Publications Rainer BLATT
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+Ions (Forschungszentrum Jülich , 2025-01-28) , (2025). (ID: 721422)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Physics Colloquia RWTH Aachen University (RWTH Aachen University , 2025-01-27) , (2025). (ID: 721421)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantencomputer Young Colloquium Universität Regensburg (University of Regensburg , 2025-01-09) , (2025). (ID: 721358)
Invited Talks
- Expectations fro Quantum Computing ESA Workshop Advancement of Scientific Thought (University of Salzburg , 2025-03-06) , (2025). (ID: 721469)
- 100 Jahre Quantenphysik -und das ist erst der Anfang" MQV im Jubiläumsjahr 2025 (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2025-02-19) , (2025). (ID: 721468)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Physics Colloquim (East China Normal University (ECNU) Shanghai, 2024-10-22) , (2024). (ID: 721330)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements IQOQI summer school on Quantum Information Processing (Innsbruck, IQOQI, 2024-09-09) , (2024). (ID: 721325)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ions Physics Colloquium (University of California Berkeley, CA, USA, 2024-08-21) , (2024). (ID: 721323)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions (Universit of Innsbruck, 2024-07-08) , (2024). (ID: 721321)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik wissenschaftlicher Vortrag im Magnus Haus Berlin (Magnus Haus Berlin, 2024-05-25) , (2024). (ID: 721264)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Physikalisches Kolloquium (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie PHI, 2024-04-26) , (2024). (ID: 721256)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Physikalisches Kolloquium (KIT Karlsruhe, 2024-04-26) , (2024). (ID: 721292)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Symposium Quantentechnologien (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, 2024-04-12) , (2024). (ID: 721290)
Invited Talks
- Quantum computations and quantum simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ions Dodd Walls Symposium 2024 (Christchurch, 2024-11-20) , (2024). (ID: 721334)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ions 6th International Symposium on Quantum Physics and Quantum Information Science QPQIS-2024 (Beijing, China, 2024-10-22) , (2024). (ID: 721331)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with strings of trapped ca+ ions Workshop on Quantum Simulations (Shanghai, 2024-10-20) , (2024). (ID: 721329)
- 20 years IQOQI: Looking back... International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (Innsbruck, Austria, IQOQI, 2024-09-16) , (2024). (ID: 721326)
- Quantum Computing: The Next Superpower? EFA-European Forum Alpbach_2024 (Alpbach , 2024-08-29) , (2024). (ID: 721296)
- The Quantum Reform of the Modern Metric System Agora Talk, Nobelpreisträger-Treffen Physik in Lindau 2024 (Lindau, 2024-06-30) , (2024). (ID: 721320)
- Quantum Information Processing with Strings of Trapped Ions WinterSchool 2024_ONLINE (Infineon Technologies Austria AG Villach, 2024-02-09) , (2024). (ID: 721242)
- Quantum Information Processing with Strings of Trapped ions Infineon Winter School in Quantum Computation (Villach, online , 2024-02-09) , (2024). (ID: 721315)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ions Symposium on Quantum Physics and Quantum Information Copenhagen (DGI Byen Copenhagen , 2024-01-31) , (2024). (ID: 721253)
- Nobelpreise Physik 2023-Attosekundenphysik Matinee der Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagungen (Lindau , 2024-01-21) , (2024). (ID: 721313)
- Nobelpreise Physik 2023-Attosekundenphysik Matinee der Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagungen (TUM München , 2024-01-20) , (2024). (ID: 721314)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+Ions Quantum Computing and Simulation in the NISQ Era (Physikzentrum Bad Honnef , 2024-01-15) , (2024). (ID: 721232)
Public Lecture
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Vortragsreihe der Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe IKB (Innsbruck, Austria, 2024-11-06) , (2024). (ID: 721332)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ions Seminar Talk at Center of Quantum Technology (CQT) Singapore (NUS Singapore, 2024-11-09) , (2024). (ID: 721333)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Seminar Talk at Markus Aspelmeyer Group (University of Vienna and IQOQI Vienna, 2024-10-14) , (2024). (ID: 721327)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ions Seminar Talk (Quantinuum Corporation, Broomfield , CO,USA, 2024-08-15) , (2024). (ID: 721322)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ Ions Seminar (Tsinghua University Beijing, 2024-02-26) , (2024). (ID: 721257)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Technologien für das Informationszeitalter ORF CEO Business Dinner (ORF Zentrum Wien , 2024-10-14) , (2024). (ID: 721328)
- The Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group Group Retreat of th QOS group 2024 (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 2024-09-02) , (2024). (ID: 721324)
- McKinsey Quantum Roundtable Quanten Roundtable (Kopenhagen , 2024-06-13) , (2024). (ID: 721295)
- Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Public Talk, Magnus-Haus der DPG Berlin (Magnus-Haus der DPG, Berlin, 2024-05-28) , (2024). (ID: 721319)
- Physik und Quanteninformationsverarbeitung in Innsbruck Besuch von T. Brinkmann, J Schlösser, B.Braun-Stiftung, Melsungen (Innsbruck, IQOQI , 2024-04-15) , (2024). (ID: 721318)
- Physik in Innsbruck Besuch der Landesrätin für Wissenschaft, Tirol, Dr. Cornelia Hagele (University of Innsbruck , 2024-04-05) , (2024). (ID: 721317)
- Quantum Information with Trapped Ions in Innsbruck Visit of the UK Delegation on Quantum Information (IQOQI Innsbruck, 0224-03-04) , (2024). (ID: 721316)
- Lindauer Matinee 2024 Vorstellung Nobelpreise 2023 (Inselhalle Lindau, 2024-01-21) , (2024). (ID: 721255)
- Vorstellung Physikpreis 2023 Vorstellung Physik Nobelpreise 2023 (TU München , 2024-01-20) , (2024). (ID: 721254)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Physikalisches Kolloquium (TU Kaiserslautern, 2023-05-08) , (2023). (ID: 721132)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements CAAPS Colloquium (University of Augsburg, 2023-02-23) , (2023). (ID: 721098)
- The Quantum way of doing computations, simulations and measurments Colloquium (University of Erlangen, 2023-01-20) , (2023). (ID: 721095)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Physics Department Colloquium (University of Regensburg, 2023-01-09) , (2023). (ID: 721109)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation Humboldt Award Winners Conference (Siegburg/Bonn, 2023-10-18) , (2023). (ID: 721138)
- Keynote Speech "Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions 2023 Future Science Prize Week (Hong Kong Science Park, 2023-10-13) , (2023). (ID: 721137)
- Quantum Computation with Strings of Trapped Ions ANP Symposium Retirement Event Professor Klaus Boller (University of Twente, 2023-10-05) , (2023). (ID: 721129)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik CODE-Jahrestagung München (Universität der Bundeswehr, 2023-07-11) , (2023). (ID: 721162)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+Ions Humboldt Kolleg on Synthetic Quantummatter (Hotel Courtyard by Marriot, Vilnius City Center) , (2023). (ID: 721130)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions EQEC-CLEO Conference, Herbert-Walther Prize talk (Congress Munich, 2023-06-27) , (2023). (ID: 721106)
- Ion-Trap - Based Quantum Computing, Keynote Lecture Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference (Hyatt Regency Denver, 2023-06-19) , (2023). (ID: 721103)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions Herbert-Walther Prize talk, Prize-Winner Symposium, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) (Hannover, 2023-03-05) , (2023). (ID: 721070)
- MQV-Overview and work of consortia Fraunhofer Australia Network (Meeting of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Univ. Technology Sydney (UTS),Munich, 2023-02-07) , (2023). (ID: 721096)
- Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Metrology with Trapped Ca+Ions ICTP-SAIFR Principia Workshop on Quantum Technologies (Sao Paulo Brazil, online , 2023-01-30) , (2023). (ID: 721157)
- Nobelpreise Physik 2022-Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Matinee der Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagungen Lindauer Matinee 2023 (Lindau Inselhalle, 2023-01-22) , (2023). (ID: 721011)
- The Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group Group Retreat QOS (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 2023-09-04) , (2023). (ID: 721163)
- The Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group Work at IQOQI SAB meeting of the IQOQI, Innsbruck (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantuminformation - IQOQI, 2023-06-01) , (2023). (ID: 721161)
- AQT und MQV - Quanteninformation in Innsbruck und München Talk at Rotary Club Innsbruck (Rotary Club Innsbruck, 2023-05-15) , (2023). (ID: 721160)
- MQV-Overview and work of consortia Site visit K4 of MQV (MPQ Garching, 2023-05-03) , (2023). (ID: 721159)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Presentation MQV (Siemens Konzern , 2023-02-16) , (2023). (ID: 721055)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Rotary Club Eisenstadt (online Talk Rotary Club Eisenstadt, 2023-02-14) , (2023). (ID: 721158)
- Scientific Report of the Munich Quantum Valley 2022 Scientific Report of the Munich Quantum Valley 2022, Meeting of the MQV Scientific Advisory Board (Garching , 2023-01-26) , (2023). (ID: 721156)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements Colloquium Ècole Normale Superieure, Paris (Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, ENS Paris, Ècole Normale Superieure, 2022-10-26) , (2022). (ID: 720936)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Gutenberg Prize Award Prize Talk (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz , 2022-04-12) , (2022). (ID: 721041)
Invited Talks
- Quantum simulations with trapped-ion spin chains Gordon Godfrey workshop on Spins, Topology and Strong Electron Correlations (University of New South Wales, Sydney , 2022-11-23) , (2022). (ID: 720939)
- Developing the Innsbruck Trapped-Ion Quantum computer with Ferdinand Workshop Versatile Applications of Trapped Ions (University of Mainz, 2022-11-17) , (2022). (ID: 720938)
- Quantum Simulation and Quantum Sensing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Workshop on Quantum Simulation and Quantum Sensing (Seattle, Washington, USA, 2022-11-07) , (2022). (ID: 720937)
- Mit Quanten muss man rechnen-Einblicke in die Computerwelt von morgen 29.Jahrestagung der ÖGNR, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie (Congress Innsbruck, 2022-11-04) , (2022). (ID: 720905)
- Mit Quanten muss man rechnen-Einblicke in die Computerwelt von morgen 29.Jahrestagung der ÖGNR ( Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie) (Congress Innsbruck, 2022-11-04) , (2022). (ID: 721091)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements TAQO-PAM Konsortialtreffen (Digital Campus München , 2022-10-24) , (2022). (ID: 720906)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements DocShop workshop of the Technical Electronics Group Universität Erlangen (Alphotel Innsbruck, 2022-10-14) , (2022). (ID: 720935)
- Quantum tecnologies-on the road to industrialization "Futuras in res" conference by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Berlin, Hotel Hilton, 2022-09-28) , (2022). (ID: 721042)
- Quantum Computations and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions SFB BeyondC conference on "Frontiers of QI Science" (University of Vienna, 2022-09-05) , (2022). (ID: 720875)
- MQV-Introduction to the work of Munich Quantum Valley Visit of Director Georgette Macdonald (NRC Canada) (online talk, Munich , 2022-08-31) , (2022). (ID: 720873)
- Quantum Computations and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+Ions Workshop on "Measurement Based Quantum Computation" (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl , 2022-08-29) , (2022). (ID: 720874)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions Nobel Symposium on Emerging quantum technologies (High Court Malmö, 2022-08-25) , (2022). (ID: 720861)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions Gordon Conference on Quantum Information (Stonehill College, MA, 2022-07-24) , (2022). (ID: 720856)
- Thinking the future of quantum computing Digital leaders meeting in Innsbruck (ICT, University Innsbruck , 2022-07-08) , (2022). (ID: 720870)
- IQOQI and M.r. Knabl- a short review Verabschiedung von M. Knabl in den Ruhestand (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2022-07-07) , (2022). (ID: 720869)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulations with trapped Ca+ ions New trends in complex quantum systems dynamics (Carlos Santamaria Zentroa San Sebastian, 2022-06-21) , (2022). (ID: 720855)
- ÖAW- Tag der Akademie IQOQI-Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation in Innsbruck (Haus der Musik, Innsbruck, 2022-06-16) , (2022). (ID: 720934)
- Quantum Computer - A New Technology for the Information Age Verleihung des Gutenberg Research Award 2022 (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, 2022-05-23) , (2022). (ID: 720843)
- The Trapped-Ion Platform for Quantum Information Processing, (rapporteur) Solvay Conference on Quantum Information (Brussels, 2022-05-18) , (2022). (ID: 720867)
- Quantum Computations and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+Ions Workshop on Trapped Atomic Ions (Tamions) (online presentation, ICTS, Bangalore, 2022-05-10) , (2022). (ID: 720866)
- The QuantumWay of doing Computations, Simulations and Metrology QuEST National Symposium on QuantumEnabling Technologies (online presentation, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 2022-04-12) , (2022). (ID: 720832)
- Quantum Computation with Trapped Ca+ Ions Inauguration meeting of the Duke Quantum Center (Duke University, Durham, NC , 2022-04-07) , (2022). (ID: 720841)
- Wer wir sind und was wir tun MathNat Klassensitzung der ÖAW (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ÖAW, 2022-03-18) , (2022). (ID: 720864)
- Quantum Simulations with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions APS March Meeting 2022 (Chicago, Il, online presentation , 2022-03-15) , (2022). (ID: 720820)
- Quantum computing hardware:Race to 1 million qubits Quantum Australia Conference + Careers Faier (Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont NSW, Australia, online , 2022-02-23) , (2022). (ID: 720817)
- Munich QuantumValley-Gründungsversammlung MQV Gründungsversammlung (Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften ,München , 2022-01-27) , (2022). (ID: 720863)
- Nobelpreise Physik 2021-Komplexe Systeme Matinee der Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagungen , online presentation (Lindau, Bayern, Deutschland , 2022-01-23) , (2022). (ID: 720853)
Public Lectures
- Mit Quanten muss man rechnen Förderkreis der Universität Innsbruck, public (online) talk (Innsbruck, 2022-09-12) , (2022). (ID: 720930)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations World Quantum Day and Hamburg Quantum Initiative (Hamburg, (hybrid meeting), 2022-04-13) , (2022). (ID: 720854)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions spin chains Gordon Godfrey Workshop (School of Physics Sydney, 2022-11-23) , (2022). (ID: 721093)
- Visions of simulation and sensing: programmable entanglement of multi- ion sensors for optimal metrology , (2022). (ID: 721092)
- The Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group 2022 Retreat of the QOS group in Obergurgl (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl , 2022-08-23) , (2022). (ID: 720872)
- Quanteninformation in Innsbruck Visit of representatives of Bosch Germany (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2022-05-13) , (2022). (ID: 720865)
- The Munich QuantumValley Opening talk, Review meeting of the Munich Quantum Valley e.V. (Eichstätt, Germany , 2022-10-04) , (2022). (ID: 721043)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computation - Simulations and Measurements Physikalisches Kolloquium- Atomphysik und Quantencomputer (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, 2021-11-23) , (2021). (ID: 720702)
Invited Talks
- Munich Quantum Valley-Gründungsversammlung MQV Gründungsversammlung (Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften München, 2022-01-27) , (2021). (ID: 720932)
- Quantum Computing- Wie ein Quantenvorteil entsteht DIGICON (ISH Flughafen München, online, 2021-11-17) , (2021). (ID: 720701)
- From Quantum Information to Quantum Computer Trends of Quantum Computing , Challenges of a Revolutionary Technology for Europe, Zoom Conference Salzburg (European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg, 2021-06-18) , (2021). (ID: 720663)
- From Quantum Information to Quantum Computers Trends in Quantum computing - Challenges of a Revolutionary Technology for Europe (EASA Salzburg, 2021-06-18) , (2021). (ID: 720674)
- IARPA LogiQ Program Technical Exchange Meeting 2021 IARPA LogiQ Program Technical Exchange Meeting (virtual meeting , 2021-03-03) , (2021). (ID: 720634)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions Meeting of "Matter and Light for Quantum Computing" cluster of excellence ML4Q (Bonn , 2021-02-26) , (2021). (ID: 720631)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions 737. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Advances in Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing (Bad Honeff online presentation, 2021-01-11) , (2021). (ID: 720576)
Public Lectures
- Falling Walls Science Summit, Round Table discussion "Future of Quantum Computing" Falling Walls Science Summit, Science Reunites Us (Berlin Radial System V, 2021-11-07) , (2021). (ID: 720696)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik VHS Wien -Webinare (Volkshochschule Wien, 2021-01-20) , (2021). (ID: 720618)
Seminar Talks
- Munich Quantum Valley - Ziele, Aufgaben und Struktur Closed seminar talk, Staatskanzlei und Staatsministerien München (Online presentation, 2021-05-14) , (2021). (ID: 720673)
- Quantencomputer - Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Rotary Club Graz (Online Presentation , 2021-03-23) , (2021). (ID: 720672)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Schwinger Model Quantum Computation And High-Energy Physics Seminar (IT& IST, University of Lisbon, 2021-03-03) , (2021). (ID: 720633)
- Munich Quantum Valley - Organisation und Struktur MQV consortium , closed seminar talk (MQV München, 2021-02-18) , (2021). (ID: 720670)
- Munich Quantum Valley - Ziele MQV consortium, closed seminar talk, online presentation (MQV München, 2021-02-12) , (2021). (ID: 720669)
- Munich Quantum Valley-Organisation und Koordination Closed seminar talk, MCQST München (Organisation und Koordination, 2021-02-12) , (2021). (ID: 720668)
- Panel Talk online "Aiming for the Future: Quantum Computing in 2020 IEEE Quantum Week 2021 (online, 2021-10-18) , (2021). (ID: 720695)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations LOEWE-Scalable Molecular Quantum Bits (SMolBits) (University of Kassel, 2020-11-12) , (2020). (ID: 720545)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+Ions Colloquium (Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2020-02-17) , (2020). (ID: 720555)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Hablemos de Fisica "Let´s talk about Physics" (Facultad CC. Fisicas UCM, 2020-01-30) , (2020). (ID: 720475)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium (University of Hannover, 2020-01-23) , (2020). (ID: 720476)
Invited Talks
- IARPA Logical Qubits (LogiQ) Program Principal Investigators´Meeting 4th Principal Investigator´s meeting (virtual meeting, 2020-09-17) , (2020). (ID: 720534)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions International Conference on Quantum Computing , ICQC (Seoul, online, 2020-08-26) , (2020). (ID: 720599)
- Quantum Optics, Spectroscopy, and Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Inauguration as an International member of the National Adademy of Sciences (US) 157th Annual Meeting, online , Innsbruck/Washington (Washington, 2020-04-23) , (2020). (ID: 720556)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Summer school on Quantum Information Processing (Federal University of Paranà, Curitiba, Brazil, 2020-02-10) , (2020). (ID: 720551)
- Quantum Information Processing Inauguration zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde (Universidad Complutense Madrid, 2020-01-31) , (2020). (ID: 720554)
Public Lecture
- Der Physik-Nobelpreis 2019 Matinée zur Vorstellung der Nobelpreisträger 2019 (Lindau, 2020-01-19) , (2020). (ID: 720553)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum Computation with Trapped Ca+Ions Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries (Hannover/Braunschweig,, 2020-11-26) , (2020). (ID: 720548)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Seventh Annual Homi Bhabha Memorial Public Lecture (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, 2020-11-06) , (2020). (ID: 720541)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions iQuISE Seminar MIT, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020-10-22) , (2020). (ID: 720547)
- Quantum Technologies-Chances and Challenges Webinar "Quantum Technologies" Journal Advances in Quantum Technologies, Wiley Interscience (online, Berlin,, 2020-11-03) , (2020). (ID: 720560)
- „Berliner Gesprächskreis" - Quanten-Technologien – Computer, Kommunikation, Sensoren Quanten Technologien-Computer, Kommunikation , Sensorenn (Bank of America Merril Lynch, Berlin, Zoom Meeting, 2020-09-23) , (2020). (ID: 720528)
- A new measure: The revolutionary reform of the metric system Lindau NObel Laureate meetings (Lindau, online/, 2020-06-29) , (2020). (ID: 720558)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions MPG-FHG stakeholder meeting in preparation of the Quantum Initiative Germany (online Innsbruck/Munich, 2020-06-08) , (2020). (ID: 720557)
- Quantentechnologien und Quantencomputer - weltweite Investitionstätigkeit - Rotary Club Alpin Vortragsreihe (Hotel Marriott Innsbruck, 2020-03-09) , (2020). (ID: 720550)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquia (University of Göttingen, 2019-11-11) , (2019). (ID: 720404)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquia (University of Birmingham, School of Physics & Astronomy , 2019-11-06) , (2019). (ID: 720403)
- Quantum computations and quantum simulations with strings of trapped Ca+ ions (Tsinghua University of Beijing, 2019-09-23) , (2019). (ID: 720367)
- Quantum computations and quantum simulations with trapped Ca+ ions Colloquium (University of Berkeley , 2019-06-10) , (2019). (ID: 720324)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Quantum Talks (University of Sussex, 2019-05-15) , (2019). (ID: 720280)
- Overview Talk on Quantum Networks Workshop Quantum Science and Technology (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics Munich, 2019-05-06) , (2019). (ID: 720361)
- Quantum Computing -From Algorithms to Applications Workshop on Quantum Computing - From Algorithms to Applications (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl , 2019-04-15) , (2019). (ID: 720362)
- Lindau Nobel Laureate Council Meeting Meeting of the Council (Pöllath & Partners , München , 2019-03-15) , (2019). (ID: 720363)
- Quantum Computation and Entanglement with Ion Strings SFB Abschlusskonferenz des SFBs FoQuS (Innsbruck , 2019-02-04) , (2019). (ID: 720421)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Technologies with Trapped Ions Australian Diamond Sensing Meeting (Melbourne, 2019-11-21) , (2019). (ID: 720427)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology ;Micius Prize Talk (Hefei , 2019-09-15) , (2019). (ID: 720368)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+Ions Prize Talk International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technlogies (ICEQT) (Hefei, 2019-09-16) , (2019). (ID: 720428)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+Ions Workshop Time Crystals and Related Phenomena (Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University Krakow, 2019-09-04) , (2019). (ID: 720365)
- The Quantum Way of doing Computations-New Technologies for the Information Age Gemeinsame Jahrestagung in Zürich SPS und ÖPG (University of Zürich , 2019-08-26) , (2019). (ID: 720346)
- QCVV Trapped Ion Qubits QCPR 2019 (Hotel Annapolis MD , 2019-07-29) , (2019). (ID: 720339)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simultion with Strings of Trapped Ca+Ions NACTI2019 (Edward St John Learning and Teaching Center, University of Maryland, 2019-07-22) , (2019). (ID: 720340)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions ICQT2019 (The Radisson Collection Hotel Moskow, 2019-07-15) , (2019). (ID: 720338)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with strings of trapped Ca+ ions MCQST Munich conference on Quantum Science & Technology (Deutsches Museum München, 2019-07-08) , (2019). (ID: 720322)
- Quantum Technologies-Chances and Challenges Lindau Innovaton Forum at the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting in Physics (Lindau, 2019-06-29) , (2019). (ID: 720422)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions CEWQO2019 (Paderborn University, 2019-06-02) , (2019). (ID: 720287)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum simultion with trapped ions 2nd Quantum Symposium by PicoQuant, 2019 Berlin (Dorint Adlershof Berlin, 2019-05-22) , (2019). (ID: 720285)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum simulation with trapped Ca+ ions Quantum for ever, A Symposium to honor H.Rauch´s 80th birthday and the Designation of the Atominstitut as an EPS Historic site (TU Wien, Atominstitut, 2019-05-21) , (2019). (ID: 720286)
- Quantum simultation with trapped Ca+Ions Solvay Workshop on Quantum Simultation (Brussels, 2019-02-17) , (2019). (ID: 720201)
- Quantum Information Using Trapped Ions-Status and Perspectives Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum computing (Bad Honnef, 2019-01-13) , (2019). (ID: 720154)
- Executive learning: Quantum computing T30 Disruption2.0: When to play, and how to win (Solage Resort, Napa Valley, 2019-06-13) , (2019). (ID: 720325)
Public Lecture
- Nobelpreis für Physik 2018 Lindau Matinee " Die Nobelpreise des Jahres 2018" (Sparkassensaal auf dem Lindauer Festland, 2019-01-20) , (2019). (ID: 720142)
Seminar Talks
- The Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group in Innsbruck-Quo Vadis? Joint meeting of the ion trap groups of Innsbruck, Zurich and Mainz (Obergurgl, 2019-09-08) , (2019). (ID: 720424)
- Quantum Technologies for the Information Age I - What is quantum physics? Quantum Technologies - A New ERA for Innovations (Europäisches Forum Alpbach, 2019-08-16) , (2019). (ID: 720345)
- Quantum Technologies for the Information Age II-Quantum Information Processing European Forum Alpach Seminar (Alpbach, 2019-08-16) , (2019). (ID: 720423)
- Quantum Computations and Quantum simulations with strings of trapped ions CUA Seminar (Harvard University , 2019-03-05) , (2019). (ID: 720202)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations - Quantum Physics in Innsbruck Visit of Dr. Gerhard Mayr (Innsbruck, 2019-10-17) , (2019). (ID: 720426)
- The Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group at IQOQI IQOQI evaluation meeting (Innsbruck, 2019-10-14) , (2019). (ID: 720425)
- The Quantum Way of doing computations Alba Nova and Nordita Colloquium (University of STockholm, 2018-03-15) , (2018). (ID: 720001)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations physikalisches Kolloquium (Dresden, Max Planck Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, 2018-03-05) , (2018). (ID: 719987)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations DPG Spring Meeting (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2018-03-04) , (2018). (ID: 719989)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium (TU Dortmund, 2018-02-20) , (2018). (ID: 719986)
- 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Inselhalle Lindau, 2018-06-23) , (2018). (ID: 720360)
Invited Talks
- Quantencomputer Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik 43 Forum Akademie, TU Graz (TU Graz, 2018-11-29) , (2018). (ID: 720102)
- Quantum Information with trapped Ions: Verification and Validation ECTI 2018 (The David Lopatie Conference Centre, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2018-11-17) , (2018). (ID: 720095)
- Quantum computations and quantum Simulations with Trapped Ca+ Ions Opportunities for Quantum Technologies 2018: A Dialog (Vancouver Convention Center , 2018-10-03) , (2018). (ID: 720082)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Public Talk (University of British Columbia, PITP, 2018-10-02) , (2018). (ID: 720081)
- Quantum Information using trapped ions-status and perspectives TCP 2018 (Park Place Hotel Traverse City , 2018-09-29) , (2018). (ID: 720083)
- Quantencomputer -Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik 130.GDNÄ Versammlung (Universität Saarland Saarbrücken , 2018-09-14) , (2018). (ID: 720074)
- Quantum Computer-a New Technology for the Information AG Eurosensor 2018 (Universität Graz, 2018-09-10) , (2018). (ID: 720075)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Hector Fellow Academy, "Die zweite Quantenrevolution" (Literaturhaus München , 2018-07-19) , (2018). (ID: 720046)
- Quantum Tehnologies made in Tyrol WIRE2018 (Innsbruck, 2018-07-04) , (2018). (ID: 720039)
- Quantum simulations with cold trapped ions Quantum Technology Workshop (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2018-06-05) , (2018). (ID: 720036)
- The Quantum Way of doing Computations - New Technologies for the Information Age Racah Lecture (University of Jerusalem, 2018-06-04) , (2018). (ID: 720035)
- Quantum computations and quantum simulations with trapped ions SPIE Photonics Europe (Strasbourg, 2018-04-22) , (2018). (ID: 720032)
- Quantum Computations and Quantum simulations with trapped ions Beyond Digital Computing (Heidelberg University , 2018-03-19) , (2018). (ID: 720000)
- Quantum Computations and quantum simulations with trapped ions Quantum Optics Obergurgl 2018 (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 2018-02-25) , (2018). (ID: 719988)
- Opportunities of Excellence Strategies RESOLV Neujahrsempfang " Exzellenzinitiative -Chance für die Hochschule" (TU Dortmund, 2018-02-19) , (2018). (ID: 719985)
- Quantum computation and quantum simulation with trapped ca+ ions Workshop Quantum Simulation & Computation (University of the Basque Country, Paraninfo, Science and Tech Faculty Bilbao, 2018-02-11) , (2018). (ID: 719984)
- Quantum Computations and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions" Inauguration Ceremony MPHQ (Munich, 2018-01-11) , (2018). (ID: 719970)
Public Lecture
- Nobelpreis für Physik-Vorstellung Lindau Matinee " Die Nobelpreise des Jahres 2017" (Sparkassensaal auf dem Lindauer Festland, 2018-01-21) , (2018). (ID: 719974)
- eQual Site Visit , overview & status eQual Site visit (Mainz, 2018-07-09) , (2018). (ID: 720041)
- IARPA Logical QUBITS 2nd Principal Investigators´ Meeting (Washington Marriott Georgetown, 2018-01-24) , (2018). (ID: 719976)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Colloquium (Departamento de Fisica Matematica-Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do rio de Janeiro, 2017-11-29) , (2017). (ID: 719922)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physical Colloquium (Faculty of Applied Sciences Delft, 2017-11-14) , (2017). (ID: 719914)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations IUPAP XXIX Conference on Computational Physics (Paris, 2017-07-09) , (2017). (ID: 719854)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquium on Invitation (IST Klosterneuburg, 2017-05-17) , (2017). (ID: 719808)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Physical Colloquium Talks (University of Jerusalem, 2017-03-23) , (2017). (ID: 719777)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physical Colloquium Talks (BGU Beer Sheva, 2017-03-21) , (2017). (ID: 719775)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physical Colloquium Talks (Technion Haifa, 2017-03-20) , (2017). (ID: 719774)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations V Encontro de Fisica e Astronomia da UFSC (Florianopolis, Brasilien, 2017-02-20) , (2017). (ID: 719773)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium (University of Stuttgart, 2017-01-31) , (2017). (ID: 719756)
- Engineered Quantum Systems Annual Workshop 2017 Engineered Quantum Systems Annual Workshop 2017 (Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley, 2017-09-25) , (2017). (ID: 719904)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions: Engineering long-range interactions Long-Range Interactions Workshop (Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2017-12-04) , (2017). (ID: 719940)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions Physics Colloquium (Departamento de Fisica Matematica-Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2017-11-30) , (2017). (ID: 719923)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions ICQSIM (Ecole Normale Paris, 2017-11-13) , (2017). (ID: 719915)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations The Quantum Way of Doing Computations (Lau Ming Wai Academic Building City University of Hong Kong, 2017-11-08) , (2017). (ID: 719913)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Workshop on Quantum Science (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), City University Hongkong, 2017-11-08) , (2017). (ID: 719943)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations GridKa School (FTU Karlsruhe, 2017-08-30) , (2017). (ID: 719873)
- Quantum Computations and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ca+Ions XXXVI Bienal RSEF (Santiago de Compostela, 2017-07-17) , (2017). (ID: 719852)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Quantum Optics to Quantum Technologies (London, 2017-07-10) , (2017). (ID: 719855)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation With Trapped Ca+Ions ICOLS2017 (Arcachon , 2017-07-02) , (2017). (ID: 719853)
- Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ca+Ions Workshop "From Static to Dynamic Gauge Fields with ultracold Atoms" (GGI Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, 2017-05-29) , (2017). (ID: 719810)
- Genera Gender pn Physics-Panel Discussion Genera Gender in Physics Day Austria (TU The Sky Vienna, 2017-05-24) , (2017). (ID: 719809)
- Plenarytalk Quantum Computations and Quantum Simulations with trapped Ca+Ions Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) - IV: Quantum Technologies (Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, 2017-04-05) , (2017). (ID: 719789)
- Quantum Simuilations with Cold Trapped Ions DPG Früjahrstagung (Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, 2017-03-10) , (2017). (ID: 719781)
- Digital quantum simulations with trapped Ca+ ions Invited talk, workshop on Quantum Information Processing workshop on Quantum Information Processing (Florianopolis, Brazil, 2017-02-22) , (2017). (ID: 719952)
- Analog quantum simulations with trapped ions workshop on Quantum Information Processing (Florianopolis, Brazil, 2017-02-22) , (2017). (ID: 719953)
- The RF Paul trap – basics and operation workshop on Quantum Information Processing (Florianopolis, Brazil, 2017-02-22) , (2017). (ID: 719954)
- Quantum simulations with cold trapped ions – application to lattice gauge theories Workshop on “Quantum methods for lattice gauge theory calculations” (Mainz, Schloß Waldthausen, 2017-02-06) , (2017). (ID: 719955)
- Logical QUBITS (LogiQ) Program IARPA Logical Qubits (LogiQ) Program Principal Investigators´Meeting (Chicago Marriot Downtown Magnificent Mile , 2017-02-08) , (2017). (ID: 719761)
- Neue Forschungsperspektiven der Quantenphysik Interdisziplinäre Tagung Quantenphysik und Philosophie (Europäische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste Salzburg , 2017-01-21) , (2017). (ID: 719748)
- Aktivitäten, Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse des "Quantum " Flagship High Level Steering Commitee Shaping the Future Quantum Technology Flagship-Workshop (FFG Wien, 2017-01-18) , (2017). (ID: 719747)
- Quantencomputer – Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Public Lecture, 10 years ERC celebration (Aula, Universität Innsbruck, Austria) , (2017). (ID: 719950)
Public Lectures
- The second quantum revolution? European Forum Alpbach, Conflict & Cooperation (Alpbach in Tirol, 2017-08-24) , (2017). (ID: 719872)
- Die Nobelpreise für Physik 2016 Lindau Matinee " Die Nobelpreise des Jahres 2016" (Lindau, 2017-01-29) , (2017). (ID: 719760)
Seminar Talk
- Quantum infromation processing with trapped ions and photons Solid State Seminar (Technion Haifa, 2017-03-22) , (2017). (ID: 719776)
- Quantencomputer – Rechnen mit Quantenphysik Allgemeiner Vortrag für Besucher aus Industrie und Politik (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2017-12-22) , (2017). (ID: 719941)
- Modules for Quantum Computation ATOS Scientific Advisory Board Meeting (talk via Skype, Paris, France) , (2017). (ID: 719942)
- Das Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation Vortrag zum Besuch der Vorstandsvorsitzenden der Fa. Swarovski Optik, Absam, Frau Carina Schiestl-Swarovski und Kollegen (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 719945)
- Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation in Innsbruck Vortrag zum Besuch des Präsidenten der IV Tirol, Christoph Guerin-Swarowski (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 719946)
- Quantum Physics in Innsbruck Talk for the visit of Sergei Gorkov (VEB) and colleagues from the Russian Quantum Center (RQC) (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 719947)
- Quantum Charecterization Verification & Validation (QCVV) Presentations ARO/LPS Quantum Computing Program Review (Annapolis, MD , 2017-07-24) , (2017). (ID: 719871)
- Das Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (IQOQI) Vortrag zum Besuch des IT-Ausschusses der Wirtschaftskammer Österreichs (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 719948)
- Quantentechnologie – Weltweite Investitionstätigkeit Rotary Vortrag, Rotary Club Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria) , (2017). (ID: 719949)
- Quantum Physics in Innsbruck Talk for QIP stakeholders (bmbwf, UIBK, IV etc.) (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 719951)
- Quantum Information Research at IQOQI Innsbruck Vortrag vor Vertretern der Fa. M Squared Lasers und Wandisco (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 719956)
- Perspectives of Quantum Technologies in Europe Perspectives of Quantum Technologies in Europe (Centro Espanol Metrologia Madrid, 2016-11-03) , (2016). (ID: 719707)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquium (Universidad Granada, 2016-06-07) , (2016). (ID: 719586)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physical Colloquium (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel , 2016-05-05) , (2016). (ID: 719560)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations (Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2016-02-26) , (2016). (ID: 719627)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ca+ Ions AIP Meeting (Australian Institute of Physics (AIP), Brisbane, 2016-12-04) , (2016). (ID: 719709)
- Kenotes:"Two Thriving Innovation Hubs-Similarities and Differences" 2nd Austrian-Singaporean Science and Business Day (Grand Hotel Vienna, 2016-09-29) , (2016). (ID: 719660)
- The Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian in Trapped-Ion Physics European Conference on Trapped Ions, ECTI (Arosa, Switzerland, 2016-08-29) , (2016). (ID: 719661)
- Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Simulation , Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Quantum Science (Stonehill College, Easton, MA, USA, 2016-08-02) , (2016). (ID: 719724)
- Quantum Computations and QuantumSimulations with Trapped Ca+Ions ICAP 2016 (Intercontinental Seoul, Coex, 2016-07-24) , (2016). (ID: 719637)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Seoul Conference on Frontiers in Quantum Information Science, A Satellite Meeting of ICAP 2016 (KIAS, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 2016-07-21) , (2016). (ID: 719636)
- Quantum Characterization Verifiction & Validation ARO/LPS Quantum computing Program Review (Alexandria Virginia, 2016-07-18) , (2016). (ID: 719638)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions and Photons QCMC2016 (National University of Singapore , 2016-07-04) , (2016). (ID: 719608)
- Quantumness for Computations and Simulations Quantumness a Celebration of Luiz Davidovich´s Research Career on his 70th Birthday (UFRJ Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro , 2016-06-19) , (2016). (ID: 719609)
- Quantum simulations with cold trapped ions DAMOP 47th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Providence Rhode Island, 2016-05-22) , (2016). (ID: 719574)
- Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Quantum Europe 2016: A New Era of Technology (Europe Building Amsterdam, 2016-05-17) , (2016). (ID: 719572)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Launch of the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology (University of Sydney, 2016-04-19) , (2016). (ID: 719552)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions EMN Meeting, Implementations of Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation (Holida Inn Resort Phuket, 2016-04-08) , (2016). (ID: 719562)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions in Innsbruck Site Visit HUAWEI (HUAWEI Shenzhen, 2016-03-01) , (2016). (ID: 719630)
- An encoded Qubit alive (eQual), Kick-off meeting of the LogiQ program (IARPA) Kickoff Meeting Logical Qubits LogiQ (Hotel La Posada Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2016-02-22) , (2016). (ID: 719532)
- Quantum simulation with cold trapped ions Solvay Workshop on "Quantum simulation with cold matter and photons" (Brussels, 2016-02-08) , (2016). (ID: 719506)
- Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations (Double Tree by Hilton, Silver Spring, Washington, USA, 2016-01-27) , (2016). (ID: 719498)
- Die Nobelpreise des Jahres 2015 , (2016). (ID: 719475)
Public Lecture
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik, Quantentechnologien für das Informationszeitalter (Gymnasium Paulinum , Schwaz , 2016-10-18) , (2016). (ID: 719705)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ca+ Ions Seminar (University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, Australia, 2016-11-30) , (2016). (ID: 719708)
- Quantum information processing and quantum error correction with trapped Ca+ions (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot , 2016-05-03) , (2016). (ID: 719559)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations (University of Shanghai, 2016-03-04) , (2016). (ID: 719535)
- Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Innsbruck (IQOQI Innsbruck , 2016-10-22) , (2016). (ID: 719706)
- Talk for startup companies from Japan, Korea and Singapore (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2016-10-22) , (2016). (ID: 719725)
- Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group-Results and Outlook Workshop of the quantum optics and spectroscopy group (Obergurgl, Austria, 2016-09-12) , (2016). (ID: 719704)
- Impulsreferat: Zwischen Autonomie und gesellschaftlicher Mission: Die Verantwortung der Wissenschaft gegenüber Grand Challenges Club Research (Vienna, Reitersaal der OeKB , 2016-04-27) , (2016). (ID: 719565)
- Vortrag zum Besuch von H. Hauser und I.E.C.T. (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2016-03-15) , (2016). (ID: 719703)
- Physik-Nobel-Preis 2015 Matinee des Kuratoriums für Tagungen der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau (Lindau, Bodensee, 2016-01-17) , (2016). (ID: 719628)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquia (Riken, Quantum Metrology Laboratory, 2015-10-08) , (2015). (ID: 719359)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquia (Graduate School of Engineering Science Osaka University, 2015-10-05) , (2015). (ID: 719358)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations ETH Kolloquium (ETH Zuerich, 2015-04-22) , (2015). (ID: 719236)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Asia-Pacific Conference and Workshop on Quantum Information Science 2015 (Auckland, 2015-11-30) , (2015). (ID: 719458)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions Workshop on Cold Atoms (Kingscote, Kangaroo Island, 2015-11-26) , (2015). (ID: 719457)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+Ions 12th US-Japan Seminar Many body quantum systems from quantum gases to metrology and information processing (Monona Terrace Convention Center Madison, 2015-09-20) , (2015). (ID: 719360)
- Dynamics of magneton excitations with trapped ions Workshop on Synthetic Quantum Magnetism (Max Plank Institut Dresden, 2015-09-01) , (2015). (ID: 719336)
- Dynamics of magneton excitations with trapped ca+ions Workshop " Synthetic Quantum Magnetism" (MPI Dresden, 2015-08-31) , (2015). (ID: 719439)
- Quantum Computations Science with trapped Ca+Ions Bell Prize Session, Confernce on Quantum Information & Quantum Control (Toronto, 2015-08-17) , (2015). (ID: 719332)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Frontiers of quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics FQMT15 (Prague, 2015-07-26) , (2015). (ID: 719316)
- Quantum information and a passion for ions and light Workshop Light: Life & Science (Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015-07-14) , (2015). (ID: 719308)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Quantum Physics of Nature 2015 (QuPoN2015) (Vienna, 2015-05-18) , (2015). (ID: 719265)
- Ion Traps for Quantum Networks Ion Traps for Quantum Networks (Asilomar, Monterey, CA, 2015-05-16) , (2015). (ID: 719436)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions YAO 2015 (ETH Zuerich, 2015-04-19) , (2015). (ID: 719237)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions QION Conference (Tel Aviv, 2015-03-15) , (2015). (ID: 719434)
- Exploring the Quantum with Ion Traps Cinquante ans de révolutions en physique atomique et en optique quantique, Serge Haroche (Collège de France, 2015-03-10) , (2015). (ID: 719208)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations The future of science and the science of the future (Brüssel, 2015-03-04) , (2015). (ID: 719209)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Future of Science Conference of the Academia Europaea (Brussels, Belgium, 2015-03-04) , (2015). (ID: 719433)
- Advanced quantum Information processing procedures and scaling the ion-trap QC Australian and New zealand School in Ultracold Physics 2015 (University of Otago, 2015-12-08) , (2015). (ID: 719440)
- Multi-qubit operations, logical qubits and spin chains of trapped ions Australian and New Zealand School in Ultracold Physics 2015 (Dunedin, 2015-11-30) , (2015). (ID: 719461)
- Multi-qubit operations, logical qubits and spin chains of trapped ions Australian and New zealand School in Ultracold Physics 2015 (University of Otago, 2015-12-07) , (2015). (ID: 719441)
- Implementation concepts of quantum information processing with trapped ions Australian and New Zealand School in Ultracold Physics 2015 (Dunedin, 2015-11-30) , (2015). (ID: 719459)
- Quantum gate operations and entanglement with trapped ions Australianand New Zealand School in Ultracold Physics 2015 (Dunedin, 2015-11-30) , (2015). (ID: 719460)
- Advanced Quantum information Processing Procedures and Scalling the Ion-Trap QC Okinawa School in Physics: coherent quantum Dynamics, OIST (Onn Village, Okinawa, 2015-09-29) , (2015). (ID: 719453)
- Quantum Gate operations and Entanglement with Trapped Ions Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics (Onn Village Okinawa, 2015-09-29) , (2015). (ID: 719452)
- Quantum Information Science-Experimental Implementation with Trapped Ions Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics 2015 (CQD) (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 2015-10-01) , (2015). (ID: 719357)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum Optics-and Spectroscopy Group 2015 Klausur der AG Quantenoptik und Spektroskopie (Seefeld, Austria, 2015-09-07) , (2015). (ID: 719450)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions (Univesity of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos, 2015-07-15) , (2015). (ID: 719437)
- FoQuS-Foundations and Applications of Quantum Science General Report and Proposal for 3rd period of the SFB FoQuS (FWF, Vienna, 2015-10-29) , (2015). (ID: 719454)
- Quantum Computation and Entanglement with Ion Strings Project Report and Proposal for 3rd period of the SFB FoQuS (FWF, Vienn, 2015-10-29) , (2015). (ID: 719456)
- Quantum Computation andEntanglement with Ion Strings Special Research Programme (SFB) F40-N23 Foundations and Applications of quantum Science (FWF, Haus der Forschung, Vienna, 2015-10-28) , (2015). (ID: 719377)
- "Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst nach Heisenberg" Mitgliederversammlung der Heisenberg Gesellschaft (MPI Physik, Munich, 2015-10-16) , (2015). (ID: 719364)
- Certified Topological Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions ARO/LPS Quantum Computing Program Review (Ritz Carlton Pentagon City, Arlington, Virginia, 2015-07-20) , (2015). (ID: 719309)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Special AMO Seminar (University of Stanford, 2015-05-14) , (2015). (ID: 719263)
- Quantencomputer - Fakten und Fiktionen Vortrag Rotary Club Innsbruck (Hotel Europa Innsbruck, 2015-04-28) , (2015). (ID: 719435)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations CQT Annual Symposium 2014 (National University of Singapore, 2014-12-08) , (2014). (ID: 719096)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Symposium "The famous, the bit and the quantum" (National University of Singapore, 2014-12-08) , (2014). (ID: 719112)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Lectures (University of Rio de Janeiro, Physics Department, 2014-11-06) , (2014). (ID: 719042)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information (IST, University of Lisbon, 2014-10-01) , (2014). (ID: 719013)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantenphysik Physikalisches Kolloquium (Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, 2014-05-12) , (2014). (ID: 718912)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium (Universität Bielefeld, 2014-02-03) , (2014). (ID: 718829)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium (Universität Kaiserslautern, 2014-01-20) , (2014). (ID: 718727)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium (Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, 2014-01-15) , (2014). (ID: 718728)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions The Art of Physics (Australian National University, 2014-12-08) , (2014). (ID: 719097)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions The Art of Physics, AIP 2014 Congress (Australian National University, Canberra, 2014-12-07) , (2014). (ID: 719115)
- Quantum computations on a topologically encoded quantum bit Annual workshop of the ARC center on Engineered Quantum Systems (Coogee Bay, Sydney,, 2014-12-04) , (2014). (ID: 719095)
- Quantum Computations on a Topologically Encoded Qubit EQuS Workshop (Hotel Crown Plaza, Sydney, 2014-12-04) , (2014). (ID: 719114)
- Quantencomputer-Rechenkunst mit Quantentricks VDI Wissensforum, Simulation und Erprobung in der Fahrzeugentwicklung (Baden Baden, 2014-11-18) , (2014). (ID: 719071)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Quantum Optics VII (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2014-10-27) , (2014). (ID: 719041)
- Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions Workshop on Many-body Dynamics and Open Quantum Systems, DOQS2014 (Grand Central Hotel Glasgow, 2014-10-20) , (2014). (ID: 719032)
- Quantencomputer - Rechenkunst mit Quantentricks Highlights der Physik (Saarlandhalle Saarbrücken, 2014-09-28) , (2014). (ID: 719012)
- Quantum information science with trapped ions European conference on ion trapping ECTI (Schloss Waldthausen Mainz, 2014-09-14) , (2014). (ID: 719005)
- Quantum Simulatons with strings of trapped Ca+Ions Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Science (Stonehill College in Easton MA, United States, 2014-07-27) , (2014). (ID: 718978)
- Quantum Simulations with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions" Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Science (Stonehill College, Boston, USA, 2014-07-27) , (2014). (ID: 718989)
- Quantum Physics with Trapped Ions UIBK-Infineon workshop (Infineon GmbH, Villach, Austria, 2014-07-17) , (2014). (ID: 718972)
- Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions 21st Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO2014) (Brussels, 2014-06-23) , (2014). (ID: 718958)
- The Kimble factor in our work with ion traps Symposium "The Quantum Optics Frontier" (California Institute of Technology CALTECH, 2014-04-24) , (2014). (ID: 718913)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions APS March Meeting 2014 (Colorado Convention Center Denver, Colorado, 2014-03-03) , (2014). (ID: 718865)
- QIT pedagogic lecture Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information (IST, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, University of Lisbon, 2014-10-03) , (2014). (ID: 719014)
Public Lecture
- Heinrich Schütz und Galileo Galilei - große Männer ihrer Zeit Impulsreferat zur Aufführung der Matthaus-Passion von Heinrich Schütz im Rahmen der Tiroler Barocktage (Tiroler Barocktage, Götzens, Österreich, 2014-04-06) , (2014). (ID: 718971)
Seminar Talks
- Entanglement distribution in a Quantum-Many-Body-System eQus Optomechanics Incubator workshop (Coogee Bay Hotel Sydney, 2014-12-03) , (2014). (ID: 719113)
- Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions 553.Heraeus Seminar on "Discrete and Analogue Quantum Simulators" (Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, 2014-02-10) , (2014). (ID: 718843)
- Quantum Computing Program Review (QCPR) Quantum Computing Program Review, QCPR (Arlington, Washington, USA, 2014-08-10) , (2014). (ID: 718988)
- Algorithm Demonstrations IARPA MQCO PI Meeting (Laboratory of Physical Sciences Washington, 2014-05-27) , (2014). (ID: 718959)
- Quantenphysik - Was ist das überhaupt? Vortrag Rotary Telfs-Seefeld (IQOQI Innsbruck, Austria, 2014-02-06) , (2014). (ID: 718970)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Frew Fellow Talk (Swineburne University, Australia, 2013-12-20) , (2013). (ID: 718715)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions Frew Fellow talk (ANU Canberra, Australia, 2013-12-16) , (2013). (ID: 718714)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Frew Fellow talk (colloquium) (University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 2013-12-05) , (2013). (ID: 718712)
- The Quantum Way of doing Computation Physikalisches Kolloquium (Paul Scherrer Institut, 2013-11-21) , (2013). (ID: 718674)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Topical Group Discussion (ITAMP, Cambridge MA, USA, 2013-09-19) , (2013). (ID: 718609)
- The Quantum Way of doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium Universität Stuttgart (Universität Stuttgart, 2013-04-23) , (2013). (ID: 718502)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquium (University of Aarhus, 2013-04-08) , (2013). (ID: 718490)
- Quantum error correction and quantum simulations with trapped ions Colloquium (University of Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2013-02-26) , (2013). (ID: 718449)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquium (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2013-02-25) , (2013). (ID: 718448)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium Universität Ulm (Universität Ulm, 2013-01-21) , (2013). (ID: 718372)
- Quantum error correction and quantum simulations with trapped ions Physical Colloquium (University of Bilbao, 2013-01-10) , (2013). (ID: 718719)
- Milestone and Test Plan Progress Innsbruck IARPA Multi Qubit Coherent Operations Program Review MQCO (Indianapolis, 2013-05-29) , (2013). (ID: 718530)
- IARPA Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations Supporting Government Labs Workshop IARPA Multi-Qubit coherent Operations Supporting Government Labs Workshop (San Diego, CA, 2013-01-28) , (2013). (ID: 718434)
- MQCO PI Meeting MQCO PI Meeting (San Diego, CA, 2013-01-28) , (2013). (ID: 718435)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions Australian-New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), Frew Fellow Plenary Talk (Freemantle, WA Australia, 2013-12-08) , (2013). (ID: 718713)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computation QCCC Closing Symposium Garching (Institute of Advanced Study IAS,Garching,, 2013-10-17) , (2013). (ID: 718620)
- Bohr´s Quantum Jumps:Doing and Undoing The Quantum Century: 100 Years of Bohr Atom (Copenhagen University, 2013-10-03) , (2013). (ID: 718613)
- Quantum Informtion Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions: error correction and ion photon entanglement Workshop on Quantum Applications with Trapped Ions (ITAMP, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2013-09-16) , (2013). (ID: 718608)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Plenarvortrag, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung ÖPG und SPS 2013 (Linz, Austria, 2013-09-03) , (2013). (ID: 718603)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions RQC Summer School (Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, 2013-07-15) , (2013). (ID: 718580)
- Quantum Information Processing - Where do we stand where do we go? Science Breakfast, Lindau Nobel laureate meeting (Lindau, Germany, 2013-06-30) , (2013). (ID: 718721)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions CQO/QIM (University of Rochester, 2013-06-15) , (2013). (ID: 718547)
- Scalable quantum information processing IARPA meeting (Indianapolis, USA, 2013-05-29) , (2013). (ID: 718720)
- In pursuit of the single cold atom: From single ion spectroscopy to quantum information processing Otto Stern Symposium In Pursuit of the Single Cold Atom (University of Hamburg, 2013-05-24) , (2013). (ID: 718524)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Simulations (Technion Haifa, 2013-05-02) , (2013). (ID: 718521)
- Industrial Equipment Sector Scientific Support to KETs and Innovative SMEs Scientific Support to Key Enabling Technologies and innovative SMES, KETs (European Commission Brussels, 2013-04-25) , (2013). (ID: 718503)
- Open systems quantum simulations Quantum Many-Body Dynamics in Open Systems (Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, 2013-04-02) , (2013). (ID: 718483)
- Quantum computers and processing Scientific support to policy-making: new applications of quantum technologies for computing, communication, metrology and sensing (European Commission, Brussels, 2013-03-07) , (2013). (ID: 718470)
- What I learned from Dan Kleppner: Cavity QED and a Passion for Atoms and Precision Symposium Honoring Prof. D. Kleppner (University of Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2013-02-28) , (2013). (ID: 718450)
- Advanced QIP procedures, scaling the ion-trap quantum computer Lecture at the Enrico Fermi summer school on "Ion Traps for Tomorrow´s Applications", Villa Monastero (Varenna, Lake Como, Italy, 2013-07-22) , (2013). (ID: 718606)
- Quantum Informtion Processing with Trapped Ions Varenna summer school on trapped ions (Varenna, Lake Como,Italy, 2013-07-23) , (2013). (ID: 718604)
- Quantum gate operations and entanglement with trapped ions Lecture at the Enrico Fermi summer school on "Ion Traps for Tomorrow´s Applications", Villa Monastero (Varenna, Lake Como, Italy, 2013-07-23) , (2013). (ID: 718605)
- Scalable Quantum Information Processing Site Review Meeting (MIT, Cambridge USA, 2013-09-20) , (2013). (ID: 718722)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium (University of Göttingen, 2012-11-26) , (2012). (ID: 718439)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquium (University of Buenos Aires, 2012-11-08) , (2012). (ID: 718284)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquium University of Siegen (Universität Siegen, 2012-05-10) , (2012). (ID: 718098)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Colloquia (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 2012-03-09) , (2012). (ID: 718023)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Colloquia (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2012-03-08) , (2012). (ID: 718022)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Colloquia (University of Victoria, BC, 2012-03-07) , (2012). (ID: 718021)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Colloquia (University of Sydney, 2012-02-06) , (2012). (ID: 718016)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Colloquia (Australian National University Canberra, 2012-02-02) , (2012). (ID: 718015)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physics Colloquium (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2012-01-30) , (2012). (ID: 718014)
- Quantum computation and entanglement with ion strings Interim Review Hearing Foundations and Applications of Quantum Science (Haus der Forschung FWF, Vienna, 2012-10-10) , (2012). (ID: 718255)
- Entanglement in a cavity QED system Interim Review Hearing, Foundations and Applications of Quantum Science (Haus der Forschung, FWF, Vienna, 2012-10-10) , (2012). (ID: 718256)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Quantum Optics VI (Hotel Argentino, Piriapolis, 2012-11-12) , (2012). (ID: 718285)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Quantum Information meets Statistical Mechanics (Hotel Grauer Bär Innsbruck, 2012-09-22) , (2012). (ID: 718243)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions ICQFT 2012 (Dunhuang, 2012-08-26) , (2012). (ID: 718212)
- Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions Gordon Research Conference Stonehill College Easton (Stonehill College Easton, Brockton, USA, 2012-08-12) , (2012). (ID: 718183)
- Quantum entanglement and information processing with trapped ions Quantum Meets Gravity and Metrology (Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, 2012-06-04) , (2012). (ID: 718111)
- Quantum Control and Error Correction with Trapped Ca+ ions QCS workshop (Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2012-05-21) , (2012). (ID: 718099)
- Quantum Gate Operations with Trapped Ions Quantum Gate Operations with Trapped Ions (Universität Siegen, 2012-05-07) , (2012). (ID: 718097)
- QIP with trapped Ca+ ions- Quantum Error Correction Workshop on Quantum Characterization, Verification and Validation (QCVV) (Bethesda, Washington, 2012-04-29) , (2012). (ID: 718096)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions operations and verification Workshop on Quantum Characterization, Verification and Validation (QCVV) (Bethesda, Washington, 2012-04-29) , (2012). (ID: 718095)
- The quantum way of doing computations Plenary Talk 76.Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) (Technische Universität Berlin, 2012-03-25) , (2012). (ID: 718041)
- Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ca+ Ions OSA Conference "Quantum Information and Measurement" (Messe Berlin, 2012-03-19) , (2012). (ID: 718025)
- Plenary Talk -The quantum way of doing computations DPG Spring Meeting 2012 (University of Stuttgart, 2012-03-12) , (2012). (ID: 718031)
- Single-photon interference experiments with single ions (University of Stuttgart, 2012-03-12) , (2012). (ID: 718037)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Invited Talk at D-wave Systems (D-wave systems, Vancouver, BC, 2012-03-06) , (2012). (ID: 718020)
- Digital Quantum Simulation Ramsey Memorial Symposium (Harvard University Cambridge, MA,, 2012-03-03) , (2012). (ID: 718019)
- Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions APS March Meeting (Boston Convention Center, 2012-02-27) , (2012). (ID: 718018)
- Quantum Information Processing with trapped Ca+ Ions International Conference on Quantum Optics (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Tirol, 2012-02-12) , (2012). (ID: 718006)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions Workshop on Engineered Quantum Systems (University of Brisbane, 2012-01-23) , (2012). (ID: 718008)
- Advanced procedures, scaling the ion-trap quantum computer Quantum Summer School 2012 Tsinghua University (Tsinghua University Peking, 2012-08-20) , (2012). (ID: 718211)
- Quantum gate operations and entanglement with ions Quantum Summer School 2012 Tsinghua University (Tsinghua University Peking, 2012-08-20) , (2012). (ID: 718210)
- Experimental Implementation with Trapped Ions Quantum Summer School 2012 Tsinghua University (Tsinghua University Peking, 2012-08-19) , (2012). (ID: 718208)
- Advanced Techniques and Prototools for QIP with Trapped Ions AQUTE Winter School (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 2012-02-06) , (2012). (ID: 718017)
- Implementation of Quantum Information Processing (QIP) with Trapped Ions AQUTE Winterschool (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 2012-02-06) , (2012). (ID: 718026)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ions CUA Seminar (Harvard University, 2012-04-24) , (2012). (ID: 718436)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Physics Seminar (University of Yale, 2012-04-23) , (2012). (ID: 718071)
- Foundations and Applications of Quantum Science FWF FoQuS Hearing (Vienna, 2012-10-10) , (2012). (ID: 718438)
- Scalable quantum information processing with trapped ions IARPA site visit (University of Innsbruck, 2012-09-17) , (2012). (ID: 718437)
- Scalable Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions MQCO Review Meeting (Minneapolis, MN USA, 2012-05-23) , (2012). (ID: 718100)
- An ion-photon quantum interface DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP (University of Stuttgart, 2012-03-12) , (2012). (ID: 718034)
- Detecting the single photon recoil of a single ion DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP (University of Stuttgart, 2012-03-12) , (2012). (ID: 718038)
- Statistical tests for quantum state reconstruction I:Theory DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP (University of Stuttgart, 2012-03-12) , (2012). (ID: 718039)
- Statistical tests for quantum state reconstruction II:Experiment DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP (University of Stuttgart, 2012-03-12) , (2012). (ID: 718040)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Physikalisches Kolloquium Mainz (University of Mainz, 2011-11-15) , (2011). (ID: 717821)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Greifswalder physikalisches Kolloquium (Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald, 2011-11-03) , (2011). (ID: 717818)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations (Center for Optical Quantum Technologies ZOQ Hamburg, 2011-10-26) , (2011). (ID: 717814)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Distinguished Lectures, Center for Advanced Security Research (Darmstadt, 2011-05-19) , (2011). (ID: 717684)
- Quantum Computer - Dream and Realization Colloquium at Universidade Sao Paulo (Sao Carlos, Universidade Sao Paulo (USP), 2011-04-08) , (2011). (ID: 717899)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Error Correction with trapped Ca+Ions QEC11 Conference on Quantum Error Correction (Los Angeles, Davidson Center , University of Southern California, 2011-12-05) , (2011). (ID: 717864)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Quantum Information, Computing & Communication (QICC) (Cambride, MA, USA, 2011-09-26) , (2011). (ID: 717801)
- Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ca+ Ions QIPC 2011 (ETH Zürich, 2011-09-05) , (2011). (ID: 717764)
- Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions International Conference on Quantum Information (ICQI) (University of Ottawa, 2011-06-08) , (2011). (ID: 717701)
- 50 Jahre Laser - von der exotischen Lichtquelle zur industriellen Anwendung Forum Technik (Management Center Innsbruck, 2011-05-27) , (2011). (ID: 717688)
- Quantum information science with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Information and Quantum Dynamics in Ion Traps (Madrid,Spain, 2011-04-26) , (2011). (ID: 717680)
- Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions Quantum Simulations (Centro De Ciencias De Benasque, Spain, 2011-02-28) , (2011). (ID: 717650)
- Status of Trapped-Ion Physics in Europe Workshop on Ion TrapTechnology (NIST, Denver,Boulder,, 2011-02-16) , (2011). (ID: 717662)
- The Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian in Trapped Ion Physics (Center for Quantum Technologies CQT, NUS Singapore) , (2011). (ID: 719944)
- Physics of the Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group Arbeitsgruppen-Klausur (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 2011-09-12) , (2011). (ID: 717905)
- Quantum Information with Trapped Ions: 3. Advanced procedures, scaling the quantum computer Les Houches summer school on " Quantum Machines" (Les Houches, 2011-07-25) , (2011). (ID: 717903)
- Quantum Information with Trapped Ions: 3. Advanced procedures, scaling the quantum Computer Les Houches summer school on " Quantum Machines" (Les Houches Ecole de Physic, 2011-07-04) , (2011). (ID: 717904)
- Quantum Information with Trapped Ions: 2.Quantum gate operations and entanglement with ions Les Houches summer school on "Quantum Machines" (Les Houches Ecole de Physique, 2011-07-04) , (2011). (ID: 717748)
- Quantum Information with Trapped Ions: 3. Advanced procedures, scaling the quantum computer Sao Paulo school of advanced science (Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2011-04-04) , (2011). (ID: 717898)
- New Trends in Quantum Matter with Cold Atoms and Molecules Summer School Sao Carlos (Sao Carlos, 2011-04-05) , (2011). (ID: 717699)
- Quantenphysik am IQOQI Vortrag anlässlich der Gesamtsitzung der ÖAW in Innsbruck (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2011-10-14) , (2011). (ID: 717907)
- Quanteninformation - Informationstechnologie der Zukunft Woche der Physik (Universität Innsbruck, 2011-10-04) , (2011). (ID: 717906)
- Quantum Physics at IQOQI visit of “Les jeudistes Genève” (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2011-06-29) , (2011). (ID: 718004)
- Quantum Physics in Innsbruck Talk at the visit of HRH Princess Chirindhorn of Thailand (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2011-06-28) , (2011). (ID: 717900)
- Towards an ion-photon quantum interface ÖPG/SPS Tagung (Lausanne, 2011-06-14) , (2011). (ID: 717734)
- Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations Program Review (Austin, Texas, 2011-06-06) , (2011). (ID: 717700)
- Quantenphysik – Was ist das überhaupt? Quantenphysik – Was ist das überhaupt? (Rotary Club Bad Nenndorf, 2011-05-30) , (2011). (ID: 718003)
- Quantenphysik am IQOQI Vortrag beim Besuch der BIG/BOE Vorstände (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2011-02-01) , (2011). (ID: 717897)
- Quantenphysik und Wirtschaft - Wa(h)re Forschung Öffentlicher Vortrag SoWi Club Innsbruck (Aula der Universität Innsbruck, 2011-01-27) , (2011). (ID: 717896)
- Quantenphysik am IQOQI Vortrag beim Besuch des Rotary Clubs Innsbruck Alpin (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2011-01-24) , (2011). (ID: 717894)
- Quantenphysik in Innsbruck-Wer,Wo,Was und überhaupt...? Vortrag beim Rotary Club Hall (Rotary Club Hall, Reschenhof Hall, 2011-01-19) , (2011). (ID: 717892)
- Quantum Computer - Dream and Realization Physikalisches Kolloquium Fakultät für Physik der LMU München (LMU Munich, Germany, 2010-12-13) , (2010). (ID: 717379)
- Quantum Computer - Dream and Realization Physikalisches Kolloquium Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, 2010-12-06) , (2010). (ID: 717378)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations 14th Wright´s Colloquium for the Science (Geneve, Switzerland, 2010-11-15) , (2010). (ID: 717364)
- Quantencomputer-Traum und Realisierung Physikalisches Kolloquium Universität Erlangen (Erlangen, Germany, 2010-06-28) , (2010). (ID: 717268)
- Quantum Computer-Dream and Realization (CNRS Universite de Provence, Marseille, France, 2010-06-23) , (2010). (ID: 717255)
- Quantencomputer- Traum und Realisierung Physikalisches Kolloquium PTB Braunschweig (Braunschweig, Germany, 2010-06-10) , (2010). (ID: 717245)
- Quantum Computer: Dream and Realization Physics Department Colloquium (University of Wisconsin, Madison USA, 2010-03-18) , (2010). (ID: 717184)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Minerva Weizmann Workshop on Entanglement in Atomic Systems (Rehovot Israel, 2010-11-21) , (2010). (ID: 717377)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions International Conference on Quantum Information and Computation (Stockholm Sweden, 2010-10-03) , (2010). (ID: 717324)
- 50 years of ion traps and 20 years after Pauls Nobel prize - A quantum optics and spectroscopy success story- 1st European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) (Redworth Hall, County Durham, England, 2010-09-19) , (2010). (ID: 717381)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions European Conference on Trapped Ions ECTI 2010 (Redworth Hall County Durham, Great Britain, 2010-09-19) , (2010). (ID: 717315)
- Quanteninformation - Informationstechnologie der Zukunft ACP Forum Tirol (Kongresshaus Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria, 2010-09-16) , (2010). (ID: 717380)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Quantum Engineering of States and Devices: Theory and Experiments (Obergurgl, Austria, 2010-06-05) , (2010). (ID: 717267)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions 2010 International Symposium on Physics of Quantum Technology (Tokio Japan, 2010-04-06) , (2010). (ID: 717199)
- Fighting Decoherence: Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions DPG Spring Meeting DPG (VI) vol. 45,3/2010 (Hannover Germany, 2010-03-08) , (2010). (ID: 717179)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Twelfth Annual Meeting on Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (Santa Fe New Mexico USA, 2010-02-18) , (2010). (ID: 717147)
- Mixed and Entangled States of Light and Trapped Ions 450. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Mixed States of Light and Matter (Bad Honnef Germany, 2010-02-08) , (2010). (ID: 717121)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+Ions International Conference on Cold Ions and Atoms 2010 (ICCIA10) (Sankarpur India, 2010-01-18) , (2010). (ID: 717119)
Public Lectures
- Podiumsdiskussion Was kostet der Fortschritt Public Evening Lecture & Launch of the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technolgoy (University of Vienna, Austria, 2010-12-15) , (2010). (ID: 717387)
- Forschungsschwerpunkt Physik an der Universität Innsbruck Tiroler Technologiebrunch 2010 (Büro der Europaregion Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino, Brüssel, 2010-10-27) , (2010). (ID: 717330)
- Quantencomputer-Traum und Realisierung Wissenschaft für jedermann (München Deutsches Museum, 2010-10-06) , (2010). (ID: 717325)
- Faszination Quantenphysik Festvortrag anlässlich Preisverleihung Physikolympiade (Bundesrealgymnasium Reutte Austria, 2010-06-09) , (2010). (ID: 717236)
- Quantum Computer - dream and realization (Poznan University of Technology Poland, 2010-05-26) , (2010). (ID: 717233)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum information science (Poznan University of Technology Poland, 2010-05-28) , (2010). (ID: 717235)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ion (Poznan University of Technology Poland, 2010-05-27) , (2010). (ID: 717234)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions The Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructures (Capri Italy, 2010-04-11) , (2010). (ID: 717200)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Herb Seminar (University of Wisconsin, Madison USA, 2010-03-18) , (2010). (ID: 717183)
- Quantum InformationScience with Trapped Ca+ Ions Seminar (Sandia Laboraties Albuquerque USA, 2010-02-17) , (2010). (ID: 717146)
- Basic introduction to quantum information and computation using cold atoms and ions; Experimental realization of ion trap quantum teleportation, Experimental realization of C-NOT gate2/2 International School on Cold Atoms and Ions (Kolkatta India, 2010-01-14) , (2010). (ID: 717120)
- IQOQI und Physik in Innsbruck , (2010). (ID: 717383)
- Scalable quantum information processing with trapped ions IARPA site visit (IQOQI, Innsbruck, Austria, 2010-09-27) , (2010). (ID: 717382)
- Scalable quantum information processing (SQIP) with trapped ions ARO/NSA/IARPA Quantum Computing, Quantum Algorithms & Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations (MQCO) Program Review (Cincinnati, USA, 2010-08-16) , (2010). (ID: 717293)
- Quantum computation and algorithm review meeting Quantum Algorithms & Multi Qubit Coherent Operations Review (Cincinnati, Ohio USA, 2010-08-16) , (2010). (ID: 717299)
- Future Quantum Technologies STOA Scientific Technology Options Assesment (Strassbourg, France, 2010-06-17) , (2010). (ID: 717244)
- 50 years of Paul traps and 20 years after Paul`s Nobel prize - A quantum optics and spectroscopy success story Physikalisches Kolloquium Universität Bonn (Bonn Germany, 2009-12-18) , (2009). (ID: 716969)
- Quantum Computer-Dream and Realization Wiener Physikalische Kolloquien (Technische Universität Wien, 2009-11-16) , (2009). (ID: 716805)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization IQIS Colloquium Series (Institute for Quantum Information Science University of Calgary Canada, 2009-11-02) , (2009). (ID: 716787)
- Quantum information science with trapped Ca+ ions Colloquium University of California Berkeley (Berkeley Ca USA, 2009-04-11) , (2009). (ID: 717115)
- Quantum information science with cold ions The Symposium of the SFB 407 (1997-2009) (Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2009-02-13) , (2009) (ID: 666705)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations Colloquium at the Institute of Physics of the UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009-05-11) , (2009) (ID: 682046)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+Ions CIFAR Quantum Information Processing Meeting (Fairmont Banff Springs, 2009-10-27) , (2009). (ID: 716786)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions QIPC International Conference (Rome, 2009-09-21) , (2009). (ID: 716757)
- Quantum Entanglement - Einstein's "spook" - put to work OIST Workshop on the “Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics and Its Applications” (Okinawa, 2009-05-13) , (2009). (ID: 666608)
- Fighting Decoherence:Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Dutch Physics@FOM Veldhoven 2009 (Veldhoven, 2009-01-20) , (2009) (ID: 652657)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions SCALA Conference (Cortina, 2009-02-17) , (2009) (ID: 666675)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations XXXII Brazilian Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics (Aguas de Lindoia, 2009-05-14) , (2009) (ID: 682048)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Nobel Symposium: Qu-bits for Quantum Information (QuQu) (Göteborg, 2009-05-26) , (2009) (ID: 685605)
- Spectroscopy and quantum information with trapped ions ICOLS 2009 (Kussharo,Hokkaido, 2009-06-09) , (2009) (ID: 687135)
- Quantum information science with trapped Ca+ions Atoms, Cavities and Photons (Paris, 2009-09-11) , (2009) (ID: 712694)
Seminar Talks
- The quantum way of doing computations Seminar Division of Mechatronic Devices Torun University of Poznan (Torun, 2009-11-26) , (2009). (ID: 716814)
- The Quantum Way of Doing Computations FET Seminar (Brüssel, 2009-09-17) , (2009). (ID: 716756)
- An atom, a photon and a mirror - simple interference experiments- Seminar University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, 2009-05-13) , (2009). (ID: 717114)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Seminar University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, 2009-05-13) , (2009). (ID: 717113)
- The quantum way of doing computations Novel Materials and superconductors (Universitätssportheim Planneralm, 2009-02-22) , (2009) (ID: 663634)
