BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Many-Body Quantum Chaos and Spectral Form Factor DESCRIPTION:The study of spectral statistics is of importance in physics due to its simplicity, universality, and utility as a diagnosis of quantum chaos and localization. Recently, as a probe of spectral statistics, the spectral form factor (SFF) has been instrumental in pinpointing novel signatures of many-body quantum chaos [1], in demonstrating the random matrix theory behaviour of black holes [2], and in shedding light on the existence of the many-body localization phase in the thermodynamic limit [3]. In this talk, I will give an overview on the generic behavior of the SFF in closed [4] and open [5] strongly-interacting many-body quantum chaotic systems, and its experimental measurements in quantum simulators [6,7].[1] AC, De Luca, and Chalker, PRL 121, 060601 (2018).[2] Cotler et al., JHEP 1705:118 (2017).[3] Šuntajs, Bonča, Prosen, and Vidmar, PRE 102, 062144 (2020).[4] Shivam, De Luca, Huse, and AC, PRL 130, 140403 (2023).[5] Li, Prosen, AC, PRL 127, 170602 (2021).[6] Joshi, Elben, Vikram, Vermersch, Galitski, Zoller, PRX 12 (1), 011018 (2022).[7] Dong et al. w/ AC, Accepted in PRL (2024). LOCATION: Erwin Schrödinger Saal, Innsbruck DTSTART:20250115T113900 DTEND:20250115T113900 TZID: Europe/Vienna END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR