Publications Christian F. ROOS
- Four lectures on "Quantum information processing with trapped ions" Winter School on Trapped Charged Particles (Les Houches, France, 2024-01-15) , (2024). (ID: 721248)
- Quantum physics with trapped ions TIQIT: Trento-Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2024). (ID: 721247)
Invited Talks
- Exploring a new dimension in trapped-ion quantum simulations International Conference on Quantum Simulation (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2023-11-13) , (2023). (ID: 721164)
- Variational quantum simulation with trapped ions International Network on Quantum Annealing Conference (University of Innsbruck, 2023-11-06) , (2023). (ID: 721142)
- Exploring a new dimension in trapped-ion quantum simulations European Conference on Trapped Ions (Bückeburg, 2023-09-25) , (2023). (ID: 721128)
- Quantum physics with trapped ions TIQIT: Trento-Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour (University of Innsbruck, 2023-03-01) , (2023). (ID: 721165)
Invited Talks
- Learning entanglement in a trapped-ion quantum simulator Workshop on long-range interactions in the ultracold (University of Innsbruck, 2022-09-07) , (2022). (ID: 720876)
- Learning entanglement in a trapped-ion quantum simulator Solvay Workshop on Quantum Simulation (Solvay Institute, Brussels, 2022-08-29) , (2022). (ID: 720860)
- Quantum simulations with one- and two-dimensional ion crystals Munich conference on quantum science and technology (Sonthofen, 2022-07-04) , (2022). (ID: 720845)
- Quantum engineering in trapped-ion experiments with metrological applications 2022 Joint conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum & the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (Paris, 2022-04-24) , (2022). (ID: 720835)
Seminar Talk
- Quantum simulations with one- and two-dimensional ion crystals LASCEM virtual seminar (2022-12-06) , (2022). (ID: 720907)
- Scaling up ion crystals for simulating quantum many-body systems Symposium: 25 years of trapped ions in Innsbruck , (2022). (ID: 720880)
Invited Talks
- Correlation spectroscopy with multi-qubit-enhanced phase estimation European Conference on Trapped Ions (Stockholm University (online conference), 2021-11-22) , (2021). (ID: 720699)
- Investigating many-body physics with trapped ions dressed by laser light (Virtual) seminar of the Quantum Research Centre (Abu Dhabi, 2021-04-26) , (2021). (ID: 720646)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions Online school and discussion meeting on trapped ions, molecules and ions (ICTS, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, 2021-05-10) , (2021). (ID: 720651)
- Entanglement in trapped-ion experiments Online school and discussion meeting on trapped ions, molecules and ions (ICTS, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, 2021-05-10) , (2021). (ID: 720650)
- Four lectures on "Quantum information processing with trapped ions" Winter School on Trapped Charged Particles (Les Houches) , (2021). (ID: 720623)
Seminar Talk
- Entanglement creation and characterization in a trapped-ion quantum simulator Exotic quantum phases seminar, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest) , (2020). (ID: 720594)
- Development of a programmable quantum simulator based on trapped ions PASQUANS second-year meeting (Munich) , (2020). (ID: 720596)
Invited Talk
- Investigating a many-body quantum system with random measurements Seminar talk at Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot) , (2019). (ID: 720292)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions BeyondC Kick-off meeting (University of Vienna, Vienna, 2019-04-11) , (2019). (ID: 720270)
- Development of a programmable quantum simulator based on trapped ions PASQUANS Kick-off meeting (MPQ Garching, 2019-01-29) , (2019). (ID: 720269)
Invited Talks
- Variational quantum simulation with a twenty-ion string 5th European Conference on Trapped Ions (Rehovot, 2018-11-17) , (2018). (ID: 720091)
- Entanglement creation and characterization in a trapped-ion quantum simulator Seminar talk (Collège de France, Paris, 2018-05-16) , (2018). (ID: 720026)
- Creation and detection of entanglement in trapped-ion experiments UQUAM Workshop on Entanglement (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2018-01-23) , (2018). (ID: 719969)
- Quantum physics with trapped ions Trento - Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour (Innsbruck, 2018-04-11) , (2018). (ID: 720271)
- Four lectures on "Quantum information processing with trapped ions" Winter School on Trapped Charged Particles (Les Houches, 2018-01-08) , (2018). (ID: 719967)
- Analogue simulators of spin models with trapped ions Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium (Heidelberg, 2017-05-03) , (2017). (ID: 719791)
Invited Talks
- Trapped ions as analog quantum simulators of spin models Gordon Conference "Atomic Physics" (Newport, 2017-06-11) , (2017). (ID: 719811)
- Simulating Ising spin models with trapped ions Annual INO Symposium (Trento, 2017-02-09) , (2017). (ID: 719752)
- Trapped-ion analog quantum simulators of spin models WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Scalable Architectures for Quantum Simulation (Bad Honnef) , (2017). (ID: 719749)
Seminar Talk
- Lehrerfortbildung: Laser und ihre Anwendungen (IQOQI Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 719732)
- Quantum physics with trapped ions TIQIT: Trento-Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour (Innsbruck, 2017-03-01) , (2017). (ID: 719765)
Invited Talks
- Characterizing the quantum dynamics of ion strings with Ising interactions European Conference on Trapped Ions (Arosa, 2016-08-29) , (2016). (ID: 719647)
- Characterization of non-equilibrium many-body quantum states in trapped ion crystals Conference on Long-Range-Interacting Many Body Systems: from Atomic to Astrophysical Scales (Trieste, 2016-07-24) , (2016). (ID: 719626)
- Quantum simulations and quantum logic spectroscopy with trapped ions SPIE Photonics Europe (Brussels, 2016-04-03) , (2016). (ID: 719542)
Invited Talks
- How to turn a string of trapped ions into an interacting quantum many-body system Symposium Experimentalphysik (University of Ulm, 2015-08-05) , (2015). (ID: 719311)
- Interacting quasiparticles in a trapped-ion quantum many-body system Quantum Many-Body Systems Far from Equilibrium (Stellenbosch, 2015-03-09) , (2015). (ID: 719205)
- How to turn a string of trapped ions into a quantum many-body system Winter school on Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems (Obergurgl, 2015-04-07) , (2015). (ID: 719215)
- Four lectures on "Quantum information processing with trapped ions" Winter school on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles (Les Houches, 2015-01-19) , (2015). (ID: 719171)
- Quantum simulations and quantum metrology with trapped ions SIQS Progress meeting (Barcelona, 2015-03-18) , (2015). (ID: 719220)
- Investigating the dynamics of a quantum many-body system of trapped ions Colloquium of the SFB/TR 49 Condensed Matter Systems with Variable Many-Body Interactions (University of Mainz, 2014-06-12) , (2014). (ID: 718943)
Invited Talks
- Interacting quasiparticles in a trapped-ion quantum many-body system International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (Takamatsu, 2014-12-01) , (2014). (ID: 719081)
- How to turn a string of trapped ions into an interacting quantum many body system CoQuS Colloquium (Vienna, 2014-11-17) , (2014). (ID: 719050)
- Engineering and spectroscopy of quasi-particles in a many-body system of trapped ions Nonlinear Spectroscopy meets Quantum Optics (FRIAS, Freiburg, 2014-10-08) , (2014). (ID: 719022)
- Engineering and spectroscopy of quasi-particles in a many-body system of trapped ions Workshop on long-range interactions in quantum systems (Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, 2014-09-24) , (2014). (ID: 719010)
- Entanglement propagation in long-range Ising spin chains Quantum Optics (Obergurgl, 2014-02-23) , (2014). (ID: 718849)
- Metrology with entangled states of ions EMPR QESOCAS meeting (Observatoire de Paris, 2014-09-12) , (2014). (ID: 719009)
- Quantum simulation and spectroscopy experiments with trapped ions SIQS Progress Report Meeting (Vienna, 2014-01-28) , (2014). (ID: 718760)
- Using trapped ions for processing quantum information Physics colloquium at the University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, 2013-02-04) , (2013). (ID: 718445)
Invited Talks
- Simulating interacting spins with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Simulations (Benasque, 2013-09-29) , (2013). (ID: 718611)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions 11th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP) (Aarhus, 2013-06-24) , (2013). (ID: 718544)
- Schrödinger cat state spectroscopy with trapped ions International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS) (Berkeley, 2013-06-09) , (2013). (ID: 718536)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions International Quantum Electronics Conference (Munich, 2013-05-12) , (2013). (ID: 718511)
- Using trapped ions for processing quantum information Symposium on Modern Research in Experimental Physics (Würzburg, 2013-04-22) , (2013). (ID: 718499)
- Cat state spectroscopy with trapped ions 15th Southwest Quantum Information and Technology Workshop (Santa Barbara, 2013-02-21) , (2013). (ID: 718444)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Fundamentals and Applications of Ultra-cold Matter (Visselhövede, 2013-09-16) , (2013). (ID: 718599)
- Quantum metrology with entangled states EMPR kick-off meeting (Observatoire de Paris, Paris, 2013-11-04) , (2013). (ID: 718641)
Invited Talks
- Geometric phases for quantum logic spectroscopy with trapped ions Quantum technologies: taking concepts through to implementations (London, 2012-12-17) , (2012). (ID: 718334)
- Engineering coherent and dissipative dynamics in strings of trapped ions Workshop sur Information Quantique, Fondements & Applications (Grenoble, 2012-11-28) , (2012). (ID: 718289)
- Quantum simulation and quantum logic spectroscopy with trapped ions Seminar talk at the AMO seminar of the Department of Physics (Cambridge, 2012-10-29) , (2012). (ID: 718261)
- Digital quantum simulation and creation of large-scale entanglement in trapped-ion experiments Workshop on Quantum Simulations (Bilbao, 2012-10-22) , (2012). (ID: 718247)
- Schrödinger cat state spectroscopy with trapped ions International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2012) (Vienna, 2012-07-30) , (2012). (ID: 718174)
- Geometric phases for quantum logic spectroscopy Quantum Systems and Technology (Ascona, 2012-06-17) , (2012). (ID: 718110)
- Spectroscopy with coupled quantum systems Workshop on Quantum Information and Quantum Dynamics In Ion Traps (Tel Aviv, 2012-03-25) , (2012). (ID: 718029)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions Ultracold Matter Meeting (Banff, Canada, 2012-02-15) , (2012). (ID: 717992)
- Lecture 1: "Quantum information with trapped ions" Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles (Les Houches, 2012-01-09) , (2012). (ID: 717891)
- Lecture 3: "Multifaceted Entanglement" Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles (Les Houches, 2012-01-09) , (2012). (ID: 717910)
- Lecture 2: "Quantum simulation with trapped ions" Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles (Les Houches, 2012-01-09) , (2012). (ID: 717909)
- Presentation of the subproject SP1 'Entangling gates and quantum processors' of the integrating project AQUTE Cluster review meeting of the FP7 integrating projects AQUTE,Q-ESSENCE, and SOLID (Bingen, 2012-04-18) , (2012). (ID: 718055)
- Detecting the single photon recoil of a single ion DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP (University of Stuttgart, 2012-03-12) , (2012). (ID: 718038)
- Quantum simulations Workshop on Quantum Simulations (Benasque, 2011-02-28) , (2011). (ID: 717911)
Invited Talks
- Simulating quantum physics with trapped ions Seminar talk at IRSAMC (Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes) (Toulouse, 2011-10-17) , (2011). (ID: 717777)
- Entangling interactions for quantum simulations with trapped ions Engineering and control of quantum systems (Dresden, Germany, 2011-10-10) , (2011). (ID: 717774)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Summer School on Quantum Information and Coherence (Glasgow, 2011-07-28) , (2011). (ID: 717749)
- Präzisionsspektroskopie mit verschränkten Ionen (Institut für Physik, Mainz, Germany, 2011-07-30) , (2011). (ID: 717711)
- Quantum physics with trapped ions Optique Marseille 2011 (Marseille, France, 2011-07-04) , (2011). (ID: 717710)
- Towards quantum simulations with trapped ions QION 11 workshop (Madrid, 2011-04-25) , (2011). (ID: 717670)
Seminar Talk
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions: analog vs digital. Seminar of the Controlled Quantum Dynamics group, Institute for Theoretical Physics (Ulm, 2011-03-14) , (2011). (ID: 717648)
- Multi-qubit coherent operations: Recent experimental results IARPA review meeting on multi-qubit coherent operations (Austin, Texas, 2011-06-06) , (2011). (ID: 717693)
- Presentation of the subproject SP1 'Entangling gates and quantum processors' of the integrating project AQUTE Cluster review meeting of the FP7 integrating projects AQUTE,Q-ESSENCE, and SOLID (Warsaw, 2011-04-14) , (2011). (ID: 717665)
- Quantum simulation with trapped ions (Instituto de Física Fundamental, Madrid, Spain, 2011-03-07) , (2011). (ID: 717646)
- Quantenmessungen mit Ionenkristallen Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna, 2011-02-16) , (2011). (ID: 717649)
- Quantum measurements with entangled ions Physics colloquium of the faculty for mathematics, physics and computer science (University of Innsbruck, 2010-11-09) , (2010). (ID: 717335)
- Gedankenexperimente wahr gemacht: Quantenphysik mit Ionenkristallen Kolloquium (Universität des Saarlands, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2010-04-29) , (2010). (ID: 717206)
Invited Talks
- Towards quantum simulations with trapped ions Seminar of the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 2010-10-19) , (2010). (ID: 717323)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2010) (Cairns, Australia, 2010-07-25) , (2010). (ID: 717281)
- Entangling interactions for quantum measurements and state engineering of trapped ions 10th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation (QCMC 2010) (Brisbane, Australia, 2010-07-19) , (2010). (ID: 717272)
- Quantum gates and quantum simulations with strings of trapped ions Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la Societé Francaise de Physique et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire (Orsay, France, 2010-06-29) , (2010). (ID: 717266)
- State-independent test of quantum contextuality Advances in Quantum Theory (Växjö, Sweden, 2010-06-13) , (2010). (ID: 717246)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions: Engineering interactions and measurements QUANTUM seminar of the physics department (University of Mainz, Mainz Germany, 2010-05-27) , (2010). (ID: 717226)
- High-fidelity quantum gates and a quantum simulation of the Dirac equation Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics V (Saariselkä, Finland, 2010-04-12) , (2010). (ID: 717196)
- Entangling interactions for quantum measurements with trapped ions Quantum Optics (Obergurgl, Austria, 2010-02-22) , (2010). (ID: 717142)
Seminar Talk
- Quantum physics with trapped ions:How to entangle a pair of ions COQUIT workshop: Quantum devices with limited control (IQOQI Innsbruck, 2010-01-28) , (2010). (ID: 717118)
- Scalable quantum information processing (SQIP) with trapped ions ARO/NSA/IARPA Quantum Computing, Quantum Algorithms & Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations (MQCO) Program Review (Cincinnati, USA, 2010-08-16) , (2010). (ID: 717293)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions SFB School: Introductory course on quantum information and quantum gases (Innsbruck, 2010-07-06) , (2010). (ID: 717269)
- Quantum simulation of the Dirac equation DPG spring meeting (Hannover, Germany, 2010-03-08) , (2010). (ID: 717149)
- Elementary quantum algorithms: Presentation of subproject 3 of the integrated project SCALA Final review meeting of FP7 integrated project SCALA (Palaiseau, France, 2010-03-04) , (2010). (ID: 717145)
- Quantum entanglement in trapped ion experiments SFB Colloquium (Innsbruck, Austria, 2009-11-07) , (2009). (ID: 693967)
Invited Talks
- Quantum entanglement in trapped ion experiments Experimental Quantum Optics and Photonics (Zürich, 2009-12-09) , (2009). (ID: 716821)