- Wer, was, wo und überhaupt...? Vortrag beim Rotary Club Alpin (Innsbruck, 2009-11-23) , (2009). (ID: 717117)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Vortrag zur Verleihung des Carl-Zeiss-Preises (Oberkochen, 2009-11-11) , (2009). (ID: 717116)
- Plenary Talk "Outlook Session" QCCC Workshop 2009 (Bad Tölz, 2009-09-14) , (2009). (ID: 717000)
- Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group Report 2008/2009 Scientific Advisory Board meeting (Vienna, 2009-05-07) , (2009). (ID: 717112)
- SCALA SP3 presentation SCALA review meeting (Göteborg, 2009-03-04) , (2009). (ID: 717111)
- SCALA highlights with trapped ions SCALA review meeting (Göteborg, 2009-03-04) , (2009). (ID: 717110)
- Quantum information processing with trapped 43Ca+ ions Quantum computation and algorithm review meeting (Minneapolis, 2009-08-18) , (2009) (ID: 707450)
- Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation: Topaktuelle Forschung mit Diodenlasern 10-Jahres-Feier Fa. TOPTICA (München, Germany, 2008-04-17) , (2008) (ID: 627438)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear-Spectroscopy (Florenz, Italy, 2008-04-11) , (2008) (ID: 627439)
- Quantum Computer-dream and realization One year IMPRS-QD Symposium (Heidelberg, Germany, 2008-10-30) , (2008) (ID: 628518)
- Quantenoptik und Quantenkryptologie-Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Sicherheit Symposium der Wissenschaftskommission beim BMLV (Hotel Panhans Semmering, NÖ, 2008-11-12) , (2008) (ID: 631719)
Invited Talks
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Physikalisches Kolloquium, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Mainz, Germany, 2008-06-03) , (2008) (ID: 620390)
- Quantum information science with trapped ions Young Researchers Meeting - EMALI (Wien, Austria, 2008-05-21) , (2008) (ID: 620391)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Workshop "Frontiers of Quantum Theory: Reality and Randomness", Die Junge Akademie Berlin (Berlin, Germany, 2008-04-28) , (2008) (ID: 620392)
- The QIPC Strategic Report, App. on Quantum Information Technologies QIPC Cluster Review Conference, Institut Henri Poincare (Paris, France, 2008-03-05) , (2008) (ID: 620393)
- Measurement of the absolute transition frequency of the S1/2-D5/2 transition in 40Ca+ and 43Ca+ 7th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology (Pacific Grove, California, USA, 2008-10-07) , (2008) (ID: 628166)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Quantum Optics IV (Florianopolis, Brasilien, 2008-10-16) , (2008) (ID: 628205)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Open Quantum Systems: Decoherence and Control (Cambridge, MA, USA, 2008-11-21) , (2008) (ID: 646615)
- Atomic physics, quantum optics, and quantum information processing with trapped ions XXI International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP2008 (Storrs, Connecticut, USA, 2008-07-29) , (2008) (ID: 665935)
- Atomic physics, quantum optics and quantum information processing with trapped ions XXI International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP2008 (Storrs, Connecticut, USA, 2008-07-29) , (2008) (ID: 665936)
Seminar Talk
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Faszination Forschung (Bozen, Italien, 2008-11-28) , (2008) (ID: 651749)
- Quantum information processing with trapped 43Ca+ ions Quantum computation and algorithm review meeting (Atlanta, USA, 2008-08-11) , (2008) (ID: 606955)
- Entanglement, Quantum State Manipulation and Quantum Metrology with Trapped Ca+ Ions Workshop on Quantum Phenomena and Information: From Atomic to Mesoscopic Systems, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Triest, Italy, 2008-05-05) , (2008) (ID: 620561)
- Three-qubit Toffoli gate with trapped ions Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620562)
- Deterministic Entanglement Swapping with Trapped Ions Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620565)
- Towards faulttolerant quantum computing with trapped ions Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620566)
- Absolute frequency measurement of the 4s 2S1/2 - 3d 2D5/2 clock transition of a single 40Ca+ in a Paul trap Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620569)
- Realization of decoherence-free ion trap quantum computation Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620570)
- Experimental techniques for quantum information processing with trapped 43Ca+ ions Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620572)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Conference on Ultracold NanoMatter (Toronto, Canada, 2008-02-14) , (2008) (ID: 620574)
- The quantum way of doing computations Universität Innsbruck, Informatik-Kolloquium (Innsbruck, Austria, 2007-06-21) , (2007) (ID: 627441)
- Vom Quantensprung zum Quantencomputer Colloquium (Universität Hamburg, Germany, 2007-06-06) , (2007) (ID: 627445)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (FHS Kufstein, Austria, 2007-01-18) , (2007) (ID: 627447)
- Quanteninformation und Metrologie Colloquium (TU Braunschweig, Germany, 2007-04-24) , (2007) (ID: 627449)
- An atom, a photon and a mirror - simple interference experiments Colloquium (FOM-Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007-02-15) , (2007) (ID: 627452)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Conference on Quantum Information processing and Communication (Barcelona, Spain, 2007-10-15) , (2007) (ID: 540554)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions - Multi-Particle Entanglement and Quantum Metrology International Conference on Quantum Information (Rochester, New York, 2007-06-10) , (2007) (ID: 540557)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions - Multi-Particle Entanglement and Quantum Metrology 9th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules & Photons (Grete, Greece, 2007-11-05) , (2007) (ID: 540558)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped 43Ca+ Ions ARO funding meeting (Minneapolis, Mn, USA, 2007-08-18) , (2007) (ID: 540561)
- The quantum way of doing computations AURORA 2007 Conference on Scientific Computing (Vienna, Austria, 2007-06-18) , (2007) (ID: 540562)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions ITAMP workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Scalable Quantum Information Systems (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2007-05-24) , (2007) (ID: 540563)
- Ca+ clock and application of quantum information techniques to clocks Workshop on an Optical Clock Mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision Program (Düsseldorf, Germany, 2007-09-03) , (2007) (ID: 540564)
- Quantum Information Science Gordon Research Conference, Discussion Leader "Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ions" (Il Cioccio, Barga, Italy, 2007-04-15) , (2007) (ID: 540566)
- Quantum Information and Quantum Metrology with Trapped Ions QIPC meeting (Oxford, UK, 2007-02-28) , (2007) (ID: 540567)
- Elementary Quantum Algorithms SCALA review meeting (Oxford, UK, 2007-02-28) , (2007) (ID: 540568)
- The ERA pilot project QIST meeting (Oxford, UK, 2007-02-28) , (2007) (ID: 540569)
- Quantum computers - Dream and Realization The 7th Swiss Biennial on Science Technics + Aesthetics (Luzern, Switzerland, 2007-01-20) , (2007) (ID: 540571)
- QIPC and other Quantum Information Technologies European Commission - "Information Society and Media" (Directorate General, 25, avenue de Beaulieu, Brussels, Belgium, 2007-12-06) , (2007) (ID: 557892)
- QIPC FET Proactive Initiative - shaping FET European Commission, Brussels, Belgium (Brussels, 2007-09-21) , (2007) (ID: 557893)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Summer School, DPG Physics School 2007, Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Simulation (Bad Honnef, Germany, 2007-09-16) , (2007) (ID: 628326)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Mexican Summer School (Monterrey Institute of Technology and the University of Leeds, Mexico, 2007-07-16) , (2007) (ID: 628327)
Seminar Talks
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Vortrag für die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit, Firma Mils Electronics (Mils, Tirol, Austria, 2007-05-31) , (2007) (ID: 627446)
- The quantum way of doing computations Seminar The Role of Computer Science in Science (DERI Innsbruck, Austria, 2007-02-12) , (2007) (ID: 627453)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Kolping Vortrag für die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit (Idar-Oberstein, Germany, 2007-04-03) , (2007) (ID: 627454)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung Colloqium (University Siegen, 2006-11-02) , (2006) (ID: 425306)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung Colloqium (University Münster, 2006-06-29) , (2006) (ID: 425312)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung Colloqium (University Dortmund, Germany, 2006-06-28) , (2006) (ID: 425315)
- Quantencomputer – Vom Traum zur Realisierung Colloqium Johannes Gutenberg Stiftung Mainz (Mainz, Germany, 2006-06-26) , (2006) (ID: 425316)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung Colloqium (University Ulm, 2006-06-19) , (2006) (ID: 425318)
- Quantum Computers – Dream and Realization Colloqium (University Geneva, Switzerland, 2006-06-12) , (2006) (ID: 425319)
- Quantum Computers- Dream and Realization Colloqium (CALTECH, Pasadena, USA, 2006-05-25) , (2006) (ID: 425320)
- Quantum Information Science with Trapped Ca+ Ions Colloqium (Stanford, CA, USA, 2006-05-24) , (2006) (ID: 425321)
- Quantum Computers – Dream and Realization Colloqium Universität Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2006-04-11) , (2006) (ID: 425322)
- Quantum Computer – Dream and Realization Colloqium Universität Twente (University Twente, Netherlands, 2006-03-22) , (2006) (ID: 425323)
- Quantum Computer – Dream and Realization Colloqium für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Basel (Basel, Schweiz, 2006-02-10) , (2006) (ID: 425324)
Invited Talks
- Nuts and bolts of the Innsbruck ion trap setup Workshop on Trapped Ion Quantum Computing (Boulder, Co, USA, 2006-02-21) , (2006) (ID: 341769)
- Recent progress in trapped-ion quantum information processing APS march Meeting, Session H1: Quantum Information, Concepts and Computation (Baltimore, MD, USA, 2006-03-14) , (2006) (ID: 413460)
- Quantum Information Science with Atomic Systems Gordon Research Conference Quantum Information with Atomic Systems, (Il Ciocco, Barga, Italy, 2006-05-07) , (2006) (ID: 413462)
- Quantum Information Processing with trapped ions 43Ca+ions Quantum Information in Science and Technology , ARO/DTO (San Antonio, 2006-09-05) , (2006) (ID: 413463)
- Strong Coupling with Trapped Ions 377th WE-Heraeus-Seminar (Bad Honnef, 2006-09-13) , (2006) (ID: 413465)
- Trapped Ions US-Japan Workshop on quantum Information Science (Mauii, 2006-10-16) , (2006) (ID: 413466)
- Trapped-ion quantum information processing 56.Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (Graz, 2006-09-18) , (2006) (ID: 413467)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies 2006 Technical Digest Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS) (Long Beach, Ca, USA, 2006-05-23) , 66 (2006) (ID: 425302)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions Conference on Quantum Optics III (Pucon, Chile, 2006-11-27) , (2006) (ID: 540559)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Ist das Universum ein Computer? - Konrad Zuses "Rechnender Raum" - Vom ersten Computer der Welt bis zur Quanteninformatik (Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2006-11-07) , (2006) (ID: 540578)
- Österreichs Universitäten als Arbeitsplatz für Forscher aus dem Ausland Workshop "Internationalität und Mobilität an Österreichs Universitäten" (Baden bei Wien, Österreich, 2006-12-15) , (2006) (ID: 540580)
- Quantum Computer - dream and realization DPG Tagung (Dresden, Germany, 2006-03-28) , (2006) (ID: 620234)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+ Ions US-Japan Workshop on Quantum Information Science (Mauii, Hawaii, USA, 2006-10-16) , (2006) (ID: 620394)
- Strong Coupling with Trapped Ions Heraeus Workshop on Strong Coupling (Bad Honnef, Germany, 2006-09-14) , (2006) (ID: 620395)
- Quantum Metrology with trapped Ions Ringberg Symposium (Tegernsee, Germany, 2006-09-07) , (2006) (ID: 620396)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped 43Ca+ ions Quantum Information Science and Technology Conference and Program Review (ARO/DTO), Westin Riverwalk Hotel (San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2006-09-05) , (2006) (ID: 620397)
- QGATES - Quantum Gates and Elementary Scalable Processors Using Deterministically Addressed Atoms Talk at the European Commission, QGATES network for the Descartes Prize (Brussel, Belgium, 2006-07-11) , (2006) (ID: 620581)
- Precision spectroscopy with entangled states DPG (Frankfurt, Germany, 2006-03-12) , (2006) (ID: 343975)
- Erzeugung quantenmechanisch verschränkter Zustände von vier bis acht Ionen DPG (Frankfurt, Germany, Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 41, 4/2006, 2006-03-12) , (2006) (ID: 343978)
- Characterising and manipulating the motion of a single ion DPG (Frankfurt, Germany, 2006-03-12) , (2006) (ID: 343981)
- Coupling trapped ions via transmission lines for quantum computing, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 41, 4/2006 , (2006) (ID: 620585)
- Zustands-Tomographie in einem Ionen-Quantenprozessor, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 41, 4/2006 , (2006) (ID: 620587)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung Kolloquium Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Berlin, 2005-02-08) , (2005) (ID: 332494)
- Quantum Computer – Dream and Realization Kolloquium Universität Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf, Germany, 2005-06-30) , (2005) (ID: 332511)
- Quantum Computer - Dream and Realization Colloquium (University of Linz, Austria, 2005-02-19) , (2005) (ID: 627455)
Invited Talks
- Entanglement and transfer of quantum information with trapped ions Australasian Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ACOLS) (Rotorua, NZ) , (2005). (ID: 332526)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Chinese-German workshop on quantum engineering (Beijing) , (2005). (ID: 332525)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Conference on quantum information processing (Copenhagen) , (2005). (ID: 332524)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Conference on Photons, Detection and Generation (Bad Honnef) , (2005). (ID: 332522)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung öffentlicher Vortrag (Innsbruck) , (2005). (ID: 332521)
- A viable quantum computer Venture capital meeting (Barcelona) , (2005). (ID: 332520)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung Workshop für Journalisten (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2005). (ID: 332519)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Conference on fluctuations and noise (Trieste) , (2005). (ID: 332518)
- Quantum information processing with trapped 43Ca+ ions ARDA meeting on quantum information processing (Tampa, US) , (2005). (ID: 332515)
- Entanglement and transfer of quantum information Conference on entanglement and quantum information (Boulder, US) , (2005). (ID: 332505)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Conference on quantum information processing (Shonan Village, Japan) , (2005). (ID: 332498)
- Quantum Computer – Dream and Realization (Linz) , (2005). (ID: 332492)
- ICT Tirol – Quanteninformation im ICT (Innsbruck) , (2005). (ID: 332491)
- The IQOQI – Institute QIPC meeting (Innsbruck, Austria, 2005-02-15) , (2005) (ID: 332495)
- Quantum Computer – Dream and Realization Catalan Physical Society (Barcelona, Spain, 2005-04-11) , (2005) (ID: 332499)
- Die Welt seit Einstein öffentlicher Abendvortrag, Aula Universität Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria, 2005-04-14) , (2005) (ID: 332501)
- Ein Fest für Albert öffentlicher Vortrag (Stephansplatz Wien, Austria, 2005-04-19) , (2005) (ID: 332502)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions QUPON (Wien, Austria, 2005-05-26) , (2005) (ID: 332503)
- Multipartite entanglement Seminarvortrag am NIST (Boulder, Co, USA, 2005-06-03) , (2005) (ID: 332506)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung Matinee am Institut für Mathematik, Universität Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria, 2005-06-09) , (2005) (ID: 332508)
- Quantum computing with trapped ions EQEC (München, Germany, 2005-06-17) , (2005) (ID: 332509)
- Quantum Computer – Dream and Realization Einstein Conference (Bern, Schweiz, 2005-07-12) , (2005) (ID: 332514)
- Quantum state engineering and quantum cryptography Conference on the Physics of Aesthetics (Barcelona, Spain, 2005-08-23) , (2005) (ID: 332516)
- Quantencomputer – Traum und Realisierung öffentlicher Abendvortrag (MPIKS, Dresden, Germany, 2005-09-29) , (2005) (ID: 332517)
- Seeing and manipulating quantum states of single atoms Conference on the visualization of quantum physics (Madrid, Spain, 2005-11-17) , (2005) (ID: 332523)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Kolloquium, Univ. of New South Wales (Sydney, Austrialia, 2005-12-16) , (2005) (ID: 332527)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Australian National University (ANU) (Canberra, Australia, 2005-12-18) , (2005) (ID: 332529)
- Electronic feedback control of single ion motion EQEC (Munich, Germany, 2005-06-12) , (2005) (ID: 620236)
- Quantum Information International Summer School (MPI Dresden, Germany, 2005-08-29) , (2005) (ID: 628328)
Seminar Talk
- Das IQOQI im ICT Besuch des Südtiroler Landtages am IQOQI (Innsbruck, Austria, 2005-01-27) , (2005) (ID: 628579)
- Multiparticle entangled states of trapped ions: Generation of W-states 55. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, 2005-09-27) , (2005). (ID: 331407)
- High-precision measurement of atomic lifetimes and cavity-QED with single trapped Ca-ions Meeting of the German Physical Society (Berlin, 2005-05-04) , (2005) (ID: 327585)
- Feedback control of a single ion motion (Meeting of the German Physical Society, 2005-03-04) , (2005) (ID: 327586)
- Verschränkte Ionenzustände mit einer Lebensdauer von mehr als zehn Sekunden Meeting of the German Physical Society (Berlin, 2005-03-04) , (2005) (ID: 327587)
- Electronic feedback control of single ion motion EQEC (Munich, 2005-06-12) , (2005) (ID: 327602)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions JILA, Univ. of Colorado (Boulder, Co., USA, 2004-03-08) , (2004) (ID: 627456)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Colloquium (Caltech, Pasadena, Ca., USA, 2004-03-02) , (2004) (ID: 627457)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (Universität Würzburg, Germany, 2004-02-02) , (2004) (ID: 627458)
Invited Talks
- Quantum computation with trapped ions The 2004 LATSIS Symposium (Lausanne, Switzerland, 2004-03-01) , (2004) (ID: 620238)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions - Teleportation with atoms, are the Di Vincenzo Criteria fulfilled in 2004? Invited Talk (Osaka, Japan, 2004-08-05) , (2004) (ID: 620244)
- Teleportation with atoms ICAP 2004 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2004-07-25) , (2004) (ID: 620245)
- Using entanglement as a resource for teleportation of atomic states, Entanglement, Information & Noise Invited Talk (Krzyzowa, Poland, 2004-06-14) , (2004) (ID: 620246)
- Nuts and Bolts of the Innsbruck Ion trap effort Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Workshop (TIQC 2004) (Ann Arbor, USA, 2004-05-13) , (2004) (ID: 620248)
- Quantum gates and entanglement International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2004) (San Francisco, Calif., USA, in: CLEO/IQEC and PhAST Technical Digest on CDROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2004), 2004-05-16) , (2004) (ID: 620249)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/27, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620607)
