X 14 31043 (2024-09-09),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.14.031043 doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.14.031043 (ID: 721144)
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In this paper we develop a novel method to solve problems involving quantum optical systems coupled to coherent quantum feedback loops featuring time delays. Our method is based on exact mappings of such non-Markovian problems to equivalent Markovian driven dissipative quantum many-body problems. In this work we show that the resulting Markovian quantum many-body problems can be solved (numerically) exactly and efficiently using tensor network methods for a series of paradigmatic examples, consisting of driven quantum systems coupled to waveguides at several distant points. In particular, we show that our method allows solving problems in so far inaccessible regimes, including problems with arbitrary long time delays and arbitrary numbers of excitations in the delay lines. We obtain solutions for the full real-time dynamics as well as the steady state in all these regimes. Finally, motivated by our results, we develop a novel mean-field approach, which allows us to find the solution semi-analytically and identify parameter regimes where this approximation is in excellent agreement with our exact tensor network results.
T. Vovk, H. Pichler Quantum trajectory entanglement in various unravelings of Markovian dynamics,
Phys. Rev. A 110 12207 (2024-07-08),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.012207 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.110.012207 (ID: 721269)
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The cost of classical simulations of quantum many-body dynamics is often determined by the amount of entanglement in the system. In this paper, we study entanglement in stochastic quantum trajectory approaches that solve master equations describing open quantum system dynamics. First, we introduce and compare adaptive trajectory unravelings of master equations. Specifically, building on [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 243601 (2022)], we study several greedy algorithms that generate trajectories with a low average entanglement entropy. Second, we consider various conventional unravelings of a one-dimensional open random Brownian circuit and locate the transition points from area- to volume-law-entangled trajectories. Third, we compare various trajectory unravelings using matrix product states with a direct integration of the master equation using matrix product operators. We provide concrete examples of dynamics, for which the simulation cost of stochastic trajectories is exponentially smaller than the one of matrix product operators.
Z. J. Li, G. Giudici, H. Pichler Variational manifolds for ground states and scarred dynamics of blockade-constrained spin models on two and three dimensional lattices,
Phys. Rev. Research 6 23146 (2024-05-09),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023146 doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023146 (ID: 721240)
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We introduce a variational manifold of simple tensor network states for the study of a family of constrained models that describe spin-1/2 systems as realized by Rydberg atom arrays. Our manifold permits analytical calculation via perturbative expansion of one- and two-point functions in arbitrary spatial dimensions and allows for efficient computation of the matrix elements required for variational energy minimization and variational time evolution in up to three dimensions. We apply this framework to the PXP model on the hypercubic lattice in 1D, 2D, and 3D, and show that, in each case, it exhibits quantum phase transitions breaking the sub-lattice symmetry in equilibrium, and hosts quantum many body scars out of equilibrium. We demonstrate that our variational ansatz qualitatively captures all these phenomena and predicts key quantities with an accuracy that increases with the dimensionality of the lattice, and conclude that our method can be interpreted as a generalization of mean-field theory to constrained spin models.
V. S. Ferreira, G. Kim, A. Butler, H. Pichler, O. Painter Deterministic Generation of Multidimensional Photonic Cluster States with a Single Quantum Emitter,
Nature Phys. 20 870 (2024-02-28),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41567-024-02408-0 doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02408-0 (ID: 720849)
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Multidimensional photonic graph states, such as cluster states, have prospective applications in quantum metrology, secure quantum communication, and measurement-based quantum computation. However, to date, generation of multidimensional cluster states of photonic qubits has relied on probabilistic methods that limit the scalability of typical generation schemes in optical systems. Here we present an experimental implementation in the microwave domain of a resource-efficient scheme for the deterministic generation of 2D photonic cluster states. By utilizing a coupled resonator array as a slow-light waveguide, a single flux-tunable transmon qubit as a quantum emitter, and a second auxiliary transmon as a switchable mirror, we achieve rapid, shaped emission of entangled photon wavepackets, and selective time-delayed feedback of photon wavepackets to the emitter qubit. We leverage these capabilities to generate a 2D cluster state of four photons with 70\% fidelity, as verified by tomographic reconstruction of the quantum state. We discuss how our scheme could be straightforwardly extended to the generation of even larger cluster states, of even higher dimension, thereby expanding the scope and practical utility of such states for quantum information processing tasks.
I. Cong, N. Maskara, M. C. Tran, H. Pichler, G. Semeghini, S. F. Yelin, S. Choi, M. Lukin Enhancing Detection of Topological Order by Local Error Correctio,
Nat. Commun. 15 1527 (2024-02-20),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45584-6 doi:10.1038/s41467-024-45584-6 (ID: 720882)
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The exploration of topologically-ordered states of matter is a long-standing goal at the interface of several subfields of the physical sciences. Such states feature intriguing physical properties such as long-range entanglement, emergent gauge fields and non-local correlations, and can aid in realization of scalable fault-tolerant quantum computation. However, these same features also make creation, detection, and characterization of topologically-ordered states particularly challenging. Motivated by recent experimental demonstrations, we introduce a new approach for quantifying topological states -- locally error-corrected decoration (LED) -- by combining methods of error correction with ideas of renormalization-group flow. Our approach allows for efficient and robust identification of topological order, and is applicable in the presence of incoherent noise sources, making it particularly suitable for realistic experiments. We demonstrate the power of LED using numerical simulations of the toric code under a variety of perturbations, and we subsequently apply it to an experimental realization of a quantum spin liquid using a Rydberg-atom quantum simulator. Extensions to the characterization of other exotic states of matter are discussed.
K. Van Kirk, C. Kokail, J. Kunjummen, H. Hu, Y. Teng, M. Cain, J. Taylor, S. F. Yelin, H. Pichler, M. Lukin Derandomized shallow shadows: Efficient Pauli learning with bounded-depth circuits,
arXiv:2412.18973 arXiv:2412.18973 (ID: 721388)
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Efficiently estimating large numbers of non-commuting observables is an important subroutine of many quantum science tasks. We present the derandomized shallow shadows (DSS) algorithm for efficiently learning a large set of non-commuting observables, using shallow circuits to rotate into measurement bases. Exploiting tensor network techniques to ensure polynomial scaling of classical resources, our algorithm outputs a set of shallow measurement circuits that approximately minimizes the sample complexity of estimating a given set of Pauli strings. We numerically demonstrate systematic improvement, in comparison with state-of-the-art techniques, for energy estimation of quantum chemistry benchmarks and verification of quantum many-body systems, and we observe DSS's performance consistently improves as one allows deeper measurement circuits. These results indicate that in addition to being an efficient, low-depth, stand-alone algorithm, DSS can also benefit many larger quantum algorithms requiring estimation of multiple non-commuting observables.