- Quantum measurements with entangled ions Workshop on Common perspectives of mesoscopic systems and quantum gases (Günzburg, 2009-11-15) , (2009). (ID: 716803)
- Quantum entanglement in trapped ion experiments Summer School on Scalable Quantum Computing with Light and Atoms (Cargese, 2009-08-17) , (2009). (ID: 704603)
- State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality Quantum Optics VII (Zakopane, 2009-12-06) , (2009). (ID: 686498)
- Lecture series on "Quantum Physics with trapped ions" Physiktage Freiburg (Freiburg, 2009-04-14) , (2009). (ID: 674893)
- Collective laser-ion interactions for entangling two and more ions European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) (Munich, 2009-06-15) , (2009) (ID: 687430)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Guest lecture, ETH Zürich (Zürich, 2009-11-23) , (2009). (ID: 716813)
- Quantum information processing with trapped 43Ca+ ions Quantum computation and algorithm review meeting (Minneapolis, 2009-08-17) , (2009). (ID: 703821)
Invited Talks
- High-fidelity quantum gates with trapped ions Quantum optics (Obergurgl, Austria, 2008-02-24) , (2008) (ID: 561061)
- Frequency metrology with trapped calcium ions European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2008) (Toulouse, France, 2008-04-22) , (2008) (ID: 578536)
- High-fidelity quantum gates with trapped ions workshop of the research group of D. Meschede, Bonn (Bullay, Germany, 2008-09-05) , (2008) (ID: 583044)
- Characterization of quantum states and processes in trapped ion experiments Workshop on Quantum Estimation: Theory and Practice (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, 2008-08-25) , (2008) (ID: 608121)
Seminar Talks
- Precision measurements with one and two calcium ions KVI Groningen (Groningen, The Netherlands, 2008-09-23) , (2008) (ID: 615165)
- Frequency shifts in entangling gates with trapped ions Departamento de Química-Física, Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao, Spain, 2008-11-27) , (2008) (ID: 634789)
- Ion trap quantum gates with amplitude-modulated laser beams Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (Darmstadt, Germany, 2008-03-10) , (2008) (ID: 564603)
- Quantum information processing with trapped 43Ca+ ions Quantum computation and algorithm review meeting (Atlanta, USA, 2008-08-11) , (2008) (ID: 606952)
- Towards faulttolerant quantum computing with trapped ions Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620566)
- Absolute frequency measurement of the 4s 2S1/2 - 3d 2D5/2 clock transition of a single 40Ca+ in a Paul trap Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620569)
- Experimental techniques for quantum information processing with trapped 43Ca+ ions Talk (Darmstadt, Germany, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 43, 2008-03-00) , (2008) (ID: 620572)
- Precision spectroscopy and quantum information processing with trapped ions SFB colloquium (Control of quantum correlations in tailored matter) (Ulm, Germany, 2007-05-04) , (2007) (ID: 476874)
Invited Talks
- Precision spectroscopy and quantum information processing with trapped ions Atomic clocks and fundamental constants, ACFC 2007 (Bad Honnef, Germany, 2007-07-04) , (2007) (ID: 490725)
- Precision spectroscopy, Ramsey interferometry and quantum information processing with trapped ions International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (Telluride, USA, 2007-06-24) , (2007) (ID: 494880)
- Laser spectroscopy with correlated unentangled ions DPG Frühjahrstagung (Düsseldorf, Germany, 2007-02-23) , (2007) (ID: 461994)
Invited Talks
- Precision spectroscopy with entangled states International conference on atomic physics (Innsbruck, Austria, 2006-07-16) , (2006). (ID: 378436)
- Creation of multi-particle entangled states Quantum computation in superconducting systems (Paris, France, 2006-03-24) , (2006) (ID: 345758)
- Entangled states for precision spectroscopy ICAP 2006 (Innsbruck, 2006-07-16) , (2006) (ID: 382746)
- Characterization of trapped ion quantum gates colloque thematique "Atomes, ions, molécules" (Palaiseau, France, 2006-11-16) , (2006) (ID: 418728)