- A single photon source based on a single Ca+ ion International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2004) (San Francisco, Calif., USA, in: CLEO/IQEC and PhAST Technical Digest on CDROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2004), 2004-05-16) , (2004) (ID: 620588)
- Single atom capturing effect by a single distant mirror International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2004) (San Francisco, Calif., USA, in: CLEO/IQEC and PhAST Technical Digest on CDROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2004), 2004-05-16) , (2004) (ID: 620589)
- Korrektur von Adressierungsfehlern in einer linearen Ionenfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI), vol. 39, 7/2004, Postdeadline Papers , (2004) (ID: 620590)
- Optischer Frequenzstandard mit 40Ca+ Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI), 39, 7/159, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620592)
- Single atom capturing effect from a single distant mirror, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/151, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620593)
- Lebensdauer des metastabilen D5/2 Niveaus eines 40Ca+ Ions bei Ankopplung an das Vakuumfeld in einem Resonator, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/151, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620594)
- Quantenzustandstomographie in einer linearen Ionenfalle. in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/148, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620609)
- Teleportation von Quanteninformation mit massiven Teilchen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/148, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620611)
- Experimenteller Vergleich von Drei-Teilchen-Verschränkungen: W und GHZ-Zustände, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/148, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620614)
- Einzelne Photonen von einem Ca+-Ion in einem Hochgüte-Resonator, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/144, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620616)
- Real-time measurement of a single ion trajectory, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/113, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620617)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization Colloquium (TU Graz, Austria, 2003-11-25) , (2003) (ID: 627459)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization Colloquium (Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany, 2003-10-27) , (2003) (ID: 627460)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization Colloquium (CSIRO, Sydney, Australia, 2003-07-31) , (2003) (ID: 627463)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization Colloquium (IBM Rüschlikon, Switzerland, 2003-05-27) , (2003) (ID: 627465)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (Universität Heidelberg, Germany, 2003-05-16) , (2003) (ID: 627466)
Invited Talks
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Conference on Quantum Information Processing (Kyoto, Japan, 2003-11-05) , (2003) (ID: 620250)
- Realization of the Cirac-Zoller CNOT gate Quantum Information Conference, Tokyo University (Tokyo, Japan, 2003-11-01) , (2003) (ID: 620251)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions ESF Quantum Optics Conference (Granada, Spain, 2003-10-30) , (2003) (ID: 620252)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Conference on Quantum Information, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan, 2003-09-28) , (2003) (ID: 620253)
- Realisation of the Cirac-Zoller controlled-NOT quantum gate European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) (Munich, Germany, in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vo. 27E El1-1-MON, 2003-06-22) , (2003) (ID: 620254)
- Coherent coupling and modified spontaneous emission of a single ion in a high finesse optical cavity Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) (Boulder, USA, 2003-05-20) , (2003) (ID: 620255)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Gordon Conference on Quantum Information Processing (Ventura, Ca., USA, 2003-03-23) , (2003) (ID: 620256)
- Coherent Control and Quantum Information Gordon Conference on Coherent Control (Tilton, Massachusetts, USA, 2003-08-06) , (2003) (ID: 620398)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung IT Forum Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria, 2003-06-30) , (2003) (ID: 620399)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Information (Ventura, Ca., USA, 2003-03-26) , (2003) (ID: 620400)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Innovationsforum Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria, 2003-03-14) , (2003) (ID: 620401)
- Quantum information processing PASI Summer School (Buzios, Brazil, 2003-12-01) , (2003) (ID: 628329)
- Molecular Electronics Bad Honnef Summer School (Bad Honnef, Germany, 2003-09-16) , (2003) (ID: 628330)
- Quantum information processing Les Houches Summer School (Les Houches, France, 2003-07-01) , (2003) (ID: 628331)
Seminar Talks
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung talk at the Naturw. Klasse, Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW) (Vienna, Austria, 2003-10-09) , (2003) (ID: 627462)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization public evening lecture, Science Museum (Canberra, Australia, 2003-07-28) , (2003) (ID: 627464)
- Ion trap madness at Innsbruck, some quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions, and some mad experiments with Ba+ Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 2003-02-04) , (2003) (ID: 627467)
- Erzeugung und Analyse verschränkter Mehr-Teilchen Zustände mit 40Ca-Ionen Beitrag zur 53. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Salzburg, Austria, S. 89, 2003-02-01) , (2003) (ID: 620621)
- Optischer Frequenzstandards mit 40Ca-Ionen Beitrag zur 53. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Salzburg, Austria, S. 88, 2003-02-01) , (2003) (ID: 620624)
- Kopplung eines einzelnen Ca+ Ions an das Vakuumfeld eines Resonators hoher Güte Beitrag zur 53. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Salzburg, Austria, S. 87, 2003-02-01) , (2003) (ID: 620627)
- Vacuum field trapping effect on a single atom Beitrag zur 53. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Salzburg, Austria, S. 86, 2003-02-01) , (2003) (ID: 620629)
- Coherent coupling and modified spontaneous emission of a single ion in a high finesse optical cavity 4th European Quantum Information and Computation (QIPC) Workshop (Oxford, UK, 2003-07-13) , (2003) (ID: 620630)
- Experimental preparation and analysis of two-ion entangled states 4th European Quantum Information and Computation (QIPC) Workshop (Oxford, UK, 2003-07-13) , (2003) (ID: 620631)
- Coherent Coupling of a single Ca+ ion to a high finesse optical cavity Field European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) 2003 (Munich, Germany, in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vo. 27E EH1-2-WED, 2003-06-22) , (2003) (ID: 620633)
- Implementation of the Deutsch-Josza algorithm on an ion trap quantum computer European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) 2003 (Munich, Germany, in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vo. 27E El1-5-MON, 2003-06-22) , (2003) (ID: 620864)
- Precision AC-Stark measurement and a novel type of quantum Gate European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) 2003 (Munich, Germany, in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vo. 27E EI2-5-MON, 2003-06-22) , (2003) (ID: 620868)
- Vacuum-field level shifts in a single atom mediated by a single distant mirror European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) 2003 (Munich, Germany, in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vo. 27E EH3-3-THU, 2003-06-22) , (2003) (ID: 620869)
- Cavity enhanced spontaneous emission of a single ion Obergurgl meeting on quantum optics (Obergurgl, Ötztal, Austria, 2003-02-23) , (2003) (ID: 620899)
- Quanten-Informationsverarbeitung mit linearen Ionenkristallen und die Realisierung eines universellen zwei-Quantenbit Gatters, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/118, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620901)
- Kohärente Kopplung eines einzelnen Ca+-Ions an eine Hochfinesse-Resonatormode, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/125, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620902)
- Vacuum-field level shifts in a single atom mediated by a single distant mirror, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/127, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620904)
- Implementation of the Deutsch-Josza algorithm on an ion trap quantum computer, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/130, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620907)
- Quantized Stark-shifts and implementation of a novel type of quantum gate, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/130, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620910)
- Quanteninformationsverarbeitung mit Ca+-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/151, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620913)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Colloquium (NIST Gaithersburg, 2002-08-28) , (2002) (ID: 627468)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (Universität Kassel, Germany, 2002-07-03) , (2002) (ID: 627469)
- Single atoms interfering with their mirror images Colloquium (ENS Paris, France, 2002-06-03) , (2002) (ID: 627470)
- Towards Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Colloquium (Université de Marseille, France, 2002-05-16) , (2002) (ID: 627471)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (Universität Hannover, Germany, 2002-04-09) , (2002) (ID: 627472)
- Towards Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Colloquium (Kansai Advanced Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, Kobe, Japan, 2002-03-18) , (2002) (ID: 627473)
- Towards Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Colloquium (University College Dublin, Ireland, 2002-02-07) , (2002) (ID: 627475)
- Towards Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Colloquium (Queen's University Belfast, Ireland, 2002-02-06) , (2002) (ID: 627476)
- Towards Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Colloquium (University of Cork, Ireland, 2002-02-04) , (2002) (ID: 627477)
- Quantum Optics and Precision Measurements using Trapped Ions Colloquium (BIPM, Paris, France, 2002-02-20) , (2002) (ID: 627478)
- Towards Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Colloquium (Collége de France, Paris, France, 2002-02-19) , (2002) (ID: 627479)
Invited Talks
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Workshop on "Sicherheit in der Informatik" (Munich, Germany, 2002-11-27) , (2002) (ID: 620257)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Workshop on "Practical realizations of quantum information processing", Royal Society London (London, UK, 2002-11-13) , (2002) (ID: 620258)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Information and Computation, ICTP (2 invited lectures) (Triest, Italy, 2002-10-17) , (2002) (ID: 620259)
- Precision spectroscopy, control and quantum state manipulation of trapped Ca+ ions Atom Interferometry and Precision Measurements (Lunteren, Holland, 2002-09-28) , (2002) (ID: 620261)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Quantum Information and Computation Conference (QIPC) (Dublin, Irland, 2002-09-17) , (2002) (ID: 620265)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Feynman Festival, College Park (Md., Usa, 2002-08-23) , (2002) (ID: 620267)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) (Boston, Ma., USA, 2002-07-29) , (2002) (ID: 620270)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions European Group of Atomic Spectroscopy (EGAS) (Sofia, Bulgarien, 2002-12-07) , (2002) (ID: 620274)
- Light interference from single atoms and their mirror images International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) (Moskau, Russland, 2002-07-24) , (2002) (ID: 620278)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Jahrestagung der DGaO (Innsbruck, Austria, 2002-05-24) , (2002) (ID: 620280)
- Ground state laser cooling of trapped ions Cooling 2002 (Visby, Sweden, 2002-06-09) , (2002) (ID: 620284)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (Tokyo, Japan, 2002-03-12) , (2002) (ID: 620289)
- Interference of single photons from single atoms Adriatico Workshop on Quantum Interferometry (Triest, Italy, 2002-03-12) , (2002) (ID: 620290)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Southwest Quantum Information Conference (Boulder, Co., USA, 2002-11-03) , (2002) (ID: 620291)
- Towards quantum computation with trapped ions Workshop on the security in the information sciences (Weyberhöfe (near Frankfurt/Main), Germany, 2002-01-21) , (2002) (ID: 620292)
- Quantum Information and Quantum Computation Summer School, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Workshop (Trieste, Italy, 2002-10-14) , (2002) (ID: 628336)
- Ground state laser cooling of trapped ions Cooling 2002 (Visby, Sweden, 2002-06-09) , (2002) (ID: 632463)
- Ein phasenstabilisiertes Diodenlasersystem zur Grundzustandsspektroskopie an 87Rb, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37, 2/142, 2002 , (2002) (ID: 620918)
- Pound-Drever-Hall Frequenzstabilisierung eines Diodenlasers bei 397 nm, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37, 2/141, 2002 , (2002) (ID: 620920)
- Interference experiments with trapped Ba+ ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37, 2/127, 2002 , (2002) (ID: 620923)
- Coupling a single trapped ion to a high finesse cavity, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37, 2/126, 2002 , (2002) (ID: 620925)
- Welche Zuverlässigkeit kann man von Ionenfallen-Quantengattern erwarten?, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37,, 2/104,2002 , (2002) (ID: 620926)
- Experimente zur Verwirklichung eines Quantengatters in einer linearen Ionenfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37, 2/104, 2002 , (2002) (ID: 620927)
- Light Interference Experiments with Single Barium Ions YEP conference (Obergurgl, Ötztal, Austria, 2002-04-00) , (2002) (ID: 620929)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (Universität Bonn, Germany, 2001-11-26) , (2001) (ID: 627481)
- Einzelne Atome in Fallen Colloquium (Universität Hamburg, Germany, 2001-11-25) , (2001) (ID: 627483)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Colloquium (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, Peking, China, 2001-08-31) , (2001) (ID: 627486)
- Quantum computer - dream and realization Colloquium (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany, 2001-06-26) , (2001) (ID: 627488)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Colloquium (NIST Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 2001-05-14) , (2001) (ID: 627489)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (TU Wien, Austria, 2001-03-07) , (2001) (ID: 627490)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung Colloquium (Universität Karlsruhe, Germany, 2001-02-14) , (2001) (ID: 627491)
- Experiments with single ions: From fundamental physics to quantum technology Colloquium (Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia, 2001-01-24) , (2001) (ID: 627494)
- Experiments with single ions: From fundamental physics to quantum technology Colloquium (Australien National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia, 2001-01-23) , (2001) (ID: 627970)
- Experiments with single ions: From fundamental physics to quantum technology Colloquium, CSIRO (Sydney, Australien, 2001-01-16) , (2001) (ID: 627971)
Invited Talks
- Towards quantum computation with trapped Ca+ ions Quantum Information Conference (Santa Barbara, Ca., USA, 2001-07-03) , (2001) (ID: 620293)
- Single ions interfering with their mirror images OSA Conference Long Beach (Long Beach, Ca., USA, 2001-10-14) , (2001) (ID: 620294)
- Quantum Computation with Trapped Ca+ Ions International workshop on quantum information (Huangshan, China, 2001-09-04) , (2001) (ID: 620295)
- Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions CLEO/Europe-EQEC Focus Meetings (Munich, Germany, Conference Digest, p. 313, 2001-00-00) , (2001) (ID: 620296)
- Towards Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions International Conference on Quantum Information (Rochester N.Y., USA, Book of abstracts, p. 9, 2001-06-13) , (2001) (ID: 620298)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Information Processing, Fields Institute, Univ. Toronto (Toronto, Canada, 2001-05-19) , (2001) (ID: 620300)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Division of atomic and molecular physics conference, DAMOP, London (Ontario, Canada, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 2001-05-18) , (2001) (ID: 620301)
- Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Winter School on Quantum Information (Dolomieu, France, 2001-02-27) , (2001) (ID: 620302)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions International Conference on Quantum Information IQC01 (Sydney, Australien, 2001-01-19) , (2001) (ID: 620303)
- Experiments with single trapped ions in Innsbruck IHP network meeting, QUEST (Gif sur Yvette, France, 2001-07-10) , (2001) (ID: 620402)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions, in OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics (TOPS) Vol. 57, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS2001), Technical digest, Post conference Edition (Optical Society of America, Washington , (2001) (ID: 620936)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 36, 34, 2001 (also: ECAMP, europhysics conference abstracts Vol. 25B) , (2001) (ID: 622630)
- Enrico Fermi summer school on Quantum Information Summer School (Varenna, Italy, 2001-07-16) , (2001) (ID: 628338)
Seminar Talk
- Ion trap madness in Austria - single ions interfering with their mirror images NIST (Boulder, Co., USA, 2001-10-19) , (2001) (ID: 627485)
- Single ion cavity QED experiments Beitrag zur 51. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, S. 174, 2001-09-17) , (2001) (ID: 620931)
- A strongly confining dipole trap for Rubidium atoms Beitrag zur 51. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, S. 174, 2001-09-17) , (2001) (ID: 620932)
- Single trapped ions interfering with their mirror images, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 36, 216 (2001), (also: ECAMP, euro physics conference abstracts Vol. 25B) , (2001) (ID: 620934)
- A strongly confining dipole trap for Rubidium atoms, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 36, 204, 2001 (also: ECAMP, europhysics conference abstracts Vol. 25B) , (2001) (ID: 622514)
- Sympathetische Grundzustandskühlung und kohärente Manipulation von Ionenkristallen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 36, 186, 2001 (also: ECAMP, europhysics conference abstracts Vol. 25B) , (2001) (ID: 622626)
- Laserkühlung mittels elektromagnetisch induzierter Transparenz, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 36, 83, 2001 (also: ECAMP, europhysics conference abstracts Vol. 25B) , (2001) (ID: 622628)
- Ground-state cooling, quantum state engineering, and decoherence of ions in Paul traps Colloquium (Santa Fé Institute, New Mexico, USA, 2000-08-02) , (2000) (ID: 627973)
- Atoms interfering with their mirror images Colloquium (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 2000-07-28) , (2000) (ID: 627974)
Invited Talks
- Ground-state cooling of a string of ions in a linear Paul trap TMR Network Meeting "Quantum structures" (Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, 2000-11-26) , (2000) (ID: 620304)
- Experiments on Sub-Doppler Cooling in Ion Traps Quantum Optics XI (Mallorca, Spain, 2000-10-14) , (2000) (ID: 620305)
- Towards quantum computation with trapped ions Quantum Optics XI (Mallorca, Spain, 2000-10-14) , (2000) (ID: 620308)
- Ground state cooling, quantum state engineering and study of decoherence of ions in Paul traps 2nd Bielefeld Workshop on Quantum Information and Complexity, Universität Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany, 2000-10-12) , (2000) (ID: 620309)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Workshop on Puzzles and Mysteries in Quantum Physics (Gargnano, Italy, 2000-09-19) , (2000) (ID: 620310)