R. Ott, D. González-Cuadra, T. Zache, P. Zoller, A. Kaufman, H. Pichler Error-corrected fermionic quantum processors with neutral atoms,
arXiv:2412.16081 arXiv:2412.16081 (ID: 721389)
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Many-body fermionic systems can be simulated in a hardware-efficient manner using a fermionic quantum processor. Neutral atoms trapped in optical potentials can realize such processors, where non-local fermionic statistics are guaranteed at the hardware level. Implementing quantum error correction in this setup is however challenging, due to the atom-number superselection present in atomic systems, that is, the impossibility of creating coherent superpositions of different particle numbers. In this work, we overcome this constraint and present a blueprint for an error-corrected fermionic quantum computer that can be implemented using current experimental capabilities. To achieve this, we first consider an ancillary set of fermionic modes and design a fermionic reference, which we then use to construct superpositions of different numbers of referenced fermions. This allows us to build logical fermionic modes that can be error corrected using standard atomic operations. Here, we focus on phase errors, which we expect to be a dominant source of errors in neutral-atom quantum processors. We then construct logical fermionic gates, and show their implementation for the logical particle-number conserving processes relevant for quantum simulation. Finally, our protocol is illustrated using a minimal fermionic circuit, where it leads to a quadratic suppression of the logical error rate.
A. Warman, F. Yang, A. Tiwari, H. Pichler, S. Schafer-Nameki Categorical Symmetries in Spin Models with Atom Arrays,
arXiv:2412.15024 arXiv:2412.15024 (ID: 721391)
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Categorical symmetries have recently been shown to generalize the classification of phases of matter, significantly broadening the traditional Landau paradigm. To test these predictions, we propose a simple spin chain model that encompasses all gapped phases and second-order phase transitions governed by the categorical symmetry Rep(D8). This model not only captures the essential features of non-invertible phases but is also straightforward enough to enable practical realization. Specifically, we outline an implementation using neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezer arrays. Employing a dual-species setup and Rydberg blockade, we propose a digital simulation approach that can efficiently implement the many-body evolution in several nontrivial quantum phases.
G. Calliari, M. Di Liberto, H. Pichler, T. Zache Quantum simulating continuum field theories with large-spin lattice models,
arXiv:2412.15325 arXiv:2412.15325 (ID: 721390)
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Simulating the real-time dynamics of quantum field theories (QFTs) is one of the most promising applications of quantum simulators. Regularizing a bosonic QFT for quantum simulation purposes typically involves a truncation in Hilbert space in addition to a discretization of space. Here, we discuss how to perform such a regularization of scalar QFTs using multi-level or qudit systems, and show that this enables quantitative predictions in the continuum limit by extrapolating results obtained for large-spin lattice models. With extensive matrix-product state simulations, we numerically demonstrate the sequence of extrapolations that leads to quantitative agreement of observables for the integrable sine-Gordon (sG) QFT. We further show how to prepare static and moving soliton excitations, and analyze their scattering dynamics, in agreement with a semi-classical model and analytical predictions. Finally, we illustrate how a non-integrable perturbation of the sG model gives rise to dynamics reminiscent of string breaking and plasma oscillations in gauge theories. Our methods are directly applicable in state-of-the-art analog quantum simulators, opening the door to implementing a wide variety of scalar field theories and tackling long-standing questions in non-equilibrium QFT like the fate of the false vacuum.
G. Giudici, S. Veroni, G. Giudice, H. Pichler, J. Zeiher Fast entangling gates for Rydberg atoms via resonant dipole-dipole interaction,
arXiv:2411.05073 arXiv:2411.05073 (ID: 721392)
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The advent of digital neutral-atom quantum computers relies on the development of fast and robust protocols for high-fidelity quantum operations. In this work, we introduce a novel scheme for entangling gates using four atomic levels per atom: a ground state qubit and two Rydberg states. A laser field couples the qubit to one of the two Rydberg states, while a microwave field coupling the two Rydberg states enables a resonant dipole-dipole interaction between different atoms. We show that this interaction can mediate controlled-Z gates that are faster and less sensitive to Rydberg decay than state-of-the-art Rydberg gates based on van der Waals interactions. Moreover, we systematically stabilize our protocol against interatomic distance fluctuations and analyze its performance in realistic setups with rubidium or cesium atoms. Our results open up new avenues to the use of dipolar interactions for universal quantum computation with neutral atoms.
L. Bombieri, Z. Zeng, R. Tricarico, R. Lin, S. Notarnicola, M. Cain, M. Lukin, H. Pichler Quantum adiabatic optimization with Rydberg arrays: localization phenomena and encoding strategies,
arXiv:2411.04645 arXiv:2411.04645 (ID: 721280)
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We study the quantum dynamics of the encoding scheme proposed in [Nguyen et al., PRX Quantum 4, 010316 (2023)], which encodes optimization problems on graphs with arbitrary connectivity into Rydberg atom arrays. Here, a graph vertex is represented by a wire of atoms, and the (crossing) crossing-with-edge gadget is placed at the intersection of two wires to (de)couple their degrees of freedom and reproduce the graph connectivity. We consider the fundamental geometry of two vertex-wires intersecting via a single gadget and look at minimum gap scaling with system size along adiabatic protocols. We find that both polynomial and exponential scaling are possible and, by means of perturbation theory, we relate the exponential closing of the minimum gap to an unfavorable localization of the ground-state wavefunction. Then, on the QuEra Aquila neutral atom machine, we observe such localization and its effect on the success probability of finding the correct solution to the encoded optimization problem. Finally, we propose possible strategies to avoid this quantum bottleneck, leading to an exponential improvement in the adiabatic performance.
R. Ott, T. Zache, N. Maskara, M. Lukin, P. Zoller, H. Pichler Probing topological entanglement on large scales,
arXiv:2408.12645 arXiv:2408.12645 (ID: 721272)
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Topologically ordered quantum matter exhibits intriguing long-range patterns of entanglement, which reveal themselves in subsystem entropies. However, measuring such entropies, which can be used to certify topological order, on large partitions is challenging and becomes practically unfeasible for large systems. We propose a protocol based on local adiabatic deformations of the Hamiltonian which extracts the universal features of long-range topological entanglement from measurements on small subsystems of finite size, trading an exponential number of measurements against a polynomial-time evolution. Our protocol is general and readily applicable to various quantum simulation architectures. We apply our method to various string-net models representing both abelian and non-abelian topologically ordered phases, and illustrate its application to neutral atom tweezer arrays with numerical simulations.