Seminar Talks
- Precision spectroscopy with entangled states Ye research group seminar, JILA (Boulder, USA, 2006-02-23) , (2006) (ID: 346062)
- Precision spectroscopy with entangled states SFB colloquium (Innsbruck, Austria, 2006-01-26) , (2006) (ID: 346064)
- Precision spectroscopy with entangled states DPG (Frankfurt, Germany, 2006-03-12) , (2006) (ID: 343975)
- Erzeugung quantenmechanisch verschränkter Zustände von vier bis acht Ionen DPG (Frankfurt, Germany, Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 41, 4/2006, 2006-03-12) , (2006) (ID: 343978)
- Quantenphysik in Innsbruck Wirtschaftsdialog (Innsbruck, Austria, 2006-11-22) , (2006) (ID: 418876)
- Zustands-Tomographie in einem Ionen-Quantenprozessor, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) vol. 41, 4/2006 , (2006) (ID: 620587)
Invited Talks
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Edgar-Luescher-Seminar (Serneus, Switzerland, 2005-02-12) , (2005) (ID: 327498)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions ICONO 2005 (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2005-05-11) , (2005) (ID: 327501)
- Coherent control of trapped ions for quantum information Lecture at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain, 2005-10-17) , (2005) (ID: 327508)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions (Darmstadt, Germany, 2005-12-12) , (2005) (ID: 327511)
- Lectures on "Ion trap quantum information processing" International school on quantum information (Dresden, Germany, 2005-08-29) , (2005) (ID: 327517)
- Experiments with multi-particle entangled states of trapped ions Seminar (Barcelona, 2005-10-21) , (2005) (ID: 331303)
- Multiparticle entangled states of trapped ions: Generation of W-states 55. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Wien, Austria, 2005-09-27) , (2005). (ID: 331407)
- Verschränkte Ionenzustände mit einer Lebensdauer von mehr als zehn Sekunden Meeting of the German Physical Society (Berlin, 2005-03-04) , (2005) (ID: 327587)
Invited Talks
- Quantum computation with trapped ions The 2004 LATSIS Symposium (Lausanne, Switzerland, 2004-03-01) , (2004) (ID: 620238)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions - Teleportation with atoms, are the Di Vincenzo Criteria fulfilled in 2004? Invited Talk (Osaka, Japan, 2004-08-05) , (2004) (ID: 620244)
- Teleportation with atoms ICAP 2004 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2004-07-25) , (2004) (ID: 620245)
- Using entanglement as a resource for teleportation of atomic states, Entanglement, Information & Noise Invited Talk (Krzyzowa, Poland, 2004-06-14) , (2004) (ID: 620246)
- Quantum gates and entanglement International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2004) (San Francisco, Calif., USA, in: CLEO/IQEC and PhAST Technical Digest on CDROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2004), 2004-05-16) , (2004) (ID: 620249)
- A single photon source based on a single Ca+ ion International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2004) (San Francisco, Calif., USA, in: CLEO/IQEC and PhAST Technical Digest on CDROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2004), 2004-05-16) , (2004) (ID: 620588)
- Korrektur von Adressierungsfehlern in einer linearen Ionenfalle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI), vol. 39, 7/2004, Postdeadline Papers , (2004) (ID: 620590)
- Optischer Frequenzstandard mit 40Ca+ Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI), 39, 7/159, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620592)
- Präzisionsspektroskopie mit verschränkten Zuständen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/149, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620596)
- Quantenzustandstomographie in einer linearen Ionenfalle. in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/148, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620609)
- Teleportation von Quanteninformation mit massiven Teilchen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/148, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620611)