- Single trapped ions interfering with their mirror images: Inhibition and enhancement of spontaneous emission Conference Digest of 2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference (Nizza, 2000-09-10) , (2000) (ID: 620367)
- Ground state cooling, quantum state engineering and study of decoherence of ions in Paul traps Conference Digest of 2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference, p. 212 (Nizza, 2000-09-10) , (2000) (ID: 620368)
- Ground state cooling of ion strings TMR Network Meeting "The physics of quantum information", Universität Wien (Wien, Austria, 2000-09-05) , (2000) (ID: 620369)
- Quantum information processing with Ca ions TMR Network Meeting "The physics of quantum information", Universität Wien (Wien, Austria, 2000-09-05) , (2000) (ID: 620371)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions QIPC-Y2k (Capri, Italy, 2000-07-07) , (2000) (ID: 620372)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Information Processing, ISI Turin (Turin, Italy, 2000-06-28) , (2000) (ID: 620374)
- Experiments towards quantum information with trapped Calcium ions International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP 2000 (Florenz, Italy, 2000-06-07) , (2000) (ID: 620375)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions ISCAS (Genf, Schweiz, 2000-05-30) , (2000) (ID: 620377)
- Quantenoptik in Tirol - Grundlagenforschung für Spitzentechnologie Europäisches Forum Alpbach (Tiroltal) (Alpbach, Austria, 2000-08-20) , (2000) (ID: 620403)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realisierung öffentlicher Abendvortrag (Urania, Graz, Austria, 2000-11-17) , (2000) (ID: 627972)
Seminar Talk
- New ion trap results in Innsbruck Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 2000-05-05) , (2000) (ID: 627975)
- Effiziente Erzeugung von Licht bei 397 nm zur Laserkühlung von 40Ca+ Ionen durch Frequenzverdopplung in periodisch gepoltem LiTaO3 Beitrag zur 50. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Graz, Austria, S. 235, 2000-09-25) , (2000) (ID: 622631)
- Cooling ion strings to the vibrational ground state Beitrag zur 50. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Graz, Austria, S. 121, 2000-09-25) , (2000) (ID: 622632)
- Interferometric analysis and modification of a single ion's fluorescence Beitrag zur 50. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Graz, Austria, S. 120, 2000-09-25) , (2000) (ID: 622634)
- Experiments towards quantum information with trapped Calcium ions, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, OSA Technical Digest, p. 178, Washington, D.C. , (2000) (ID: 622636)
- Speed of ion trap information processors, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 35, 1087, 2000 , (2000) (ID: 622637)
- Effiziente Erzeugung von Licht bei 397 nm durch Frequenzverdopplung in periodisch gepoltem LiTaO3, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 35, 1074, 2000 , (2000) (ID: 622639)
- Kohärente Zustandsmanipulation eines einzelnen Ca+-Ions auf einem optischen Übergang, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 35, 1061, 2000 , (2000) (ID: 622640)
- Grundzustandskühlung in einer linearen Paul-Falle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 35, 1061, 2000 , (2000) (ID: 622642)
- Quantum computer - dream and reality Van-der-Waals-Colloquium (Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands, 1999-12-02) , (1999) (ID: 627979)
- Quantencomputer - Traum und Realität Colloquium (Universität Essen, Germany, 1999-11-17) , (1999) (ID: 627984)
- Quantum computer - dream and reality Colloquium (Universita La Sapienza, Roma, Italy, 1999-05-11) , (1999) (ID: 627988)
Invited Talks
- Experiments with trapped Ca+ ions for quantum information Conference on Decoherence and Entanglement (Gargnano, Italy, 1999-09-20) , (1999) (ID: 620404)
- High resolution spectroscopy of single Ca+ ions: applications to frequency standards and quantum computations ESCOLAR-Konferenz (Elounda, Kreta, 1999-05-03) , (1999) (ID: 620405)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Seminar Talk (Caltech, Pasadena, Ca., USA, 1999-07-16) , (1999) (ID: 627985)
- Sideband cooling of a single Ca+ ion Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 1999-07-11) , (1999) (ID: 627986)
- Ein mikroprozessorgesteuertes Lambdameter mit 10-4 nm Genauigkeit Beitrag zur 49. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Innsbruck, Austria, S. 65, 1999-09-20) , (1999) (ID: 622643)
- Quantum Optics with a single Ca+ ion Beitrag zur 49. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Innsbruck, Austria, S. 61, 1999-09-20) , (1999) (ID: 622644)
- Bewegungseffekte in der Resonanzfluoreszenz eines einzelnen Barium-Ions Beitrag zur 49. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Innsbruck, Austria, S. 48, 1999-09-20) , (1999) (ID: 622645)
- Eine Rubidium-Doppel-MOT für das Laden einer blauverstimmten Dipolfalle Beitrag zur 49. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Innsbruck, Austria, S. 21, 1999-09-20) , (1999) (ID: 622646)
- Eine Rubidium-Doppel-MOT für das Laden einer blauverstimmten Dipolfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 417, 1999 , (1999) (ID: 622648)
- Hochauflösende Spektroskopie an Kalzium-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 417, 1999 , (1999) (ID: 622649)
- Experimente zur Seitenbandkühlung eines Kalzium Ions in einer Paul-Falle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 400, 1999 , (1999) (ID: 622669)
- Kühlung und Adressierung einzelner Kalzium Ionen in einer linearen Paul-Falle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 399, 1999 , (1999) (ID: 622670)
- Spektrum der Resonanzfluoreszenz eines einzelnen Ba+-Ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 392, 1999 , (1999) (ID: 622671)
- 40 Jahre Paulfalle - Ein Instrument mit Zukunft Festkolloquium (Universität Mainz, Germany, 1998-11-24) , (1998) (ID: 627990)
- Quantcomputer mit gespeicherten Ionen Colloquium (Universität Ulm, Germany, 1998-06-08) , (1998) (ID: 627993)
Invited Talks
- High efficiency frequency doubled diode laser for precision spectroscopy of single trapped Ba+ ions at 493 nm Vortrag zur European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC (Glasgow, Schottland, UK, Technical Digest (EQEC), p. 258, 1998, 1998-09-14) , (1998) (ID: 620378)
- Crystal structures of Calcium Ions for quantum information Vortrag zur European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC (Glasgow, Schottland, UK, Technical Digest (EQEC), p. 100, 1998, 1998-09-14) , (1998) (ID: 620379)
- Quantum Optics with Single Atoms eingeladener Vortrag auf der Vienna Circle Conference (Wien, Austria, 1998-06-04) , (1998) (ID: 620406)
Seminar Talks
- Experiments towards quantum computation with trapped Ca+ ions Seminar Talk (Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA, 1998-08-12) , (1998) (ID: 627991)
- Experiments towards quantum computation with trapped Ca+ ions Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 1998-08-10) , (1998) (ID: 627992)
- Ein eindimensionales Ion, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 33, 210, 1998 , (1998) (ID: 622693)
- Ein hochstabiles Laser-System zur Spektroskopie an Ca+-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 33, 200, 1998 , (1998) (ID: 622698)
- Ein hocheffizientes schmalbandiges Dioden-Laser-System bei 493 nm zur Spektroskopie an Ba+-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 33, 188, 1998 , (1998) (ID: 622700)
- Eine interferometrische Dipol-Falle für die Speicherung von Atomen im Lamb-Dicke-Bereich, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 33, 188, 1998 , (1998) (ID: 622704)
- Quantcomputer mit gespeicherten Ionen Colloquium (Technische Universität Graz, Austria, 1997-11-27) , (1997) (ID: 627994)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Colloquium (University of Arhus, Dänemark, 1997-11-05) , (1997) (ID: 628000)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Colloquium (University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA, 1997-07-07) , (1997) (ID: 628001)
Invited Talks
- Quantum motion of single trapped ions eingeladener Vortrag auf der 13th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, ICOLS (Hangzhou, China, 1997-07-03) , (1997) (ID: 620380)
- Quantum Computation in Ion Traps: Experimental Implementation TMR network (Quantum Information) meeting (Almagro, Spain, 1997-10-17) , (1997) (ID: 620407)
- Quantum motion of single trapped ions eingeladener Vortrag auf der European Research Conference on Quantum Optics (Castelvecchio, Italy, 1997-09-13) , (1997) (ID: 620408)
- Quantum structures in ion traps TMR network (Quantum Structures) meeting (Garching, 1997-07-24) , (1997) (ID: 620409)
- Quantum motion of single trapped ions Workshop on Quantum control of atomic motion, University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 1997-03-01) , (1997) (ID: 620411)
- Quantenrechner mit gespeicherten Ionen DFG Symposium (Dagstuhl, 1997-02-22) , (1997) (ID: 628007)
Seminar Talks
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Seminar Talk (East China Normal University, China, 1997-06-02) , (1997) (ID: 628002)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Seminar Talk (TU Wien, Austria, 1997-05-27) , (1997) (ID: 628003)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Seminar Talk (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 1997-02-28) , (1997) (ID: 628004)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Seminar Talk (Phillips Labs, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 1997-02-27) , (1997) (ID: 628005)
- Quantum motion of single trapped ions Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 1997-02-25) , (1997) (ID: 628006)
- Resonanzfluoreszenz einzelner Barium-Ionen Beitrag zur 47. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, S. 282, 1997-09-22) , (1997) (ID: 622724)
- Resonanzfluoreszenz einzelner Barium-Ionen Beitrag zur 47. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, S. 281, 1997-09-22) , (1997) (ID: 622728)
- Dioden-Laser-Systeme zur Spektroskopie an einzelnen Barium-Ionen Beitrag zur 47. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, S. 270, 1997-09-22) , (1997) (ID: 622729)
- Kristalle aus Kalzium-Ionen für einen Quanten-Rechner Beitrag zur 47. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, S. 265, 1997-09-22) , (1997) (ID: 622731)
- Spektroskopie an einzelnen Barium Ionen mit Dioden-Lasern, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 32, 334, 1997 , (1997) (ID: 622734)
- Eine lineare Falle für ein Quantengatter mit gespeicherten Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 32, 324, 1997 , (1997) (ID: 622742)
- Quantenrechner mit gespeicherten Ionen Colloquium (Universität Erlangen, Germany, 1996-06-17) , (1996) (ID: 628008)
Invited Talk
- Ion Cooling and Quantum Computation eingeladener Vortrag auf der Conference on Highly Charged Ions (Stockholm, 1996-07-03) , (1996) (ID: 620412)
- Eine neue Falle für die Quantenoptik mit einzelnen Ca+ Ionen Beitrag zur 46. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Linz, Austria, S. 120, 1996-09-23) , (1996) (ID: 622750)
- Spektroskopie an einzelnen Ba+ Ionen Beitrag zur 46. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Linz, Austria, S. 114, 1996-09-23) , (1996) (ID: 622751)
- Quantum Optics with Single Trapped Ions Colloquium (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA, 1995-10-20) , (1995) (ID: 628011)
Invited Talks
- Single Ions and Quantum Optics eingeladener Vortrag auf der 5th European EPS Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (Edinburgh, UK, in Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 19A, I, p. 17, ed. by R.C. Thompson, EPS 1995, 1995-07-03) , (1995) (ID: 620381)
- Nonclassical states of motion of a single trapped ion eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Workshop des EC Network Nonclassical Light and Satellite Meeting Application of techniques and methods of nonclassical light: gravitational waves detector, quantum cryptography, quantum computing (Corvara, Italy, 1995-01-28) , (1995) (ID: 620413)
- Quantencomputer mit gespeicherten Ionen BMFT Anhörung (Bonn, Germany, 1995-12-22) , (1995) (ID: 628009)
Seminar Talks
- Quantencomputer mit gespeicherten Ionen Seminar Talk (Universität Karlsruhe, Germany, 1995-11-15) , (1995) (ID: 628010)
- Quantenoptik und Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Seminar Talk (Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung, Göttingen, Germany, 1995-04-19) , (1995) (ID: 628012)
- Simulation von Polarisationsgradientenkühlung eines gespeicherten Ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 30, 406, 1995 , (1995) (ID: 622760)
- Anregungsspektroskopie an einem einzelnen Ytterbium-Ion, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 30, 326, 1995 , (1995) (ID: 622763)
- Spektroskopie an einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Jena, Germany, 1994-11-01) , (1994) (ID: 628014)
- Spektroskopie an einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Göttingen, Germany, 1994-10-24) , (1994) (ID: 628015)
- Quantenoptik und Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Ionen Colloquium (Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany, 1994-06-21) , (1994) (ID: 628016)
- Physik und Anwendungen gespeicherter Ionen Colloquium (Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1994-05-20) , (1994) (ID: 628017)
- Quantenoptik und Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Ionen Colloquium (Universität Göttingen, Germany, 1994-04-14) , (1994) (ID: 628018)
- Spectroscopy and quantum optics with single ions Colloquium (Australian National University, Canberra, Australien, 1994-02-04) , (1994) (ID: 628022)
- Spectroscopy and quantum optics with single ions Colloquium (University of Melbourne, Australien, 1994-02-02) , (1994) (ID: 628023)
- Quantum optics with single ions Colloquium (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1994-01-31) , (1994) (ID: 628024)
- Quantenoptik mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Hannover, Germany, 1994-01-11) , (1994) (ID: 628025)
Invited Talks
- Präparation von Fock-Zuständen in der Bewegung einzelner Ionen DFG Kolloquium (Bonn, Wachtberg-Niederbachem, Germany, 1994-06-13) , (1994) (ID: 620414)
- Single-Ion Cooling Analyzed by Quantized Fluorescence Beitrag zum Deutsch-Russischen Laserseminar (Kassel, Germany, 1994-02-28) , (1994) (ID: 620415)
- Quantenoptik mit einzelnen Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 29, 628, 1994, Hauptvortrag , (1994) (ID: 622785)
Seminar Talks
- Quantenbewegung gespeicherter Ionen Seminar Talk (Universität Hamburg, Germany, 1994-11-08) , (1994) (ID: 628013)
- Quantum optics with single ions Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 1994-02-10) , (1994) (ID: 628019)
- Spectroscopy and quantum optics with single ions Seminar Talk (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australien, 1994-02-07) , (1994) (ID: 628021)
- Laser cooling of trapped three-level ions: designing two-level systems for sideband cooling Beitrag zur IQEC'94 Konferenz (Anaheim, Md, USA, in International Quantum Electronics Conference, 1994, OSA Technical Digest Series, Vol. 9 (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1994), p. 179, 1994-05-08) , (1994) (ID: 622772)
- Precision laser spectrometer with multiple frequency modulation Beitrag zur IQEC'94 Konferenz (Anaheim, Md, USA, in International Quantum Electronics Conference, 1994, OSA Technical Digest Series, Vol. 9 (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1994), p. 60, 1994-05-08) , (1994) (ID: 622774)
- Penningfalle aus Permanentmagneten: Elektron-Affinität von H-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 29, 724, 1994 , (1994) (ID: 622775)
- Präzisionsbestimmung optischer Frequenzen bei 467 nm, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 29, 669, 1994 , (1994) (ID: 622776)
- Quantenbewebung in einer Kingdonfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 29, 631, 1994 , (1994) (ID: 622777)
- Dynamik der Ionenbewegung in der Achtpol-Hochfrequenzfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 29, 630, 1994 , (1994) (ID: 622783)
- Quantenoptik mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Innsbruck, Austria, 1993-03-07) , (1993) (ID: 628027)
Invited Talks
- Quantum Optics with Single Ions eingeladener Vortrag auf dem "Quantum Optics Workshop" der UK Quantum Electronic Conference 11 (Belfast, UK, 1993-08-30) , (1993) (ID: 620416)
- Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics with Single Trapped Ions eingeladener Vortrag auf der Gordon-Conference on Atomic Physics (Wolfeborough, NH, USA, 1993-09-05) , (1993) (ID: 620417)
- Moderne Experimente in Spektroskopie und Quantenoptik Talk (Universität Rostock, Germany, 1993-04-01) , (1993) (ID: 628026)
- Spektroskopie und Quantenoptik mit einzelnen Atomen Talk (Universität Mainz, Germany, 1993-01-22) , (1993) (ID: 628028)
- ERASMUS Intensive Course on Quantum Optics Summer School (Elounda, Kreta, 1993-05-03) , (1993) (ID: 628343)
Seminar Talk
- Spektroskopie und Quantenoptik mit einzelnen Atomen Seminar Talk (Universität Freiburg, Germany, 1993-01-20) , (1993) (ID: 628029)
- Preparation of Fock states and squeezed states of motion in an ion trap, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 38, No. 3, 1122, 1993 , (1993) (ID: 622786)
- Preparation of Fock states by observation of quantum jumps in an ion trap Beitrag zur QELS'93 Konferenz (Baltimore, Md., USA, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 1993 OSA Technical Digest Series, Vol. 3 (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1993), p. 284, 1993-07-02) , (1993) (ID: 622788)
- Spectrum of resonance fluorescence from a single trapped ion Beitrag zur QELS'93 Konferenz (Baltimore, Md., USA, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 1993 OSA Technical Digest Series, Vol. 3 (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1993), p. 195, 1993-07-02) , (1993) (ID: 622790)
- Präparation von nichtklassischen Zuständen der Bewegung in einer Ionenfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 28, 440, 1993 , (1993) (ID: 622791)
- Spektroskopie eines einzelnen 171Yb+-Ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 28, 439, 1993 , (1993) (ID: 622792)
- Spektrum der Resonanzfluoreszenz einzelner gespeicherter Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 28, 421, 1993 , (1993) (ID: 622793)
- Lichtverschiebung der Resonanzen eines einzelnen Ba+-Ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 28, 420, 1993 , (1993) (ID: 622795)
- Diskrete Absorption auf der Quadrupol-Linie S1/2-D1/2 eines Ba+-Ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 28, 420, 1993 , (1993) (ID: 622796)
- Penningfalle aus Permanentmagneten: Elektron-Affinität von H-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 28, 420, 1993 , (1993) (ID: 622798)
- Single Ion Trapping - Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics Colloquium (Universität Beijing, China, 1992-04-08) , (1992) (ID: 628031)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Giessen, Germany, 1992-01-30) , (1992) (ID: 628264)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Hannover, Germany, 1992-01-07) , (1992) (ID: 628267)
Invited Talks
- Photon Correlations in the Resonance Fluorescence of a Single Trapped Ion eingeladener Vortrag im Shanghai International Symposium on Quantum Optics SISQO '92 (Shanghai, China, 1992-03-29) , (1992) (ID: 620382)
- Präzisionsspektroskopie mit gespeicherten Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 27, 1283 (1992) (Hauptvortrag) , (1992) (ID: 622824)
- DPG-Schule für Quantenoptik II Summer School (Bad Honnef, Germany, 1992-09-05) , (1992) (ID: 628344)
Seminar Talks
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Seminar Talk (Universität Erlangen, Germany, 1992-06-26) , (1992) (ID: 628030)
- Quantum Optics with Single Trapped Ions Seminar Talk (Academia Sinica, Wuhan, China, 1992-04-04) , (1992) (ID: 628032)
- Laser Cooling in Traps and Frequency Standards with Trapped Ions Seminar Talk (Academia Sinica, Wuhan, China, 1992-04-03) , (1992) (ID: 628258)
- Dynamics of Ion Clouds in Paul Traps Seminar Talk (Academia Sinica, Wuhan, China, 1992-04-03) , (1992) (ID: 628259)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Seminar Talk (Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1992-02-24) , (1992) (ID: 628262)
- Ionenwolken in Hochfrequenzfallen Seminar Talk (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, 1992-01-15) , (1992) (ID: 628265)
- Preparation of Fock-States by the Observation of Quantum Jumps in an Ion Trap Beitrag zur OSA Konferenz (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, postdeadline abstracts, 1992-09-21) , (1992) (ID: 622801)
- Laser Cooling of Trapped Ions in a Standing Wave Beitrag zur IQEC'92 Konferenz (Wien, Austria, in International Conference on Quantum Electronics Technical Digest Series 1992, Vol. 9, p. 284, 1992-06-14) , (1992) (ID: 622802)
- Narrow Resonances in Trapped Ytterbium Ions: Clouds and a Single Ion Beitrag zur IQEC'92 Konferenz (Wien, Austria, in International Conference on Quantum Electronics Technical Digest Series 1992, Vol. 9, p. 44, 1992-06-14) , (1992) (ID: 622805)
- The Trapped State of a Trapped Ion - Light Spectra and Photon Correlation Beitrag zur IQEC'92 Konferenz (Wien, Austria, in International Conference on Quantum Electronics Technical Digest Series 1992, Vol. 9, p. 46, 1992-06-14) , (1992) (ID: 622809)
- Homodyne Correlations in Resonance Fluorescence Beitrag zur QELS'92 Konferenz (Anaheim, Ca, USA, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 1992 Technical Digest Series 13 (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1992), p. 138, 1992-05-10) , (1992) (ID: 622820)
- Ion Storage in the RF-Octupole Trap Beitrag zur QELS'92 Konferenz (Anaheim, Ca, USA, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 1992 Technical Digest Series 13 (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1992), p. 66, 1992-05-10) , (1992) (ID: 622823)
- Laserkühlung von gespeicherten Ionen mit einer stehenden Welle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 27, 1411 (1992) , (1992) (ID: 622826)
- Homodyne Intensitätskorrelationen in der Resonanzfluoreszenz, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 27, 1402 (1992) , (1992) (ID: 622830)
- Fluoreszenz-Spektroskopie an einem einzelnen Yb+-Ion, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 27, 1396 (1992) , (1992) (ID: 622831)
- Stabilitätsuntersuchungen und räumliche Verteilung von gespeicherten Ba+-Ionen in einer Achtpol-Falle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 27, 1205 (1992) , (1992) (ID: 622833)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Konstanz, Germany, 1991-05-03) , (1991) (ID: 628281)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Göttingen, Germany, 1991-04-22) , (1991) (ID: 628282)
Invited Talks
- Zeeman Effect of a Single Three-Level Ion and the Anti Bunching property of Ionic Fluorescence Beitrag zur III. European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC (Edinburgh, UK, 1991-08-22) , (1991) (ID: 620383)
- Zeeman Effect of a Single Three-Level Ion and the Anti-Bunching property of Ionic Fluorescence European Research Conference (Davos, Schweiz, 1991-09-00) , (1991) (ID: 620418)
- Frontiers in Spectroscopy with Single Trapped Ba+ Ions eingeladener Vortrag auf der Gordon-Conference on Atomic Physics (Wolfeborough, New Hampshire, USA, 1991-05-01) , (1991) (ID: 620419)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Lähnwitz-Seminar der Hochschule Güstrow (Lähnwitz, Mecklenburg, Germany, 1991-06-11) , (1991) (ID: 620420)
Seminar Talks
- Spectroscopy with single ions Seminar Talk (NIST Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 1991-12-02) , (1991) (ID: 628268)
- Squeezing of resonance fluorescence with trapped ions Seminar Talk (JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co., USA, 1991-11-25) , (1991) (ID: 628270)
- Spectroscopy with single trapped ions Seminar Talk (JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co., USA, 1991-11-14) , (1991) (ID: 628271)
- Spektroskopie von Dunkelresonanzen in einzelnen Atomen Seminar Talk (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany, 1991-09-13) , (1991) (ID: 628272)
- Frequency Standards with Trapped Yb+ions Seminar Talk (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Ca., USA, 1991-07-09) , (1991) (ID: 628273)
- Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics with Single Trapped Ba+ ions Seminar Talk (Caltech, Pasadena, Ca., USA, 1991-07-08) , (1991) (ID: 628274)
- Spectroscopy with trapped Ba+ ions Seminar Talk (Imperial College, London, UK, 1991-06-17) , (1991) (ID: 628275)
- Spectroscopy with trapped Ba+ ions Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 1991-05-09) , (1991) (ID: 628276)
- Spectroscopy with trapped Ba+ and Yb+ ions Seminar Talk (NRC, Ottawa, Kanada, 1991-05-06) , (1991) (ID: 628279)
- Atomic coherences in three-level atoms Beitrag zur QELS'91 Konferenz (Baltimore, Md., USA, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science 1991 Technical Digest Series 11, (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1991), p. 58, 1991-05-12) , (1991) (ID: 622834)
- Photon antibunching in the resonance fluorescence of a three-level ion Beitrag zur QELS'91 Konferenz (Baltimore, Md., USA, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science 1991 Technical Digest Series 11, (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1991), p. 56, 1991-05-12) , (1991) (ID: 622836)
- Dynamics of Ion Clouds in Paul Traps: Influence of Buffer Gases Vortrag zur QELS'91 Konferenz (Baltimore, Md., USA, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science 1991 Technical Digest Series 11, (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1991), p. 170, 1991-05-12) , (1991) (ID: 622839)
- Kohärenzeffekte in 3-Niveau-Atomen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 848 (1991) , (1991) (ID: 622840)
- 'Photonantibunching' in der Resonanzfluoreszenz eines einzelnen 3-Niveau-Atoms, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 848 (1991) , (1991) (ID: 622841)
- Einfluss von Stößen auf die Dynamik gespeicherter Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 680 (1991) , (1991) (ID: 622842)
- Hochauflösende Messung des Zeeman-Effekts der Dunkelresonanz eines einzelnen Ba+ Ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 679 (1991) , (1991) (ID: 622843)
- Ionenspeicherung in einer Achtpol-Hochfrequenzfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 679 (1991) , (1991) (ID: 622844)
- Einfluss der Magnetfeldorientierung auf Mikrowellenspektren gespeicherter Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 679 (1991) , (1991) (ID: 622845)
- Seitenbandspektren gespeicherter YB+ Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 26, 679 (1991) , (1991) (ID: 622846)
- Quantensprünge in Atomen - kann man sie beobachten? Colloquium (PH Güstrow, 1990-06-20) , (1990) (ID: 628283)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Bielefeld, Germany, 1990-05-21) , (1990) (ID: 628287)
Invited Talks
- Frequenznormale mit gespeicherten Yb+ Ionen DFG Kolloquium (Rüper, Wendeburg, Germany, 1990-06-13) , (1990) (ID: 620421)
- Fundamental Systems in Quantum Optics Summer School (Les Houches, France, 1990-06-25) , (1990) (ID: 628345)
Seminar Talk
- Spectroscopy with trapped Ba+ and Yb+ ions Seminar Talk (Imperial College, London, UK, 1990-06-11) , (1990) (ID: 628284)
- Frequency Standards Based on Trapped Yb Ions Beitrag zur XVII IQEC Konferenz (Anaheim, Ca, USA, in Digest of Technical Papers, p. 218, 1990-05-21) , (1990) (ID: 622847)
- Zur Realisierung eines Frequenznormals mit gespeicherten Ba+-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 25 (1990) , (1990) (ID: 622848)
- Frequenznormal mit gespeicherten Yb+-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 25 (1990) , (1990) (ID: 622849)
- Ein Farbstoff-Ringlaser bei 649 nm mit Kurzzeitstabilität im Hz-Bereich, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 25 (1990) , (1990) (ID: 622850)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Ionen und Elektronen Colloquium (DESY Hamburg, Germany, 1989-12-00) , (1989) (ID: 628289)
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Colloquium (Universität Göttingen, Germany, 1989-11-00) , (1989) (ID: 628290)
Invited Talk
- Dynamics and Line Shapes of Three-Level Ions in Paul Traps Proceedings of the Int. Symp. on Electromagn. Metrology, ISEM '89 (Peking, 1989-00-00) , (1989) (ID: 620384)
Seminar Talks
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen Atomen Seminar Talk (Universität Bonn, Germany, 1989-10-00) , (1989) (ID: 628291)
- Spectroscopy with trapped Yb+ and Ba+ ions Seminar Talk (NIST Boulder, Co., USA, 1989-09-00) , (1989) (ID: 628292)
- Spectroscopy on laser cooled trapped ions Seminar Talk (NIST Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 1989-09-00) , (1989) (ID: 628293)
- Frequenznormale mit gespeicherten Yb+-Ionen Tankum-Seminar (Isenbüttel, 1989-06-00) , (1989) (ID: 628294)
- Spectroscopy on laser cooled trapped ions Seminar Talk (The Imperial College, University of London, 1989-05-00) , (1989) (ID: 628295)
- A Hz Linewidth Dye Laser for Probing Trapped Ba Ions Seminar Talk (NPL Teddington, UK, 1989-05-00) , (1989) (ID: 628296)
- Frequenznormale mit gespeicherten Ionen Seminar Talk (MPQ Garching, Germany, 1989-02-00) , (1989) (ID: 628298)
- Induzierter Licht-Rückstoss Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Bonn, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 24 (1989), 1988-00-00) , (1989) (ID: 622851)
- Optisches Pumpen von Yb+ in einer RF-Ionenfalle Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Essen, Germany, Bonn, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 24 (1989), 1989-00-00) , (1989) (ID: 622852)
- Die Hochfrequenz-Falle und ihre Anwendung in der Atom-Spektroskopie Colloquium (Universität Münster, Germany, 1988-12-00) , (1988) (ID: 628300)
Invited Talks
- Spectroscopic Studies on Trapped Yb Ions eingeladener Vortrag auf der 1. European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC (Hannover, Germany, 1988-10-12) , (1988) (ID: 620385)
- The Dynamics of Ion Clouds in Paul Traps: Implications for Frequency Standard Applications in Proceedings Topical Meeting on Laser Materials and Laser Spectroscopy, p. 384, World Scientific, Singapore 1989 (Shanghai, China, 1988-07-25) , (1988) (ID: 620386)
- Observation of Complete Population Trapping in an Excited State of Yb ions eingeladener Vortrag auf der IQEC-Konferenz, XVI. IQEC Digest of Technical Papers, p. 592, Tokio 1988 (Tokyo, Japan, 1988-07-18) , (1988) (ID: 620387)
Seminar Talk
- Spektroskopie mit einzelnen gespeicherten Ionen Seminar Talk (Inst.f. Angewandte Physik, Universität Hamburg, Germany, 1988-12-00) , (1988) (ID: 628302)
- Kinetic Energy and Spatial Distribution of Ion Clouds in Paul Traps in Proceedings of the 4th Symp. on Freq. Standards and Metrology, p. 453, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1989 (Ancona, Italy, 1988-09-00) , (1988) (ID: 622853)
- Photo Dynamics of a Single Trapped Three-Level Ion Beitrag zur VI. Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics (Rochester, New York, USA, 1988-06-26) , (1988) (ID: 622855)
- Observation of an Extremely Long Living Metastable State in YbII Beitrag zur EGAS Konferenz (Graz, Austria, 1988-06-11) , (1988) (ID: 622856)
- Nachweis der Mikro- und Makrobewegung von Ionen in einer RF-Ionenfalle über selbstinduzierte Zeeman-Kohärenzen Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Bonn, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 23, A-16.4, (1988), 1988-00-00) , (1988) (ID: 622860)
- Beobachtung des shelving in Yb-Ionen Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung (Bonn, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 23, A-26.1, (1988), 1988-00-00) , (1988) (ID: 622861)
- Zur Linienform des Anregungsspektrums gespeicherter Ionen Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Bonn, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 23, A-16.6, (1988), 1988-00-00) , (1988) (ID: 622862)
- Bistabilität der Bahn eines einzelnen gespeicherten und gekühlten Ions Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Bonn, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 23, A-16.5, (1988), 1988-00-00) , (1988) (ID: 622863)
- Lokalisierte 4-Wellen-Mischung in einer Ionenwolke Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Bonn, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 23, A-16.7, (1988), 1988-00-00) , (1988) (ID: 622864)
- Quantensprünge in gespeicherten Ionen Colloquium (ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 1987-06-00) , (1987) (ID: 628306)
- Sauts Quantiques - Observation des périodes d'obscurité en fluorescence atomique Colloquium (Collége de France et École Normale Superieur, Paris, France, 1987-03-00) , (1987) (ID: 628314)
Invited Talks
- Ordered Structures of Ions Stored in a RF-Trap Beitrag zum Seminar "Fundamentals in Quantum Optics II", Lecture Notes in Physics 282, p. 278, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987 (Obergurgl, Ötztal, Austria, 1987-00-00) , (1987) (ID: 620388)
- Ordered Structures of Ion Clouds in Paul Traps Beitrag zum Symposium "Physics of Stored and Trapped Particles", PSTP-87 (Stockholm, Sweden, 1987-06-15) , (1987) (ID: 620422)
- Perspektiven für mögliche zukünftige Frequenznormale mit gespeicherten Yb+-Ionen Beitrag zur PTB Tankumsee-Seminar (Isenbüttel, 1987-00-00) , (1987) (ID: 620423)
Seminar Talks
- Die Hochfrequenz-Ionenfalle und ihr Einsatz zur Beobachtung von Quantensprüngen Seminar Talk (Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Germany, 1987-11-00) , (1987) (ID: 628303)
- Die Hochfrequenz-Ionenfalle und ihre Anwendungen Seminar Talk (Universität Innsbruck, Austria, 1987-10-00) , (1987) (ID: 628304)
- The RF (Paul) - Trap and its Application Seminar Talk (LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, 1987-07-00) , (1987) (ID: 628305)
- Energy distribution functions in RF Traps Seminar Talk (NBS, Boulder, Co., USA, 1987-05-00) , (1987) (ID: 628307)
- Dynamics of Ion Clouds in RF Traps Seminar Talk (University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 1987-05-00) , (1987) (ID: 628310)
- Visuelle Beobachtung von Quantensprüngen Seminar Talk (Universität Hamburg, Germany, 1987-04-00) , (1987) (ID: 628312)
- Visuelle Beobachtung von Quantensprüngen Seminar Talk (Universität Hamburg, Germany, 1987-04-00) , (1987) (ID: 628313)
- Quantum Jumps of a Single Ion Beitrag zur IQEC-Konferenz (Baltimore, Md., USA, in XV. IQEC Technical Digest, p. 136, 1987-04-27) , (1987) (ID: 622867)
- Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy: Limits of Sensitivity Beitrag zur IQEC-Konferenz (Baltimore, Md., USA, in XV. IQEC Technical Digest, p. 198, 1987-04-27) , (1987) (ID: 622868)
- Räumliche Struktur von gespeicherten Ionen Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Göttingen, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 22, III, A-13.3, 1987-00-00) , (1987) (ID: 622869)
- Experimente zur Dynamik gespeicherter Ionen im Paul-Käfig Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Göttingen, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 22 (1987), III, A-13.4, 1987-00-00) , (1987) (ID: 622870)
Invited Talks
- Observation of 'Quantum Jumps' eingeladener Vortrag auf der IQEC-Konferenz, post-deadline abstracts (San Francisco, Calif., USA, post-deadline abstracts, 1986-06-09) , (1986) (ID: 620389)
- 'Quantum Jumps' Observed in the Fluorescence of a Single Ion eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Deutsch-Sowjetischen Laser-Seminar (Mainz, Germany, 1986-10-06) , (1986) (ID: 620424)
- Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy: Limits of Sensitivity eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Deutsch-Sowjetischen Laser-Seminar (Mainz, Germany, 1986-10-06) , (1986) (ID: 620426)
- Laser Cooling and Trapping Summer School (Helsinki, Finnland, 1986-07-00) , (1986) (ID: 628346)
Seminar Talks
- Quantensprünge an einzelnen Ionen Seminar Talk (Universität Mainz, Germany, 1986-10-00) , (1986) (ID: 628315)
- Ionenspeicherung: Grundlagen und Anwendung Seminar Talk (Universität Hannover, Germany, 1986-05-00) , (1986) (ID: 628316)
- Optischer Überlagerungsnachweis für gespeicherte Ionen Seminar Talk (Universität Mainz, Germany, 1986-04-00) , (1986) (ID: 628317)
- Die mittlere kinetische Energie von gespeicherten Ionenwolken im Paul-Käfig Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Heidelberg, Germany, in Verhandl. d. DPG (VI) 21, 289 (1986), 1986-00-00) , (1986) (ID: 622876)
- Ein Modell zur Dynamik gespeicherter Ionen im Paul-Käfig Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Heidelberg, Germany, in Verhandl. d. DPG (VI) 21, 288 (1986), 1986-00-00) , (1986) (ID: 622879)
- Kreuzsättigende Seitenband-Absorption: Die Grenzen der Nachweisbarkeit Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Heidelberg, Germany, in Verhandl. d. DPG (VI) 21, 420 (1986), 1986-00-00) , (1986) (ID: 622880)
Invited Talks
- Laser Cooling of an Atomic Beam Beitrag zur Gordon-Conference on Atomic Physics (Wolfeborough, New Hampshire, USA, 1985-00-00) , (1985) (ID: 620427)
- Laser Cooling of an Atomic Beam: Demonstration of Stopped Atoms and Velocity Reversal eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Deutsch-Sowjetischen Laser-Seminar (Moskau, UdSSR, 1985-00-00) , (1985) (ID: 620428)
Seminar Talks
- Kinetic Energy and 4-Wave-Mixing Results in Ba+ Seminar Talk (NBS, Boulder, Co., USA, 1985-07-00) , (1985) (ID: 628318)
- Laserkühlung von Atomstrahlen und gespeicherten Ionen als Grundlage für mögliche Frequenznormale Seminar Talk (PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, 1985-06-00) , (1985) (ID: 628319)
Seminar Talks
- Laserkühlen von Atomstrahlen Seminar Talk (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany, 1984-05-00) , (1984) (ID: 628320)
- Laserkühlen von Atomstrahlen Seminar Talk (Universität Hamburg, Germany, 1984-03-00) , (1984) (ID: 628321)
- Kühlung eines Atomstrahls durch einen gegenläufigen Laserstrahl: Experiment Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Giessen, Germany, in Verhandl. d. DPG (VI) 19, 725 (1984), 1984-00-00) , (1984) (ID: 627351)
- Kühlung eines Atomstrahls durch einen gegenläufigen Laserstrahl: Monte-Carlo-Simulation Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Giessen, Germany, in Verhandl. d. DPG (VI) 19, 726 (1984), 1984-00-00) , (1984) (ID: 627352)
Invited Talks
- Atomic Beam Cooling by Frequency Sweeping Symposium on Atomic Spectroscopy (Berkeley, Ca., USA, 1983-00-00) , (1983) (ID: 620429)
- Laser Cooling of Atomic Beams by Frequency Chirping eingeladener Vortrag auf der Gordon-Conference on Atomic Physics, Colby Sawyer College (New Hampshire, USA, 1983-00-00) , (1983) (ID: 620430)
Seminar Talks
- Laserkühlen von Atomstrahlen Seminar Talk (Universität Mainz, Germany, 1983-11-00) , (1983) (ID: 628322)
- Trapped Ions and Laser Cooled Atoms - Prospects for Frequency Standard Applications Seminar Talk (NRC, Ottawa, Kanada, 1983-09-00) , (1983) (ID: 628323)
- Highresolution Hyperfine Spectra of Trapped Ba+ and Yb+ Ions Seminar Talk (Harvard University, Cambridge, Ma., USA, 1983-04-00) , (1983) (ID: 628324)
- Höchstauflösende Mikrowellenspektroskopie an gespeicherten Yb+ Ionen Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Regensburg, Germany, in Verhandl. d. DPG (VI) 18, 226 (1983), 1983-00-00) , (1983) (ID: 627353)
Invited Talk
- Ultrahigh Resolution Microwave Spectroscopy on Trapped 171YB+ Ions Beitrag zur 14. EGAS-Conference (Liege, Belgium, 1982-00-00) , (1982) (ID: 620431)
Seminar Talk
- Ultrahigh Resolution Hyperfine Spectra from Trapped Ba+ and Yb+ Ions Seminar Talk (NBS, Boulder, Co., USA, 1982-10-00) , (1982) (ID: 628325)
- Hochauflösende Mikrowellenspektroskopie an 135Ba+ Ionen Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Würzburg, Germany, in Verhandl. d. DPG (VI) 17, 300 (1982), 1982-00-00) , (1982) (ID: 627354)
Invited Talk
- Precision Determination of the Ground State Hfs in 137Ba+ Beitrag zur 12. EGAS-Conference (Pisa, Italy, 1980-00-00) , (1980) (ID: 620433)
- Ein empfindliches Verfahren zur Spektroskopie kleiner Ionenmengen Beitrag zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG (Berlin, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 14, 1210 (1979), 1979-00-00) , (1979) (ID: 627356)