F. Cesa, H. Pichler Universal Quantum Computation in Globally Driven Rydberg Atom Arrays,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 170601 (2023-10-24),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.170601 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.170601 (ID: 721145)
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We develop a model for quantum computation with Rydberg atom arrays, which only relies on global driving, without the need of local addressing of the qubits: any circuit is executed by a sequence of global, resonant laser pulses on a static atomic arrangement. We present two constructions: for the first, the circuit is imprinted in the trap positions of the atoms and executed by the pulses; for the second, the atom arrangement is circuit-independent, and the algorithm is entirely encoded in the global driving sequence. Our results show in particular that a quadratic overhead in atom number is sufficient to eliminate the need for local control to realize a universal quantum processor. We give explicit protocols for all steps of an arbitrary quantum computation, and discuss strategies for error suppression specific to our model. Our scheme is based on dual-species processors with atoms subjected to Rydberg blockade constraints, but it might be transposed to other setups as well.
D. González-Cuadra, D. Bluvstein, M. Kalinowski, C. R. Kaubrügger, N. Maskara, P. Naldesi, T. Zache, A. Kaufman, M. Lukin, H. Pichler, B. Vermersch, J. Ye, P. Zoller Fermionic quantum processing with programmable neutral atom arrays,
PNAS 120 e2304294120 (2023-08-22),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2304294120 doi:10.1073/pnas.2304294120 (ID: 721066)
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Simulating the properties of many-body fermionic systems is an outstanding computational challenge relevant to material science, quantum chemistry, and particle physics. Although qubit-based quantum computers can potentially tackle this problem more efficiently than classical devices, encoding non-local fermionic statistics introduces an overhead in the required resources, limiting their applicability on near-term architectures. In this work, we present a fermionic quantum processor, where fermionic models are locally encoded in a fermionic register and simulated in a hardware-efficient manner using fermionic gates. We consider in particular fermionic atoms in programmable tweezer arrays and develop different protocols to implement non-local tunneling gates, guaranteeing Fermi statistics at the hardware level. We use this gate set, together with Rydberg-mediated interaction gates, to find efficient circuit decompositions for digital and variational quantum simulation algorithms, illustrated here for molecular energy estimation. Finally, we consider a combined fermion-qubit architecture, where both the motional and internal degrees of freedom of the atoms are harnessed to efficiently implement quantum phase estimation, as well as to simulate lattice gauge theory dynamics.
C. Fromonteil, D. Bluvstein, H. Pichler Protocols for Rydberg entangling gates featuring robustness against quasi-static errors,
PRX Quantum 4 (2023-06-05),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.020335 doi:10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.020335 (ID: 720959)
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We introduce a novel family of protocols for entangling gates for neutral atom qubits based on the Rydberg blockade mechanism. These protocols realize controlled-phase gates through a series of global laser pulses that are on resonance with the Rydberg excitation frequency. We analyze these protocols with respect to their robustness against calibration errors of the Rabi frequency or shot-to-shot laser intensity fluctuations, and show that they display robustness in various fidelity measures. In addition, we discuss adaptations of these protocols in order to make them robust to atomic-motion-induced Doppler shifts as well.
M.-T. Nguyen, J.-G. Liu, J. Wurtz, M. Lukin, S.-T. Wang, Hannes Pichler Quantum optimization with arbitrary connectivity using Rydberg atom arrays,
PRX Quantum 4 010316 (2023-02-14),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.010316 doi:10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.010316 (ID: 720883)
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Programmable quantum systems based on Rydberg atom arrays have recently been used for hardware-efficient tests of quantum optimization algorithms [Ebadi et al., Science, 376, 1209 (2022)] with hundreds of qubits. In particular, the maximum independent set problem on the so-called unit-disk graphs, was shown to be efficiently encodable in such a quantum system. Here, we extend the classes of problems that can be efficiently encoded in Rydberg arrays by constructing explicit mappings from the original computation problems to maximum weighted independent set problems on unit-disk graphs, with at most a quadratic overhead in the number of qubits. We analyze several examples, including: maximum weighted independent set on graphs with arbitrary connectivity, quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems with arbitrary or restricted connectivity, and integer factorization. Numerical simulations on small system sizes indicate that the adiabatic time scale for solving the mapped problems is strongly correlated with that of the original problems. Our work provides a blueprint for using Rydberg atom arrays to solve a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems with arbitrary connectivity, beyond the restrictions imposed by the hardware geometry.
C. Miles, R. Samajdar, S. Ebadi, T. T. Wang, H. Pichler, S. Sachdev, M. Lukin, M. Greiner, K. Q. Weinberger, E. Kim Machine learning discovery of new phases in programmable quantum simulator snapshots,
Phys. Rev. Research 5 13026 (2023-01-19),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013026 doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013026 (ID: 720731)
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Machine learning has recently emerged as a promising approach for studying complex phenomena characterized by rich datasets. In particular, data-centric approaches lend to the possibility of automatically discovering structures in experimental datasets that manual inspection may miss. Here, we introduce an interpretable unsupervised-supervised hybrid machine learning approach, the hybrid-correlation convolutional neural network (Hybrid-CCNN), and apply it to experimental data generated using a programmable quantum simulator based on Rydberg atom arrays. Specifically, we apply Hybrid-CCNN to analyze new quantum phases on square lattices with programmable interactions. The initial unsupervised dimensionality reduction and clustering stage first reveals five distinct quantum phase regions. In a second supervised stage, we refine these phase boundaries and characterize each phase by training fully interpretable CCNNs and extracting the relevant correlations for each phase. The characteristic spatial weightings and snippets of correlations specifically recognized in each phase capture quantum fluctuations in the striated phase and identify two previously undetected phases, the rhombic and boundary-ordered phases. These observations demonstrate that a combination of programmable quantum simulators with machine learning can be used as a powerful tool for detailed exploration of correlated quantum states of matter.
