Publications Rudolf GRIMM
- Ultracold Fermi gases: Superfluids, polarons, and novel mixtures (University of Ulm, Germany, 2023-07-12) , (2023). (ID: 721104)
- Ultracold fermion mixtures: Inteeractions make them strong (University of Aarhus, Denmark) , (2022). (ID: 720977)
- Ultracold fermion mixtures: Interactions make them strong (University of Aarhus, Denmark) , (2022). (ID: 721105)
Invited Talks
- Ultracold fermions: from polarons to novel superfluids Quantum Systems in Extreme Conditions (QSEC 2022) (Bingen, Germany) URL , (2022). (ID: 720994)
- Dysprosium meets potassium: adventures with a new fermion mixture Young Atom Opticians Conference 2022 (Stuttgart, DE) URL , (2022). (ID: 720989)
- Quantum mixtures IV - New adventures with Dy and K Les Houches Predoc School on Quantum Mixtures (Les Houches, France) URL , (2022). (ID: 720993)
- Quanum mixtures III - Fermi polarons (Les Houches, France) URL , (2022). (ID: 720992)
- Quantum mixtures II - Li-6 spin mixtures Les Houches Predoc School on Quantum Mixtures (Les Houches, France) URL , (2022). (ID: 720991)
- Quantum mixtures I - general ideas Les Houches Predoc School on Quantum Mixtures (Les Houches, France) URL , (2022). (ID: 720990)
- Experiments with quantum mixtures III: Dy meets K - a new mixture Quantum Mixtures with Ultracold Atoms, Varenna Summer School, Course 211 (Varenna, Italy) URL , (2022). (ID: 720988)
- Experiments with quantum mixtures II:. Fermi polarons Quantum Mixtures with Ultracold Atoms, Varenna Summer School, Course 211 (Varenna, Italy) URL , (2022). (ID: 720987)
- Experiments with quantum mixtures I: General ideas, a bit of history, and... Quantum Mixtures with Ultracold Atoms, Varenna Summer School, Course 211 (Varenna, Italy) URL , (2022). (ID: 720986)
- Laser cooling and trapping Introductory Course on Ultracold Quantum Gases (Innsbruck) URL , (2022). (ID: 720996)
- Basic experiments on Fermi gases Introductory Course on Ultracold Quantum Gases (Innsbruck) URL , (2022). (ID: 720995)
- Dy meets K: Adventures with a new quantum mixture Conference on Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC 2021) (Virtual, 2021-09-11) URL , (2021). (ID: 720807)
- Ultracold Fermion Mixtures with Strong Interactions Virtual conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS52) (Virtual, 2021-07-06) URL , (2021). (ID: 720806)
- Ultracold Fermion Mixtures: Interactions Make Them Strong Online Discussion Meeting on Trapped Atoms, Molecules and Ions (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India, 2021-05-10) URL , (2021). (ID: 720805)
- Ultracold fermions (2019-04-15) , (2019). (ID: 720314)
Invited Talks
- New frontiers of strongly interacting Fermi gases Symposium on Laser Physics and Spectroscopy (Troitsk, RU, 2019-11-11) URL , (2019). (ID: 720411)
- Unitary Fermi Mixture with Mass Imbalance , (2019). (ID: 720359)
- Fermionic Quantum Mixtures of Dy and K (2019-07-16) , (2019). (ID: 720358)
- Creating a new strongly interacting system in the lab: Resonant fermion mixture of Dy and K Int. Conference on Few-body Physics in Cold Atomic Gases (Zhuhai) URL , (2019). (ID: 720319)
- Ultracold fermion mixtures tuned into resonance SFB Conference FoQuS (Innsbruck, Austria, 2019-02-04) URL , (2019). (ID: 720178)
- Experiments on impurities in Fermi gases in Innsbruck Vorbereitungstreffen Forschergruppe Polaronic Effects in Hybrid Quantum Systems ( Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2019-10-28) , (2019). (ID: 720419)
- Basic experiments on Fermi gases Introductory Course on Ultracold Quantum Gases (Innsbruck,, 2019-07-08) URL , (2019). (ID: 720353)
Seminar Talk
- New developments in fermionic mixtures Physik-Department, TU München (Garching b. München) , (2019). (ID: 720197)
- Impurities in an ultracold Fermi sea: Quasiparticles, phase separation and more Department of Physics, colloquium talk, Chicago (Chicago) URL , (2018). (ID: 720193)
Invited Talks
- Mass-imbalanced fermion mixtures AIAS Associate Event: Joint CQOM & ITAMP Workshop (Aarhus, Denmark, 2018-08-13) URL , (2018). (ID: 720177)
- How it finally (35 years later) happened in the lab 22nd International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Caen, France, 2018-07-09) URL , (2018). (ID: 720175)
- Ultracold atoms in optical dipole traps 50th anniversary celebration, Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Troitsk/Moscow, 2019-03-06) URL , (2018). (ID: 720174)
Seminar Talks
- Dysprosium meets Potassium: New Prospects for Ultracold Fermions IQOQI Innsbruck, UQUAM.EU Seminars, Video Conference Seminar (Innsbruck, Austria) URL , (2018). (ID: 720194)
- Ultracold fermions with resonant interactions: Superfluidity, quasiparticles, and more Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Moscow) , (2018). (ID: 720192)
- Ultracold fermions with resonant interactions: Superfluidity, quasiparticles, and more Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk/Moscow (Troitsk/Moscow) , (2018). (ID: 720191)
- Impurities in an ultracold Fermi sea: Quasiparticles, phase separation and beyond Columbia University (New York, USA) URL , (2018). (ID: 720190)
- Impurities in an ultracold Fermi sea: Quasiparticles, phase separation and beyond Princeton University (Princeton, NJ, USA) URL , (2018). (ID: 720189)
- Ultracold fermions - interactions make you stronger Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam) , (2017). (ID: 720228)
Invited Talks
- Impurities strongly interacting with a Fermi sea Int. Conference on Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC2017), 2.-8.9.2017, Sant Feliu, Spain (Sant Feliu) URL , (2017). (ID: 720218)
- Impurities strongly interacting with a Fermi sea Int. Conference on Controllable Quantum Impurities in Physics and Chemistry (CoQIPC-2017), 16.-18.8.2017, Klosterneuburg, A (Klosterneuburg) URL , (2017). (ID: 720217)
- Impurities strongly interacting with a Fermi sea 26th Int. Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'17), 17.-21.7.2017, Kazan, RU (Kazan) URL , (2017). (ID: 720216)
- Fast dynamics of impurities in a Fermi sea WE-Heraeus Seminar on "Cold Atoms meet Quantum Field Theory", 6.-9.7.2015, Bad Honnef (Bad honnef) URL , (2017). (ID: 720246)
- Impurities strongly interacting with a Fermi sea 48th Annual DAMOP Meeting, 5.-9.6.2017, Sacramento, USA (Sacramento) URL , (2017). (ID: 720212)
- Mit Doppler und Laserlicht zum absoluten Nullpunkt Symposium 175 Jahre Doppler-Prinzip, Salzburg (Salzburg) URL , (2017). (ID: 720211)
- Quantum Gases at Very Large Scattering Length (Part I and II) EMMI Workshop "From Few to Many", 10.-13.4.2017, Obergurgl (Obergurgl) URL , (2017). (ID: 720210)
- Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea APS March Meeting 2017 (New Orleans, 2017-03-13) URL , (2017). (ID: 720208)
Public Lectures
- The magic of ultracold matter Zavoisky lecture (public lecture) at Kazan Federal University (Kazan) URL , (2017). (ID: 720231)
- Kälter als eiskalt: Quantenmaterie am absoluten Nullpunkt Pint of Science Festival (Innsbruck) , (2017). (ID: 720226)
Seminar Talks
- Ultracold Fermions: From HTC to ultrafast Inst. of Applied Physics, Russ. Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, RU (Nizhny Novgorod) , (2017). (ID: 720229)
- Impurities strongly interacting with a Fermi sea Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (Cambridge) , (2017). (ID: 720230)
- Ultracold Fermions from 'High Tc' to 'Ultrafast' Physik-Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg (Hamburg) , (2016). (ID: 720233)
Invited Talks
- Ultracold quantum cocktails of Dy and K Workshop on "Long-range interactions in the ultracold", Napoli (Napoli) URL , (2016). (ID: 720239)
- Few-body physics with ultracold atoms: Efimov and beyond Int. Workshop on "Few-body Systems (FBS2016)", Dubna, RU, 5. - 8.7.16 (Dubna) URL , (2016). (ID: 720240)
- Strongly interacting Fermi gases: Birth, life, and fate of quasiparticles Int. Conference on "The Frontiers in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Shanghai, 21. - 27.5.2016 (Shanghai) URL , (2016). (ID: 720241)
- Birth, life, and fate of a Fermi polaron WE-Heraeus Seminar on "Ultracold Quantum Gases - Current Trends and Future Perspectives", 9.-13.5.2016, Bad Honnef (Baf Honnef) URL , (2016). (ID: 720242)
- Birth, life, and fate of a Fermi polaron Inst. Conference on Frontiers in Ultracold Fermi Gases, Florenz (Florence) URL , (2016). (ID: 720243)
Seminar Talk
- Birth, life, and fate of a Fermi polaron Physik Institut, Universität Heidelberg (Heidelberg) , (2016). (ID: 720232)
- Excitement in Fermi's Sea Physics Deptartment, University of Florence, Italy (Florence) , (2015). (ID: 720249)
Invited Talks
- Atom interferometry in a Fermi sea Int. Conference on "Quantum Physics of Nature" (QuPoN2015), 18.-22.5.2015, Wien (Vienna) URL , (2015). (ID: 720245)
- Few-body physics with ultracold atoms: What we learned from Cesium Symposium on "Efimov Physics", DPG Frühjahrstagung, 23. - 27.3.2015, Heidelberg (Heidelberg) URL , (2015). (ID: 720244)
Invited Talks
- Ultracold Fermi gases Conference on "Self Organizing Matter and Emergence" (Brijuni, Croatia, 2014-08-25) URL , (2014). (ID: 719181)
- Efimov and beyond: New developments in few-body physics with ultracold bosons and fermions ICAP 2014 (Washington DC, USA, 2014-08-03) URL , (2014). (ID: 719180)
- TBA: Three-Body Advances Symposium on "Precision Tests of Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Quantum Gases" (Bejing, China) URL , (2014). (ID: 719143)
- The magic of ultracold cesium Workshop "Frontiers of Cold Matter" celebr. Paul Julienne 70th birthday, (College Park, USA) URL , (2014). (ID: 719142)
- Fermionic mixtures with strong interactions: Polarons and more Symposium on "Shedding light on emergent quantum phenomena" - Emergence 2014 (Heidelberg, Germany) URL , (2014). (ID: 719141)
- Efimov and beyond: New twists in three-body physics with ultracold bosons and fermions International Conference on Quantum Optics (Obergurgl, Austria) URL , (2014). (ID: 719140)
Seminar Talks
- Ultracold few-body physics (Russian Quantum Center, Skolkovo, Moskau, Russia) , (2014). (ID: 719163)
- Quantensprünge in die Zukunft (Innsbrucker Marketer, Inst. Für strategisches Management, Fakultät f. Betriebswirtschaft, Treffen "Technologien der Zukunft: Von der Utopie auf den Markt") , (2014). (ID: 719164)
- Superfluid Fermi gases: The long-awaited arrival of second sound (Distinguished Scholar Lecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) , (2013). (ID: 719158)
Invited Talks
- Extremely cold Fermi gases: Second sound and more news from Innsbruck EMMI Physics Days 2013 (Darmstadt, Germany) URL , (2013). (ID: 719137)
- Ultracold Fermi gases: Observation of second sound and more news International Conference on Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC 2013) (Sant Feliu, Spain) URL , (2013). (ID: 719136)
- Quantum physics with ultracold molecules Royal Society Scientific Seminar: The application of simple molecules to fundamental questions in science (Chicheley Hall, UK) URL , (2013). (ID: 719135)
- News from ultracold fermions: Second sound and few-body interactions 2nd Internation Conference on Quantum Technologies (Moscow, Russia) URL , (2013). (ID: 719134)
- News from ultracold fermions: Second sound and few-body interactions Symposium on the occasion of Lev Pitaevskii's 80th birthday (Trento, Italy) URL , (2013). (ID: 719133)
- Second sound and more news from ultra-cold Fermi gases Workshop on Quantum Simulations and Related Topics on occasion of Wolf prize awards to P. Zoller and I. Cirac (Haifa, Israel) URL , (2013). (ID: 719128)
- Experimental progress on few-body physics in Innsbruck Int. Conf. On Few-body Physics in Cold Atomic Gases (Bejing, China) URL , (2013). (ID: 719125)
- News from ultracold Fermi gases: Second sound and atom-dimer interactions NORDITA workshop "Pushing the Boundaries with Cold Atoms" (Stockholm, Sweden) URL , (2013). (ID: 719118)
Seminar Talks
- Observation of second sound and more recent developments in ultracold Fermi gases (Collège de France, Paris, France) , (2013). (ID: 719162)
- Recent News from Innsbruck (Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, Germany) , (2013). (ID: 719161)
- Second sound and the superfluid fraction in a resonantly interacting Fermi gas (Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA), Harvard, USA) , (2013). (ID: 719157)
- New frontiers in ultracold quantum gases (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) , (2012). (ID: 718381)
- Ultracold quantum matter (University of Kazan, Russia) , (2012). (ID: 718380)
- Ultracold atoms: Model kits for quantum matter (Inst. Fizyki, Cracow, Poland) , (2012). (ID: 718379)
- Ultracold atoms: Model kits for quantum matter (Ljubljana, Slovenia) , (2012). (ID: 718378)
- New frontiers in ultracold quantum gases (Ludwig Maximilian Universität München, Germany) , (2012). (ID: 718382)
Invited Talks
- Ultracold quantum matter Conf. On Space, Time and Matter (Brijuni, Hungary) URL , (2012). (ID: 718409)
- New frontiers in ultracold gases Conf. Europ. Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS) (Göteborg, Denmark) URL , (2012). (ID: 718408)
- Efimov physics Summer School on Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Molecules (Trieste, Italy, 2012-07-02) URL , (2012). (ID: 718407)
- Ultracold molecules Summer School on Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Molecules (Trieste, Italy, 2012-07-02) URL , (2012). (ID: 718406)
- Feshbach resonances Summer School on Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Molecules (Trieste, Italy, 2012-07-02) URL , (2012). (ID: 718405)
- Universality of the 3-body parameter 43rd Annual DAMOP Meeting (Anaheim, USA, 2012-06-03) URL , (2012). (ID: 718404)
- BEC > 2000: The hunt for new species YAO 2012 (Cracow, Poland, 2012-03-25) URL , (2012). (ID: 718401)
- Strongly interacting Fermi gases Int. Conference on Quantum Optics (Obergurgl, Austria, 2012-02-12) URL , (2012). (ID: 718400)
Public Lectures
- Quantum Physics: Surprising Applications of Science Tirol Technology Night (Olympic Games) (London, UK) , (2012). (ID: 718375)
- IQOQI - Akademie und Universität gemeinsam Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsenquete des Tiroler Landtags , (2012). (ID: 718374)
Invited Talks
- Strongly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture BEC 2011 - Frontiers in Quantum Gases (Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain) URL , (2011). (ID: 717938)
- Strongly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture of 6Li and 40K Workshop on Frontiers in Ultracold Fermi Gases, ICTP (Trieste, Italy) URL , (2011). (ID: 717964)
- Strongly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture of 6Li and 40K Fermions from Cold Atoms to Neutron Stars: Benchmarking the Many-Body Problem, INT (Seattle, USA) URL , (2011). (ID: 717963)
- New results on Efimov physics and the creation of a strongly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture ERATO Conference on Ultracold Atoms and Molecules, UCAM 2011 (Tokyo, Japan) URL , (2011). (ID: 717960)
- Few-body physics with ultracold atoms DPG Physics School: Quantum Gases in Dilute Atomic Vapour (Bad Honnef, Germany) URL , (2011). (ID: 717962)
- Ultracold molecules DPG Physics School: Quantum Gases in Dilute Atomic Vapour (Bad Honnef, Germany) URL , (2011). (ID: 717961)
Public Lecture
- Quantenmaterie am absoluten Nullpunkt Vortrag im Rahmen des "Studium Generale" der Volkshochschule Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria) , (2011). (ID: 717955)
Seminar Talks
- Bose and Fermi gases at large scattering lengths Center for Quantum Dynamics, Univ. Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany) , (2011). (ID: 717937)
- Strongly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture of 6Li and 40K BEC Center, Univ. Trento (Trento, Italy) , (2011). (ID: 717936)
- Ultracold quantum matter: Exploring strongly interacting matter at pico-eV Stefan-Meyer-Institut, Wien (Wien, Austria) , (2011). (ID: 717935)
Invited Talks
- Neuland Zukunft oder warum wir eine starke Grundlagenforschung brauchen Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2010, Tiroltag (Alpbach, Austria) , (2010). (ID: 717430)
- 40 years of Efimov physics: How a bizarre prediction turned into a hot topic Physik-Kolloquium TU-Wien (Vienna, Austria) , (2010). (ID: 717424)
- 40 years of Efimov physics: How are bizarre prediction turned into a hot topic Physik-Kolloquium Universität Ulm (Ulm, Germany) , (2010). (ID: 717422)
- Österreich 2020+ Wissenschaft und Forschung: Dunkle Wolken!, Frank Stronach Symposium \"Österreich 2020\" (Graz, Austria) Symposium \"Österreich 2020\" (Graz, Austria) , (2010). (ID: 717406)
- Manybody physics with ultracold gases Les Houches Summer School 2010 (Les Houches, France) , (2010). (ID: 717429)
- Key experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates, Introductory Course on Quantum Information and Quantum Gases (Innsbruck, Austria) , (2010). (ID: 717604)
Public Lectures
- Cool und faszinierend: Quantenmaterie am absoluten Nullpunkt ÖPG Jahrestagung 2010 (Salzburg, Austria) , (2010). (ID: 717431)
- Am absoluten Nullpunkt: Abenteuer in der ultrakalten Quantenwelt Public Evening Lecture at the University of Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria) , (2010). (ID: 717416)
- Ultracool in Austria: Fascination of Quantum Matter at Absolute Zero Austrian Embassy Washington D.C. as Scientist of the Year 2009 (Washington D.C., USA) , (2010). (ID: 717605)
- Ultracool in Austria: Fascination of Quantum Matter at Absolute Zero Austrian Consulate NY as Austrian Scientist of the Year 2009 (New York, NY, USA) , (2010). (ID: 717411)
Invited Talks
- Strongly interacting Fermi gases of Li-6 and K-40 ACQAO Workshop (Adelaide) , (2009). (ID: 717084)
- Strongly interacting Fermi gases of Li-6 and K-40 ACQAO Workshop (Adelaide) , (2009). (ID: 717085)
- Few-body physics with ultracold atoms: Efimov's dream and 39 years later ACOLS2009 - Australian Conf. on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (Adelaide) , (2009). (ID: 717083)
- Few-body physics with cold atoms: Efimov and beyond Int. Workshop on "Condensed matter physics of cold atoms" (Beijing) , (2009). (ID: 717078)
- Ultracold Feshbach molecules HRMS 09, Coll. On High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (Naples) , (2009). (ID: 717061)
- Ultracold molecules: recent advances Gordon Research Conference on Atomic Physics (Tilton, New Hampshire) , (2009). (ID: 717054)
- All-optical production of a doubly degenerate Fermi-Fermi mixture EQEC 2009 (Munich) , (2009). (ID: 717051)
- Ultracold Fermi-Fermi Mixtures: The new frontier in the physics of strongly interacting Fermi gases Conference on Quantum Engineering of Atoms and Photons (Zakopane) , (2009). (ID: 717050)
- Few-body physics with ultracold atoms: Efimov states and beyond Symposium on Non-linear & Quantum Optics (FRISNO-10) (Ein Gedi, 2009-02-09) , (2009) (ID: 660496)
Public Lectures
- Cool and fascinating: quantum matter at absolute zero Australian National University, Canberra (Canberra) , (2009). (ID: 717087)
- Cool and fascinating: quantum matter at absolute zero Melbourne University (Melbourne) , (2009). (ID: 717086)
- Interference of two molecular BECs DAMOP (Charlottesville, Virginia) , (2009). (ID: 717042)
- Ultrakalte Fermigase Physikkolloquium (Darmstadt) , (2009). (ID: 717041)
- Few-body physics with ultracold atoms: Efimov states and beyond Physikkolloquium (Florence) , (2009). (ID: 717024)
- Ultracold Fermi gases SFB Konferenz 2009 (Innsbruck, 2009-01-29) , (2009) (ID: 660493)
- Cool und faszinierend: Quantenmaterie am absoluten Nullpunkt SFB Konferenz 2009, öffentlicher Abendvortrag (Innsbruck, 2009-01-29) , (2009) (ID: 660494)
- Ultrakalte Moleküle - Wenn sich Atome bei Nanokelvin binden Physikkolloquium (Duisburg, 2009-02-04) , (2009) (ID: 660495)
Invited Talks
- Ultracold atoms: new light on few- and many-body phenomena 15 Years Erwin Schrödinger Institut (Vienna, Austria, 2008-04-14) , (2008) (ID: 660395)
- Ultracold molecules: a new playground for dark resonances and more Workshop in hon. of G. Alzetta (Pisa, Italy, 2008-05-02) , (2008) (ID: 660403)
- Manipulation of ultra-cold atoms and gases EMALI Meeting (Vienna, Austria, 2008-05-23) , (2008) (ID: 660406)
- Exploring an ultracold Fermi-Fermi mixture of Li6 and K40 atoms DAMOP Meeting (State College, Pennsylvania, USA, 2008-05-29) , (2008) (ID: 660420)
- Ultracold halo dimers and few-body physics ICAP 2008 (Storrs, Connecticut, USA, 2008-07-31) , (2008) (ID: 660465)
- Ultracold halo dimers (made of bosonic atoms) Symp. Quantum fluids and strongly correlated systems (Paris, France, 2008-09-16) , (2008) (ID: 660467)
- Strongly interacting fermions: From spin mixtures to mixed species Workshop: Quark-Gluon Plasma meets Cold Atoms (Darmstadt, Germany, 2008-09-26) , (2008) (ID: 660483)
Seminar Talk
- Cold Fermions University of Birmingham (Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2008-02-18) , (2008) (ID: 660356)
- Das Forschungszentrum für Quantenphysik Forschungsschwerpunkte UIBK (Obergurgl, Austria, 2008-04-04) , (2008) (ID: 660389)
- Two, three, many: when atoms interact in the ultracold Kolloquium ETH Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland, 2007-06-06) , (2007) (ID: 519096)
- Two, three, many: when atoms interact in the ultracold Physikkolloquium Univ. Bonn (Bonn, Germany, 2007-06-15) , (2007) (ID: 519099)
Invited Talks
- Quantenmaterie am absoluten Nullpunkt ÖAW Klassensitzung (Vienna, Austria, 2007-02-22) , (2007) (ID: 519042)
- Evidence for Efimov quantum states in an ultracold gas of cesium atoms APS April Meeting (Jacksonville, FL, USA, 2007-04-14) , (2007) (ID: 519064)
- Strongly interacting Fermi gases: recent results from Innsbruck Conf. On Corelated States in Degenerate Atomic Gases (Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 2007-04-23) , (2007) (ID: 519067)
- Collective oscillations in the BEC-BCS crossover CLEO 07 (Baltimore, MD, USA, 2007-05-09) , (2007) (ID: 519074)
- Ultracold Fermions: News from Innsbruck Conf. on recent progress of quantum gases (Paris, France, 2007-06-27) , (2007) (ID: 519104)
- Ultracold Fermi gases STATPHYS 23 (Genova, Italy, 2007-07-11) , (2007) (ID: 519106)
- Collisions in ultracold quantum gases ICPEAC 2007 (Freiburg, Germany, 2007-07-30) , (2007) (ID: 519107)
- Evidence for Efimov quantum states QuAMP 2007 (London, UK, 2007-09-13) , (2007) (ID: 559346)
- News from ultracold germions in Innsbruck BEC2007 Frontiers in Q.Gases (Sant Feliu, Spain, 2007-09-17) , (2007) (ID: 559357)
- Two, three, many: strongly interacting atoms in the ultracold Physikkolloquium MPQ München (Garching b. München, Germany) , (2006). (ID: 343964)
- Few- and many-body physics with ultracold atoms University of Maryland (Gaithersburg, MD, USA) , (2006). (ID: 343949)
- Direct observation of Sub-Poissonian Number Statistics in a BEC & FeLiKx: fermionic 6Li-40K-87Sr experiment Physics department (Oxford, GB, 2006-02-06) , (2006). (ID: 343954)
- From Atomic to Molecular Quantum Gases Physik-Kolloquium Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria, 2006-06-13) , (2006) (ID: 447215)
Invited Talks
- Two, three, many:Interaction effects in the ultracold quantum world DPG Frühjahrtagung (Frankfurt, Germany) , (2006). (ID: 343982)
- Two, three, many:Interaction effects in the ultracold quantum world DPG Frühjahrstagung (Frankfurt, Germany, 2006-03-14) , (2006) (ID: 447162)
- Pairing phenomena in ultracold quantum gases and beyond Cold atoms meets condensed matter (Dresden, Germany, 2006-03-29) , (2006) (ID: 447186)
- News from ultracold gases in Innsbruck WE-Heraeus Seminar (Bad Honnef, Germany, 2006-05-08) , (2006) (ID: 447199)
- Collective excitations of an ultracold gas of 6^Li atoms in the BEC-BCS crossover regime DFG Workshop SPP 1116 (Hamburg, Germany, 2006-07-04) , (2006) (ID: 447230)
Seminar Talks
- New phenomena in ultracold gases QIBEC-seminar, NIST (Gaithersburg, MD, USA) , (2006). (ID: 343951)
- Experiments on strongly interacting Fermi gases Varenna Summer school on Fermi Gases (Varenna, Italy, 2006-06-23) , (2006) (ID: 447218)
- Quantenmaterie am absoluten Nullpunkt Fortbildungswoche für Physik- u. Chemielehrer an der Univ. Wien (Vienna, Austria) , (2006). (ID: 343969)
- Ultracold molecules Universitá di Roma, Physics Dept. (Rome, Italy, 2006-04-05) , (2006) (ID: 447193)
- The magic of quantum matter near absolute zero Österr. Kulturinstitut in Rom (Rome, Italy, 2006-04-05) , (2006) (ID: 447194)
- Moleküle am absoluten Nullpunkt Chem.-Physikalische Gesellschaft (Vienna, Austria, 2006-05-02) , (2006) (ID: 447195)
- Ultrakalte Paarungen: von Molekülen zu Hochtemperatur-Superflüssigkeiten Colloquium, Physikkolloquium an der Universität Kaiserslautern (Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2005-12-00) , (2005). (ID: 327332)
- Ultrakalte Paarungen: von Molekülen zu Hochtemperatur-Superflüssigkeiten Colloquium, Physikkolloquium an der Universität Linz (Linz, Austria, 2005-11-00) , (2005). (ID: 327327)
- Ultrakalte fermionische Quantengase: von molekularen BEC zu BCS-artigen Supraflüssigkeiten Colloquium, Universität Mainz (Mainz, Germany, 2005-01-00) , (2004). (ID: 326767)
Invited Talks
- Ultrakalte Paarungen: von Molekülen zu Hochtemperatur-Superflüssigkeiten Colloquium, Physikkolloquium an der Universität Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany, 2005-12-00) , (2005). (ID: 327333)
- Experiments with strongly interacting quantum gases Invited talk, Workshop on Bose-Einstein Condensation and Quantum Information (Vienna, Austria, 2005-12-00) , (2005). (ID: 327334)