- Experimenteller Vergleich von Drei-Teilchen-Verschränkungen: W und GHZ-Zustände, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/148, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620614)
- Einzelne Photonen von einem Ca+-Ion in einem Hochgüte-Resonator, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 39, 7/144, 2004 , (2004) (ID: 620616)
Invited Talks
- Realisation of the Cirac-Zoller controlled-NOT quantum gate European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) (Munich, Germany, in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vo. 27E El1-1-MON, 2003-06-22) , (2003) (ID: 620254)
- Coherent coupling and modified spontaneous emission of a single ion in a high finesse optical cavity Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) (Boulder, USA, 2003-05-20) , (2003) (ID: 620255)
- Erzeugung und Analyse verschränkter Mehr-Teilchen Zustände mit 40Ca-Ionen Beitrag zur 53. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Salzburg, Austria, S. 89, 2003-02-01) , (2003) (ID: 620621)
- Optischer Frequenzstandards mit 40Ca-Ionen Beitrag zur 53. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Salzburg, Austria, S. 88, 2003-02-01) , (2003) (ID: 620624)
- Kopplung eines einzelnen Ca+ Ions an das Vakuumfeld eines Resonators hoher Güte Beitrag zur 53. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Salzburg, Austria, S. 87, 2003-02-01) , (2003) (ID: 620627)
- Coherent coupling and modified spontaneous emission of a single ion in a high finesse optical cavity 4th European Quantum Information and Computation (QIPC) Workshop (Oxford, UK, 2003-07-13) , (2003) (ID: 620630)
- Experimental preparation and analysis of two-ion entangled states 4th European Quantum Information and Computation (QIPC) Workshop (Oxford, UK, 2003-07-13) , (2003) (ID: 620631)
- Coherent Coupling of a single Ca+ ion to a high finesse optical cavity Field European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC) 2003 (Munich, Germany, in: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vo. 27E EH1-2-WED, 2003-06-22) , (2003) (ID: 620633)
- Quanten-Informationsverarbeitung mit linearen Ionenkristallen und die Realisierung eines universellen zwei-Quantenbit Gatters, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/118, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620901)
- Kohärente Kopplung eines einzelnen Ca+-Ions an eine Hochfinesse-Resonatormode, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/125, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620902)
- Quanteninformationsverarbeitung mit Ca+-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 38, 6/151, 2003 , (2003) (ID: 620913)
Invited Talks
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions European Group of Atomic Spectroscopy (EGAS) (Sofia, Bulgarien, 2002-12-07) , (2002) (ID: 620274)
- Ground state laser cooling of trapped ions Cooling 2002 (Visby, Sweden, 2002-06-09) , (2002) (ID: 620284)
- Ground state laser cooling of trapped ions Cooling 2002 (Visby, Sweden, 2002-06-09) , (2002) (ID: 632463)
- Welche Zuverlässigkeit kann man von Ionenfallen-Quantengattern erwarten?, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37,, 2/104,2002 , (2002) (ID: 620926)
Invited Talks
- Towards Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions International Conference on Quantum Information (Rochester N.Y., USA, Book of abstracts, p. 9, 2001-06-13) , (2001) (ID: 620298)
- Quantum computation with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Information Processing, Fields Institute, Univ. Toronto (Toronto, Canada, 2001-05-19) , (2001) (ID: 620300)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Division of atomic and molecular physics conference, DAMOP, London (Ontario, Canada, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 2001-05-18) , (2001) (ID: 620301)
- Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions Winter School on Quantum Information (Dolomieu, France, 2001-02-27) , (2001) (ID: 620302)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions International Conference on Quantum Information IQC01 (Sydney, Australien, 2001-01-19) , (2001) (ID: 620303)
- Quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions, in OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics (TOPS) Vol. 57, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS2001), Technical digest, Post conference Edition (Optical Society of America, Washington , (2001) (ID: 620936)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 36, 34, 2001 (also: ECAMP, europhysics conference abstracts Vol. 25B) , (2001) (ID: 622630)
- Laserkühlung mittels elektromagnetisch induzierter Transparenz, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 36, 83, 2001 (also: ECAMP, europhysics conference abstracts Vol. 25B) , (2001) (ID: 622628)
Invited Talks
- Ground-state cooling of a string of ions in a linear Paul trap TMR Network Meeting "Quantum structures" (Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, 2000-11-26) , (2000) (ID: 620304)
- Experiments on Sub-Doppler Cooling in Ion Traps Quantum Optics XI (Mallorca, Spain, 2000-10-14) , (2000) (ID: 620305)
- Towards quantum computation with trapped ions Quantum Optics XI (Mallorca, Spain, 2000-10-14) , (2000) (ID: 620308)
- Ground state cooling, quantum state engineering and study of decoherence of ions in Paul traps 2nd Bielefeld Workshop on Quantum Information and Complexity, Universität Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany, 2000-10-12) , (2000) (ID: 620309)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions Workshop on Puzzles and Mysteries in Quantum Physics (Gargnano, Italy, 2000-09-19) , (2000) (ID: 620310)
- Ground state cooling, quantum state engineering and study of decoherence of ions in Paul traps Conference Digest of 2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference, p. 212 (Nizza, 2000-09-10) , (2000) (ID: 620368)
- Ground state cooling of ion strings TMR Network Meeting "The physics of quantum information", Universität Wien (Wien, Austria, 2000-09-05) , (2000) (ID: 620369)
- Quantum information processing with Ca ions TMR Network Meeting "The physics of quantum information", Universität Wien (Wien, Austria, 2000-09-05) , (2000) (ID: 620371)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions QIPC-Y2k (Capri, Italy, 2000-07-07) , (2000) (ID: 620372)
- Quantum information processing with trapped ions Workshop on Quantum Information Processing, ISI Turin (Turin, Italy, 2000-06-28) , (2000) (ID: 620374)
- Experiments towards quantum information with trapped Calcium ions International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP 2000 (Florenz, Italy, 2000-06-07) , (2000) (ID: 620375)
- Towards quantum information processing with trapped Ca+ ions ISCAS (Genf, Schweiz, 2000-05-30) , (2000) (ID: 620377)
- Cooling ion strings to the vibrational ground state Beitrag zur 50. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Graz, Austria, S. 121, 2000-09-25) , (2000) (ID: 622632)
- Experiments towards quantum information with trapped Calcium ions, in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, OSA Technical Digest, p. 178, Washington, D.C. , (2000) (ID: 622636)
- Speed of ion trap information processors, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 35, 1087, 2000 , (2000) (ID: 622637)
- Kohärente Zustandsmanipulation eines einzelnen Ca+-Ions auf einem optischen Übergang, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 35, 1061, 2000 , (2000) (ID: 622640)
- Quantum Optics with a single Ca+ ion Beitrag zur 49. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Innsbruck, Austria, S. 61, 1999-09-20) , (1999) (ID: 622644)
- Experimente zur Seitenbandkühlung eines Kalzium Ions in einer Paul-Falle, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, 400, 1999 , (1999) (ID: 622669)
- Ein eindimensionales Ion, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 33, 210, 1998 , (1998) (ID: 622693)
- Ein hochstabiles Laser-System zur Spektroskopie an Ca+-Ionen, in Verhandl. DPG (VI) 33, 200, 1998 , (1998) (ID: 622698)
Invited Talk
- Quantum motion of single trapped ions eingeladener Vortrag auf der European Research Conference on Quantum Optics (Castelvecchio, Italy, 1997-09-13) , (1997) (ID: 620408)
- Eine neue Falle für die Quantenoptik mit einzelnen Ca+ Ionen Beitrag zur 46. Jahrestagung der ÖPG (Linz, Austria, S. 120, 1996-09-23) , (1996) (ID: 622750)