J. Choi, A. L. Shaw, I. S. Madjarov, X. Xie, J. P. Covey, J. S. Cotler, D. K. Mark, H. Y. Huang, A. Kale, H. Pichler, F. G. Brandão, S. Choi, M. Endres Preparing random states and benchmarking with many-body quantum chaos,
Nature 613 473 (2023-01-18),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05442-1 doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05442-1 (ID: 720643)
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Producing quantum states at random has become increasingly important in modern quantum science, with applications being both theoretical and practical. In particular, ensembles of such randomly distributed, but pure, quantum states underlie our understanding of complexity in quantum circuits1 and black holes2, and have been used for benchmarking quantum devices3,4 in tests of quantum advantage5,6. However, creating random ensembles has necessitated a high degree of spatio-temporal control7,8,9,10,11,12 placing such studies out of reach for a wide class of quantum systems. Here we solve this problem by predicting and experimentally observing the emergence of random state ensembles naturally under time-independent Hamiltonian dynamics, which we use to implement an efficient, widely applicable benchmarking protocol. The observed random ensembles emerge from projective measurements and are intimately linked to universal correlations built up between subsystems of a larger quantum system, offering new insights into quantum thermalization13. Predicated on this discovery, we develop a fidelity estimation scheme, which we demonstrate for a Rydberg quantum simulator with up to 25 atoms using fewer than 104 experimental samples. This method has broad applicability, as we demonstrate for Hamiltonian parameter estimation, target-state generation benchmarking, and comparison of analogue and digital quantum devices. Our work has implications for understanding randomness in quantum dynamics14 and enables applications of this concept in a much wider context4,5,
Giacomo Giudice, F. M. Surace, Hannes Pichler, G. Giudici Trimer states with Z3 topological order in Rydberg atom arrays,
Phys. Rev. B 106 195155 (2022-11-28),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.195155 doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.106.195155 (ID: 720842)
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Trimers are defined as two adjacent edges on a graph. We study the quantum states obtained as equal-weight superpositions of all trimer coverings of a lattice, with the constraint of having a trimer on each vertex: the so-called trimer resonating-valence-bond (tRVB) states. Exploiting their tensor network representation, we show that these states can host Z3 topological order or can be gapless liquids with U(1)×U(1) local symmetry. We prove that this continuous symmetry emerges whenever the lattice can be tripartite such that each trimer covers all the three sublattices. In the gapped case, we demonstrate the stability of topological order against dilution of maximal trimer coverings, which is relevant for realistic models where the density of trimers can fluctuate. Furthermore, we clarify the connection between gapped tRVB states and Z3 lattice gauge theories by smoothly connecting the former to the Z3 toric code, and discuss the non-local excitations on top of tRVB states. Finally, we analyze via exact diagonalization the zero-temperature phase diagram of a diluted trimer model on the square lattice and demonstrate that the ground state exhibits topological properties in a narrow region in parameter space. We show that a similar model can be implemented in Rydberg atom arrays exploiting the blockade effect. We investigate dynamical preparation schemes in this setup and provide a viable route for probing experimentally Z3 quantum spin liquids.
K Slagle, Yue Liu, David Aasen, Hannes Pichler, R. S. Mong, Xie Chen, Manuel Endres, Jason Alicea Quantum spin liquids bootstrapped from Ising criticality in Rydberg arrays,
Phys. Rev. B 106 115122 (2022-09-14),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.115122 doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.106.115122 (ID: 720829)
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Arrays of Rydberg atoms constitute a highly tunable, strongly interacting venue for the pursuit of exotic states of matter. We develop a new strategy for accessing a family of fractionalized phases known as quantum spin liquids in two-dimensional Rydberg arrays. We specifically use effective field theory methods to study arrays assembled from Rydberg chains tuned to an Ising phase transition that famously hosts emergent fermions propagating within each chain. This highly entangled starting point allows us to naturally access spin liquids familiar from Kitaev's honeycomb model, albeit from an entirely different framework. In particular, we argue that finite-range repulsive Rydberg interactions, which frustrate nearby symmetry-breaking orders, can enable coherent propagation of emergent fermions between the chains in which they were born. Delocalization of emergent fermions across the full two-dimensional Rydberg array yields a gapless Z2 spin liquid with a single massless Dirac cone. Here, the Rydberg occupation numbers exhibit universal power-law correlations that provide a straightforward experimental diagnostic of this phase. We further show that explicitly breaking symmetries perturbs the gapless spin liquid into gapped, topologically ordered descendants: Breaking lattice symmetries generates toric-code topological order, whereas introducing chirality generates non-Abelian Ising topological order. In the toric-code phase, we analytically construct microscopic incarnations of non-Abelian defects, which can be created and transported by dynamically controlling the atom positions in the array. Our work suggests that appropriately tuned Rydberg arrays provide a cold-atoms counterpart of solid-state 'Kitaev materials' and, more generally, spotlights a new angle for pursuing experimental platforms for Abelian and non-Abelian fractionalization.
G. Giudici, M. Lukin, H. Pichler Dynamical preparation of quantum spin liquids in Rydberg atom arrays,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 90401 (2022-08-26),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.090401 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.090401 (ID: 720742)
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We theoretically analyze recent experiments [G. Semeghini et al., Science 374, 1242 (2021)] demonstrating the onset of a topological spin liquid using a programmable quantum simulator based on Rydberg atom arrays. In the experiment, robust signatures of topological order emerge in out-of-equilibrium states that are prepared using a quasi-adiabatic state preparation protocol. We show theoretically that the state preparation protocol can be optimized to target the fixed point of the topological phase -- the resonating valence bond (RVB) state of hard dimers -- in a time that scales linearly with the number of atoms. Moreover, we provide a two-parameter variational manifold of tensor network (TN) states that accurately describe the many-body dynamics of the preparation process. Using this approach we analyze the nature of the non-equilibrium state, establishing the emergence of topological order.
T. Vovk, Hannes Pichler Entanglement-Optimal Trajectories of Many-Body Quantum Markov Processes,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 243601 (2022-06-13),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.243601 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.243601 (ID: 720844)
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We develop a novel approach aimed at solving the equations of motion of open quantum many-body systems. It is based on a combination of generalized wave function trajectories and matrix product states. We introduce an adaptive quantum stochastic propagator, which minimizes the expected entanglement in the many-body quantum state, thus minimizing the computational cost of the matrix product state representation of each trajectory. We illustrate this approach on the example of a one-dimensional open Brownian circuit. We show that this model displays an entanglement phase transition between area and volume law when changing between different propagators and that our method autonomously finds an efficiently representable area law unraveling.