- Ultracold fermionic superfluids Invited talk, Sino-German Symposium on Quantum Engineering, Chinese Acad. of Sciences. (Beijing, China, 2005-11-00) , (2005). (ID: 327329)
- Hot news from CoMo (sorry no Po) Invited talk, Workshop on Cold Polar Molecules (Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany, 2005-10-00) , (2005). (ID: 327305)
- Ultracold quantum gases Invited talk, Jyväskulä Nanoscience Days 2005 (Jyväskylä, Finland, 2005-10-00) , (2005). (ID: 327306)
- Pairing gap and collective oscillations in the BEC-BCS crossover Invited talk, ESF Research Conference on Bose-Einstein Condensation (Sant Feliu, Spain, 2005-09-00) , (2005). (ID: 327284)
- Collective modes in the BEC-BCS crossover revisited Invited talk, Workshop on New Developments in Quantum Gases (Seattle, USA, 2005-08-00) , (2005). (ID: 327140)
- Quantenmaterie am absoluten Nullpunkt Invited talk, Europäisches Forum Alpbach, Tirol-Tag (Alpach, Austria, 2005-08-00) , (2005). (ID: 327281)
- Condensates: Bosons and fermions in ultralow temperatures Invited lecture, European Summer University 2005, Univ. Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France, 2005-07-00) , (2005). (ID: 327112)
- Experiments on the BEC-BCS crossover in an ultracold fermi gas of Li6 atoms Invited talk, Int. Conf. on Recent Challenges in Novel Quantum Systems (Camerino, Italy, 2005-07-00) , (2005). (ID: 327120)
- Molecular BEC and the crossover to a fermionic superfluid Invited talk, 13th General Conf. Of the Europ. Physical Society (EPS13) (Bern, Switzerland, 2005-07-00) , (2005). (ID: 327123)
- Ultracold Fermi gases and the BEC-BCS crossover Invited talk, Int. Conference On Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (Vienna, Austria, 2005-07-00) , (2005). (ID: 327127)
- Experiments on the BEC-BCS crossover in an ultracold Germi gas of Li6 atoms Invited talk, ICOLS05, Int. Conf. On Laser Spectroscopy (Aviemore, Schottland, UK, 2005-06-00) , (2005). (ID: 327111)
- Ultracold molecules Invited talk, QUPON - Quantum Physics of Nature (Vienna, Austria, 2005-05-00) , (2005). (ID: 327107)
- Optical surface traps based on evanescent waves Invited talk, CAMS - Conf. On Atoms and Molecules near Surfaces (Heidelberg, Germany, 2005-04-00) , (2005). (ID: 326902)
- Ultracold molecules: two recent surprises with Cs2 in Innsbruck Invited talk, Obergurgl Meeting on Quantum Optics (Obergurgel, Austria, 2005-03-00) , (2005). (ID: 326814)
- Ultracold Fermi gases: nuclear physics at pice-eV Invited talk, New trends in nuclear, atomic and molecular physics (Heidelberg, Germany, 2005-03-00) , (2005). (ID: 326860)
- Molecular BEC and the crossover to a fermionic superfluid Invited talk, Spring Weekend Meeting 05 celebr. Einstein and Hamilton (Newbridge, Ireland, 2005-03-00) , (2005). (ID: 326885)
- Observation of the pairing gap in a strongly interacting Fermi gas Invited talk, APS March Meeting 2005 (Los Angeles, USA, 2005-03-00) , (2005). (ID: 326891)
- The magic of ultracold cesium Invited Talk, YAO-2005 (Hannover, Germany, 2005-02-00) , (2005). (ID: 326780)
- BEC and more exciting physics with ultracold molecules Invited talk, Midterm Review Meeting "Applications and dynamics of CM" (Hannover, Germany, 2005-02-00) , (2005). (ID: 326794)
Seminar Talks
- Bose Einstein condensation and superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases Seminar talk, ENS Paris (Paris, France, 2005-04-00) , (2005). (ID: 326906)
- BEC and more exciting physics with ultracold molecules Seminar talk, CNRS Orsay (Orsay, France, 2005-02-00) , (2005). (ID: 326774)
- BEC and more exciting physics with ultracold molecules Seminar talk, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France, 2005-02-00) , (2005). (ID: 326775)