S. Ebadi, Alexander Keesling, Madelyn Cain, Tout T. Wang, H. Levine, D. Bluvstein, Giulia Semeghini, Ahmed Omran, Junqiu Liu, R. Samajdar, Xiu-Zhe Luo, B. Latz, J. Gao, B. Dayan, Edward Fahri, S. Sachdev, Nathan Gemelke, Lop Zhou, Soonwon Choi, Hannes Pi Quantum Optimization of Maximum Independent Set using Rydberg Atom Arrays,
Science 376 1215 (2022-05-05),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.abo6587 doi:10.1126/science.abo6587 (ID: 720815)
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Realizing quantum speedup for practically relevant, computationally hard problems is a central challenge in quantum information science. Using Rydberg atom arrays with up to 289 qubits in two spatial dimensions, we experimentally investigate quantum algorithms for solving the Maximum Independent Set problem. We use a hardware-efficient encoding associated with Rydberg blockade, realize closed-loop optimization to test several variational algorithms, and subsequently apply them to systematically explore a class of graphs with programmable connectivity. We find the problem hardness is controlled by the solution degeneracy and number of local minima, and experimentally benchmark the quantum algorithm's performance against classical simulated annealing. On the hardest graphs, we observe a superlinear quantum speedup in finding exact solutions in the deep circuit regime and analyze its origins.
D. Bluvstein, H. Levine, G. Semeghini, T. T. Wang, S. Ebadi, M. Kalinowski, A. Keesling, N. Maskara, H. Pichler, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays,
Nature 604 456 (2022-04-20),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04592-6 doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04592-6 (ID: 720723)
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The ability to engineer parallel, programmable operations between desired qubits within a quantum processor is central for building scalable quantum information systems. In most state-of-the-art approaches, qubits interact locally, constrained by the connectivity associated with their fixed spatial layout. Here, we demonstrate a quantum processor with dynamic, nonlocal connectivity, in which entangled qubits are coherently transported in a highly parallel manner across two spatial dimensions, in between layers of single- and two-qubit operations. Our approach makes use of neutral atom arrays trapped and transported by optical tweezers; hyperfine states are used for robust quantum information storage, and excitation into Rydberg states is used for entanglement generation. We use this architecture to realize programmable generation of entangled graph states such as cluster states and a 7-qubit Steane code state. Furthermore, we shuttle entangled ancilla arrays to realize a surface code with 19 qubits and a toric code state on a torus with 24 qubits. Finally, we use this architecture to realize a hybrid analog-digital evolution and employ it for measuring entanglement entropy in quantum simulations, experimentally observing non-monotonic entanglement dynamics associated with quantum many-body scars. Realizing a long-standing goal, these results pave the way toward scalable quantum processing and enable new applications ranging from simulation to metrology.
B. Windt, H. Pichler Squeezing Quantum Many-Body Scars,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 90606 (2022-03-04),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.090606 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.090606 (ID: 720724)
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We develop an analytical approach for the description of quantum many-body scars in PXP models. We show that the scarred dynamics in the PXP model on a complete bipartite graph can be interpreted as a one-dimensional chiral scattering problem, and solve this problem analytically. The insights from this analysis allow us to predict that dynamical signatures of scars in PXP models can be enhanced by spin squeezing the initial states. We show numerically that this stabilization mechanism applies not only to the complete bipartite graph but also to one- and two-dimensional lattices, which are relevant for Rydberg atom array experiments. Moreover, our findings provide a physical motivation for Hamiltonian deformations reminiscent of those known to produce perfect scars.
K. Slagle, D. Aasen, H. Pichler, R. S. Mong, P. Fendley, X. Chen, M. Endres, J. Alicea Microscopic characterization of Ising conformal field theory in Rydberg chains,
Phys. Rev. B 104 235109 (2021-12-06),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235109 doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235109 (ID: 720682)
G. Semeghini, H. Levine, A. Keesling, S. Ebadi, T. T. Wang, D. Bluvstein, R. Verresen, H. Pichler, M. Kalinowski, R. Samajdar, A. Omran, S. Sachdev, A. Vishwanath, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin Probing Topological Spin Liquids on a Programmable Quantum Simulator,
Science 374 1247 (2021-12-02),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.abi8794 doi:10.1126/science.abi8794 (ID: 720644)
D. S. Wild, D. Sels, H. Pichler, C. Zanoci, M. Lukin Quantum Sampling Algorithms for Near-Term Devices,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 100504 (2021-09-02),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.100504 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.100504 (ID: 720685)
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Efficient sampling from a classical Gibbs distribution is an important computational problem with applications ranging from statistical physics over Monte Carlo and optimization algorithms to machine learning. We introduce a family of quantum algorithms that provide unbiased samples by preparing a state encoding the entire Gibbs distribution. We show that this approach leads to a speedup over a classical Markov chain algorithm for several examples, including the Ising model and sampling from weighted independent sets of two different graphs. Our approach connects computational complexity with phase transitions, providing a physical interpretation of quantum speedup. Moreover, it opens the door to exploring potentially useful sampling algorithms on near-term quantum devices, as the algorithm for sampling from independent sets on certain graphs can be naturally implemented using Rydberg atom arrays.
D. S. Wild, D. Sels, H. Pichler, C. Zanoci, M. Lukin Quantum sampling algorithms, phase transitions, and computational complexity,
Phys. Rev. A 104 32602 (2021-09-02),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.104.032602 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.104.032602 (ID: 720684)
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Drawing independent samples from a probability distribution is an important computational problem with applications in Monte Carlo algorithms, machine learning, and statistical physics. The problem can be solved in principle on a quantum computer by preparing a quantum state that encodes the entire probability distribution followed by a projective measurement. We investigate the complexity of adiabatically preparing such quantum states for the Gibbs distributions of various classical models including the Ising chain, hard-sphere models on different graphs, and a model encoding the unstructured search problem. By constructing a parent Hamiltonian, whose ground state is the desired quantum state, we relate the asymptotic scaling of the state preparation time to the nature of transitions between distinct quantum phases. These insights enable us to identify adiabatic paths that achieve a quantum speedup over classical Markov chain algorithms. In addition, we show that parent Hamiltonians for the problem of sampling from independent sets on certain graphs can be naturally realized with neutral atoms interacting via highly excited Rydberg states.
S. Ebadi, T. T. Wang, H. Levine, A. Keesling, G. Semeghini, A. Omran, D. Bluvstein, R. Samajdar, H. Pichler, W. Ho, S. Choi, S. Sachdev, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin Quantum phases of matter on a 256-atom programmable quantum simulator,
Nature (2021-07-07),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03582-4 doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03582-4 (ID: 720710)
R. Samajdar, W. Ho, H. Pichler, M. Lukin, S. Sachdev Quantum phases of Rydberg atoms on a kagome lattice,
Proc. Natl. Acad. U.S.A. 118 e2015785118 (2021-01-26),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2015785118 doi:10.1073/pnas.2015785118 (ID: 720622)
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Programmable quantum simulators based on Rydberg atom arrays have recently emerged as versatile platforms for exploring exotic many-body phases and quantum dynamics of strongly correlated systems. In this work, we theoretically investigate the quantum phases that can be realized by arranging such Rydberg atoms on a kagome lattice. Along with an extensive analysis of the states which break lattice symmetries due to classical correlations, we identify an intriguing regime that constitutes a promising candidate for hosting a phase with long-range quantum entanglement and topological order. Our results provide a route to experimentally realizing and probing highly entangled quantum matter.
H. Levine, A. Keesling, G. Semeghini, A. Omran, T. T. Wang, S. Ebadi, H. Bernien, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, H. Pichler, M. Lukin Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 170503 (2019-10-22),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.170503 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.170503 (ID: 721443)
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We report the implementation of universal two- and three-qubit entangling gates on neutral-atom qubits encoded in long-lived hyperfine ground states. The gates are mediated by excitation to strongly interacting Rydberg states and are implemented in parallel on several clusters of atoms in a one-dimensional array of optical tweezers. Specifically, we realize the controlled-phase gate, enacted by a novel, fast protocol involving only global coupling of two qubits to Rydberg states. We benchmark this operation by preparing Bell states with fidelity ℱ ≥95.0(2)%, and extract gate fidelity ≥97.4(3)%, averaged across five atom pairs. In addition, we report a proof-of-principle implementation of the three-qubit Toffoli gate, in which two control atoms simultaneously constrain the behavior of one target atom. These experiments demonstrate key ingredients for high-fidelity quantum information processing in a scalable neutral-atom platform.
A. Omran, H. Levine, A. Keesling, G. Semeghini, T. T. Wang, S. Ebadi, H. Bernien, A. S. Zibrov, H. Pichler, S. Choi, M. Rossignolo, P. Rembold, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin Generation and manipulation of Schrödinger cat states in Rydberg atom arrays,
Science 365 570-574 (2019-08-09),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aax9743 doi:10.1126/science.aax9743 (ID: 721444)
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Quantum entanglement involving coherent superpositions of macroscopically distinct states is among the most striking features of quantum theory, but its realization is challenging because such states are extremely fragile. Using a programmable quantum simulator based on neutral atom arrays with interactions mediated by Rydberg states, we demonstrate the creation of “Schrödinger cat” states of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) type with up to 20 qubits. Our approach is based on engineering the energy spectrum and using optimal control of the many-body system. We further demonstrate entanglement manipulation by using GHZ states to distribute entanglement to distant sites in the array, establishing important ingredients for quantum information processing and quantum metrology.
A. Keesling, A. Omran, H. Levine, H. Bernien, H. Pichler, S. Choi, R. Samajdar, S. Schwartz, P. Silvi, S. Sachdev, P. Zoller, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin Quantum Kibble–Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator,
Nature 568 211 (2019-04-01),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1070-1 doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1070-1 (ID: 720062)
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Quantum phase transitions (QPTs) involve transformations between different states of matter that are driven by quantum fluctuations. These fluctuations play a dominant role in the quantum critical region surrounding the transition point, where the dynamics are governed by the universal properties associated with the QPT. The resulting quantum criticality has been explored by probing linear response for systems near thermal equilibrium. While time dependent phenomena associated with classical phase transitions have been studied in various scientific fields, understanding critical real-time dynamics in isolated, non-equilibrium quantum systems is of fundamental importance both for exploring novel approaches to quantum information processing and realizing exotic new phases of matter. Here, we use a Rydberg atom quantum simulator with programmable interactions to study the quantum critical dynamics associated with several distinct QPTs. By studying the growth of spatial correlations while crossing the QPT at variable speeds, we experimentally verify the quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism (QKZM) for an Ising-type QPT, explore scaling universality, and observe corrections beyond simple QKZM predictions. This approach is subsequently used to investigate novel QPTs associated with chiral clock model providing new insights into exotic systems, and opening the door for precision studies of critical phenomena and applications to quantum optimization.
A. Keesling, A. Omran, H. Levine, H. Bernien, H. Pichler, S. Choi, R. Samajdar, S. Schwartz, P. Silvi, S. Sachdev, P. Zoller, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin Quantum Kibble–Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator,
Nature 568 207–211 (2019-04-01),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1070-1 doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1070-1 (ID: 721446)
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Quantum phase transitions (QPTs) involve transformations between different states of matter that are driven by quantum fluctuations. These fluctuations play a dominant part in the quantum critical region surrounding the transition point, where the dynamics is governed by the universal properties associated with the QPT. Although time-dependent phenomena associated with classical, thermally driven phase transitions have been extensively studied in systems ranging from the early Universe to Bose-Einstein condensates, understanding critical real-time dynamics in isolated, non-equilibrium quantum systems remains a challenge. Here we use a Rydberg atom quantum simulator with programmable interactions to study the quantum critical dynamics associated with several distinct QPTs. By studying the growth of spatial correlations when crossing the QPT, we experimentally verify the quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism (QKZM) for an Ising-type QPT, explore scaling universality and observe corrections beyond QKZM predictions. This approach is subsequently used to measure the critical exponents associated with chiral clock models, providing new insights into exotic systems that were not previously understood and opening the door to precision studies of critical phenomena, simulations of lattice gauge theories and applications to quantum optimization
J. Perczel, D. Chang, H. Pichler, S. F. Yelin, P. Zoller, M. Lukin Photonic band structure of two-dimensional atomic lattices,
Phys. Rev. A 96 63801 (2017-12-04),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.96.063801 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.96.063801 (ID: 719916)
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Two-dimensional atomic arrays exhibit a number of intriguing quantum optical phenomena, including subradiance, nearly perfect reflection of radiation, and long-lived topological edge states. Studies of emission and scattering of photons in such lattices require complete treatment of the radiation pattern from individual atoms, including long-range interactions. We describe a systematic approach to perform the calculations of collective energy shifts and decay rates in the presence of such long-range interactions for arbitrary two-dimensional atomic lattices. As applications of our method, we investigate the topological properties of atomic lattices both in free space and near plasmonic surfaces.
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H. Bernien, S. Schwartz, A. Keesling, H. Levine, A. Omran, H. Pichler, S. Choi, A. S. Zibrov, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator,
Nature 551 579-584 (2017-11-30),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature24622 doi:10.1038/nature24622 (ID: 721448)
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Controllable, coherent many-body systems can provide insights into the fundamental properties of quantum matter, enable the realization of new quantum phases and could ultimately lead to computational systems that outperform existing computers based on classical approaches. Here we demonstrate a method for creating controlled many-body quantum matter that combines deterministically prepared, reconfigurable arrays of individually trapped cold atoms with strong, coherent interactions enabled by excitation to Rydberg states. We realize a programmable Ising-type quantum spin model with tunable interactions and system sizes of up to 51 qubits. Within this model, we observe phase transitions into spatially ordered states that break various discrete symmetries, verify the high-fidelity preparation of these states and investigate the dynamics across the phase transition in large arrays of atoms. In particular, we observe robust many-body dynamics corresponding to persistent oscillations of the order after a rapid quantum quench that results from a sudden transition across the phase boundary. Our method provides a way of exploring many-body phenomena on a programmable quantum simulator and could enable realizations of new quantum algorithms.
H. Pichler, S. Choi, P. Zoller, M. Lukin Universal photonic quantum computation via time-delayed feedback,
PNAS 114 (2017-10-17),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1711003114 doi:10.1073/pnas.1711003114 (ID: 720008)
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We propose and analyze a deterministic protocol to generate two-dimensional photonic cluster states using a single quantum emitter via time-delayed quantum feedback. As a physical implementation, we consider a single atom or atom-like system coupled to a 1D waveguide with a distant mirror, where guided photons represent the qubits, while the mirror allows the implementation of feedback. We identify the class of many-body quantum states that can be produced using this approach and characterize them in terms of 2D tensor network states.
H. Pichler, S. Choi, P. Zoller, M. Lukin Photonic tensor networks produced by a single quantum emitter,
PNAS 114 11362 (2017-10-10),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1711003114 doi:10.1073/pnas.1711003114 (ID: 719751)
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We propose and analyze a protocol to generate two dimensional tensor network states using a single quantum system that sequentially interacts with a 1D string of qubits. This is accomplished by using parts of the string itself as a quantum queue memory. As a physical implementation, we consider a single atom or atom like system coupled to a 1D waveguide with a distant mirror, where guided photons represent the qubits while the mirror allows the implementation of the queue memory. We identify the class of many-body quantum states that can be produced using this approach. These include universal resources for measurement based quantum computation and states associated with topologically ordered phases. We discuss an explicit protocol to deterministically create a 2D cluster state in a quantum nanophotonic experiment, that allows for a realization of a quantum computer using a single atom coupled to light.
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A. Glätzle, K. Ender, D. S. Wild, S. Choi, H. Pichler, M. Lukin, P. Zoller Quantum Spin Lenses in Atomic Arrays,
Phys. Rev. X 7 31049 (2017-09-20),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.7.031049 doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.7.031049 (ID: 719790)
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We propose and discuss `quantum spin lenses', where quantum states of delocalized spin excitations in an atomic medium are `focused' in space in a coherent quantum process down to (essentially) single atoms. These can be employed to create controlled interactions in a quantum light-matter interface, where photonic qubits stored in an atomic ensemble are mapped to a quantum register represented by single atoms. We propose Hamiltonians for quantum spin lenses as inhomogeneous spin models on lattices, which can be realized with Rydberg atoms in 1D, 2D and 3D, and with strings of trapped ions. We discuss both linear and non-linear quantum spin lenses: in a non-linear lens, repulsive spin-spin interactions lead to focusing dynamics conditional to the number of spin excitations. This allows the mapping of quantum superpositions of delocalized spin excitations to superpositions of spatial spin patterns, which can be addressed by light fields and manipulated. Finally, we propose multifocal quantum spin lenses as a way to generate and distribute entanglement between distant atoms in an atomic lattice array.
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P. Guimond, M. Pletyukhov, H. Pichler, P. Zoller Delayed Coherent Quantum Feedback from a Scattering Theory and a Matrix Product State Perspective,
Quantum Sci. Technol. 2 44012 (2017-09-08),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2058-9565/aa7f03 doi:10.1088/2058-9565/aa7f03 (ID: 719814)
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We study the scattering of photons propagating in a semi-infinite waveguide terminated by a mirror and interacting with a quantum emitter. This paradigm constitutes an example of coherent quantum feedback, where light emitted towards the mirror gets redirected back to the emitter. We derive an analytical solution for the scattering of two-photon states, which is based on an exact resummation of the perturbative expansion of the scattering matrix, in a regime where the time delay of the coherent feedback is comparable to the timescale of the quantum emitter's dynamics. We compare the results with numerical simulations based on matrix product state techniques simulating the full dynamics of the system, and extend the study to the scattering of coherent states beyond the low-power limit.
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J. Perczel, D. Chang, H. Pichler, S. F. Yelin, P. Zoller, M. Lukin Topological Quantum Optics in Two-Dimensional Atomic Arrays,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 23603 (2017-07-14),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.023603 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.023603 (ID: 719767)
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We demonstrate that two-dimensional atomic arrays with subwavelength spacing can be used to create topologically protected quantum optical systems where the photon propagation is robust against large imperfections while losses associated with free space emission are strongly suppressed. Breaking time-reversal symmetry with a magnetic field results in gapped photonic bands with non-trivial Chern numbers. Such a system displays topologically protected bound states and unidirectional emission by individual atoms into long-lived edge states. Possible experimental realizations and applications are discussed.
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B. Vermersch, P. Guimond, H. Pichler, P. Zoller Quantum State Transfer via Noisy Photonic and Phononic Waveguides,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 133601 (2017-03-27),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.133601 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.133601 (ID: 719696)
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We describe a quantum state transfer protocol, where a quantum state of photons stored in a first cavity can be faithfully transferred to a second distant cavity via an infinite 1D waveguide, while being immune to arbitrary noise (e.g. thermal noise) injected into the waveguide. We extend the model and protocol to a cavity QED setup, where atomic ensembles, or single atoms representing quantum memory, are coupled to a cavity mode. We present a detailed study of sensitivity to imperfections, and develop a quantum error correction protocol to account for random losses (or additions) of photons in the waveguide. Our numerical analysis is enabled by Matrix Product State techniques to simulate the complete quantum circuit, which we generalize to include thermal input fields. Our discussion applies both to photonic and phononic quantum networks.
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P. Lodahl, S. Mahmoodian, S. Stobbe, P. Schneeweiss, J. Volz, A. Rauschenbeutel, H. Pichler, P. Zoller Chiral Quantum Optics,
Nature 541 473 (2017-01-26),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature21037 doi:10.1038/nature21037 (ID: 719634)
M. Łącki, M. Baranov, H. Pichler, P. Zoller Nano-Scale `Dark State' Optical Potentials for Cold Atoms,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 233001 (2016-11-30),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.233001 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.233001 (ID: 719619)
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We discuss generation of subwavelength optical barriers on the scale of tens of nanometers, as conservative optical potentials for cold atoms. These arise from non-adiabatic corrections to Born-Oppenheimer potentials from dressed `dark states' in atomic Λ -configurations. We illustrate the concepts with a double layer potential for atoms obtained from inserting an optical subwavelength barrier into a well generated by an off-resonant optical lattice, and discuss bound states of pairs of atoms interacting via magnetic dipolar interactions. The subwavelength optical barriers represent an optical `Kronig-Penney' potential. We present a detailed study of the bandstructure in optical `Kronig-Penney' potentials, including decoherence from spontaneous emission and atom loss to open `bright' channels.
P. Guimond, H. Pichler, A. Rauschenbeutel, P. Zoller Chiral quantum optics with V-level atoms and coherent quantum feedback,
Phys. Rev. A 94 33829 (2016-09-16),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.94.033829 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.94.033829 (ID: 719590)
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We study the dissipative dynamics of an atom in a V-level configuration driven by lasers and coupled to a semi-infinite waveguide. The coupling to the waveguide is chiral, in that each transition interacts only with the modes propagating in a given direction, and this direction is opposite for the two transitions. The waveguide is terminated by a mirror which coherently feeds the photon stream emitted by one transition back to the atom. First, we are interested in the dynamics of the atom in the Markovian limit where the time-delay in the feedback is negligible. Specifically, we study the conditions under which the atom evolves towards a pure "dark" stationary state, where the photons emitted by both transitions interfere destructively thanks to the coherent feedback, and the overall emission vanishes. This is a single-atom analogue of the quantum dimer, where a pair of laser-driven two-level atoms is coupled to a unidirectional waveguide and dissipates towards a pure entangled dark state. Our setup should be feasible with current state-of-the-art experiments. Second, we extend our study to non-Markovian regimes and investigate the effect of the feedback retardation on the steady-state.
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T. Ramos, B. Vermersch, P. Hauke, H. Pichler, P. Zoller Non-Markovian Dynamics in Chiral Quantum Networks with Spins and Photons,
Phys. Rev. A 93 62104 (2016-06-02),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.93.062104 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.062104 (ID: 719497)
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We study the dynamics of chiral quantum networks consisting of nodes coupled by unidirectional or asymmetric bidirectional quantum channels. In contrast to the familiar photonic networks consisting of driven two-level atoms exchanging photons via 1D photonic nanostructures, we propose and study a setup where interactions between the atoms are mediated by spin excitations (magnons) in 1D XX-spin chains representing a spin waveguide. While Markovian quantum network theory eliminates quantum channels as structureless reservoirs in a Born-Markov approximation to obtain a master equation for the nodes, we are interested in non-Markovian dynamics. This arises from the nonlinear character of the dispersion with band-edge effects, and from finite spin propagation velocities leading to time delays in interactions. To account for the non-Markovian dynamics we treat the quantum degrees of freedom of the nodes and connecting channel as a composite spin system with the surrounding of the quantum network as a Markovian bath, allowing for an efficient solution with time-dependent density matrix renormalization group techniques. We illustrate our approach showing non-Markovian effects in the driven-dissipative formation of quantum dimers, and we present examples for quantum information protocols involving quantum state transfer with engineered elements as basic building blocks of quantum spintronic circuits.
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H. Pichler, G. Zhu, A. Seif, P. Zoller, M. Hafezi A Measurement Protocol for the Entanglement Spectrum of Cold Atoms,
Phys. Rev. X 6 41033 (2016-05-17),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.6.041033 doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.6.041033 (ID: 719569)
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Entanglement plays a major role in characterizing many-body quantum systems. In particular, the entanglement spectrum holds a great promise to characterize essential physics of quantum many-body systems. While there has been a surge of theoretical works on the subject, no experimental measurement has been performed to this date, due to the lack of an implementable measurement scheme. Here, we propose a measurement protocol to access the entanglement spectrum of many-body states in experiments with cold atoms in optical lattices. Our scheme effectively performs a Ramsey spectroscopy of the entanglement Hamiltonian, and is based on the ability to produce several copies of the state under investigation together with the possibility to perform a global swap gate between two copies conditioned on the state of an auxiliary qubit. We show how the required conditional swap gate can be implemented with cold atoms, either by using Rydberg interactions or coupling the atoms to a cavity mode. We illustrate these ideas on a simple (extended) Bose-Hubbard model where such a measurement protocol reveals topological features of the Haldane phase.
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H. Pichler, P. Zoller Photonic Quantum Circuits with Time Delays,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 93601 (2016-03-03),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.093601 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.093601 (ID: 719362)
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We study the dynamics of photonic quantum circuits consisting of nodes coupled by quantum channels. We are interested in the regime where the time delay in communication between the nodes is significant. This includes the problem of quantum feedback, where a quantum signal is fed back on a system with a time delay. We develop a matrix product state approach to solve the quantum stochastic Schrödinger equation with time delays, which accounts in an efficient way for the entanglement of nodes with the stream of emitted photons in the waveguide, and thus the non-Markovian character of the dynamics. We illustrate this approach with two paradigmatic quantum optical examples: two coherently driven distant atoms coupled to a photonic waveguide with a time delay, and a driven atom coupled to its own output field with a time delay as an instance of a quantum feedback problem.
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M. Łącki, H. Pichler, A. Sterdyniak, A. Lyras, V. Lembessis, O. Al-Dossary, J. Budich, P. Zoller Quantum Hall Physics with Cold Atoms in Cylindrical Optical Lattices,
Phys. Rev. A 93 13604 (2016-01-07),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.93.013604 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.013604 (ID: 719282)
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We propose and study various realizations of a Hofstadter-Hubbard model on a cylinder geometry with fermionic cold atoms in optical lattices. The cylindrical optical lattice is created by counter-propagating Laguerre-Gauss beams, i.e. light beams carrying orbital angular momentum. By strong focusing of the light beams we create a real space optical lattice in the form of rings, which are offset in energy. A second set of Laguerre-Gauss beams then induces a Raman-hopping between these rings, imprinting phases corresponding to a synthetic magnetic field (artificial gauge field). In addition, by rotating the lattice potential, we achieve a slowly varying flux through the hole of the cylinder, which allows us to probe the Hall response of the system as a realization of Laughlin's thought experiment. We study how in the presence of interactions fractional quantum Hall physics could be observed in this setup.
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