The Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) is with this Data Protection Declaration meeting its statutory information obligations in regard to protection of personal data. The legal foundations emerge in particular from the following regulations:
In this Data Protection Declaration you can find out what personal data we process and for what purpose we do so on our websites as well as in connection with the statutory vocation of ÖAW. In addition, we are informing you about your rights as a person possibly affected by our data processing.
We request you to read this Data Protection Declaration carefully. Within the framework of cooperation agreements and business relations as well as by using our offers, products and services, which entail transmittal of your personal data to us, you hereby declare that you have been informed about the use of your personal data in accordance with the present Data Protection Declaration.
The protection of your personal data is of the highest priority for ÖAW. If you are not in agreement with the use of your personal data to the extent concerning you in this Data Protection Declaration, then please do not disclose your personal data. This may possibly result in cooperation agreements and business relations not materialising or rather you not having any or only restricted access to the services and products for the use of which the processing of our data is needed.
Personal data are only collected and processed by us to the statutorily allowed extent. This is, for instance, the case if you have given your consent to ÖAW to process your data for specific purposes. However, the processing of your personal data may also be required in connection with the fulfilment of a contractual or statutory obligation, may be based on a legitimate interest of ÖAW or lie in the public interest. We process your data, for example, if you register for ÖAW events, for our newsletter or for press releases from ÖAW or if you come into contact with us in any other way.
For what purposes your personal data are processed and, if required, which types of data we process, you can find out in connection with the particular data processing in question. For the presentation of ÖAW through an internet website, you will find this information under: ÖAW Websites
Your data are not generally transmitted to third parties and/or to foreign countries. Should transmittal of data to a foreign country or to third parties be provided for or required, you will be separately informed of this in connection with the particular processing of your data.
Your data are basically only stored for as long as they are required or statutorily allowed in connection with the particular processing. On the particular storage period you will be informed separately in connection with the data processing in question.
Right to information
You may demand information from ÖAW whether and, if so, which of your personal data and within what scope your personal data are processed.
Right to correction
If your data are processed by us incompletely or incorrectly, then you are at any time entitled to demand correction and/or supplementation (taking the particular processing purposes into account).
Right to deletion
You may demand deletion of your personal data from ÖAW if
Please note that there may also be reasons preventing immediate deletion, such as:
Withdrawal right
If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent in writing at any time. The contact details for the withdrawal of your consent can be found within the information on data protection in connection with the data processing in question. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before the withdrawal.
Right to restriction of processing
You may demand restriction of processing your personal data if
Right to data portability
You may demand from ÖAW that the data you provided are made available to you in a structured, conventional and machine readable format, provided
This right does not apply to any processing for the exercise of a task which lies in the public interest.
Right to object
You may, for reasons emerging from your own peculiar situation, at any time file an objection against the processing of personal data relating to you, provided
After such an objection, your data will not be processed any further unless there are compelling protectable reasons for their processing which outweigh your rights and freedoms or if processing is necessary for assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.
Right of appeal
If you are of the opinion that ÖAW is breaching Austrian or European data protection law in processing your data, we request you to contact us in order to quickly clear up any eventual issues. Of course, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority or any competent public authority within the EU.
If you wish to avail yourself of any of the above rights, please contact us.
In the course of asserting your rights, it is possible that we have to require additional information to confirm your identity (e.g. official ID). This serves exclusively for your protection so that it can be excluded that third parties receive information about your data without authorisation.
ÖAW endeavours to react to all of your legitimate queries as quickly as possible and in accordance with statutory regulations and deadlines.
Even if we commission a processor, we are responsible for the protection of your personal data.
We only deploy processors from outside the European Union if
Your data are transmitted to third parties if we are under a statutory obligation, the onward transmittal of the data is required for implementation of the contractual relation, you have expressly consented to transmittal of your data in advance or if there are legitimate interests.
External processors or other cooperation partners only receive your data if this is required or permitted, e.g. to execute a contract.
Your personal data are not sold or otherwise marketed to third parties.
ÖAW reserves the right to undertake at any time amendments or supplements to this Data Protection Declaration. Such amendments and supplements will be brought to your notice in this place.
Imprint and disclosure according to §§ 24, 25 of the Austrian Media Act (MedienG) as well as information according to § 5 E-Commerce Act (ECG):
Media owner:
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Corporate body under public law (Federal Law Gazette (BGBl) 569/1921 as amended)
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: 01/51581-0
FN 71839 x
VAT Identification Number: ATU37116303
Object of the company:
The Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences) has the statutory mission to promote science in every way. As a learned society the OeAW cultivates the discourse and cooperation of science with the public, politics and business. As the largest institution of non-university basic research in the country, the OeAW conducts application-open basic research at the highest international level at its 25 institutes.
Executive body:
President: Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Heinz Faßmann
Vice President: Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. techn. Ulrike Diebold
Class President: Univ.-Prof. Dr. iur. Christiane Wendehorst LL.M. (CANTAB.)
Class President: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Baumjohann
The Academy Council exists as supervisory body. For more information see
Basic line:
This website serves to inform the public about the scientific activities of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences gives no warranty as to the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. In the case of links to websites of other media owners, for which the OeAW is not directly or indirectly responsible, the OeAW assumes no liability for their contents and excludes any liability therefor.
Copyright notice:
The contents and works created by the Austrian Academy of Sciences on these pages are subject to Austrian copyright law. The duplication, editing, distribution and any kind of utilization outside the scope of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. In the event that you should nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask that you inform us accordingly. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such contents immediately.
This imprint also applies to the appearance of the Austrian Academy of Sciences on Twitter.
Data protection notice:
When using the pages of the OeAW, personal data may be collected or processed. Insofar as this occurs, this data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent.
The contact data published within the scope of the imprint obligation may not be used by third parties for the transmission of advertising and information material not expressly requested. Any such use is hereby expressly contradicted.
Further information on data protection on websites of the OeAW.
Das Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (IQOQI) der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften feiert sein 20-jähriges Bestehen und steht damit für 20 Jahre internationale Spitzenforschung auf dem Gebiet der Quantenphysik. Zu diesem Anlass öffnet das Forschungsinstitut seine Türen und bietet allen Interessierten die Möglichkeit, in die faszinierende Welt der Quanten hineinzuschnuppern. Es wartet ein spannendes Programm – für neugierige Volksschüler genauso wie für jugendliche Entdeckerinnen und interessierte Erwachsene. Kommt vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch!
Freitag, 20. September 2024
13.30 – 17.00 Uhr
Campus Technik der Universität Innsbruck, ICT Gebäude
Technikerstraße 21a, Innsbruck
Zum vergrößern bitte anklicken.
Startpunkt: Foyer im ICT Gebäude
13.30 – 17.00 Uhr
Wie sieht eigentlich der Arbeitsalltag einer Quantenwissenschaftlerin und eines Quantenforschers aus? Für eine Führung durch die Labore und die Werkstätten ist eine kurzfristige Anmeldung direkt vor Ort (Foyer, ICT Gebäude) notwendig.
IQOQI Innsbruck, 3. Obergeschoss, ICT Gebäude
15.00 Uhr
Wie haben die Erkenntnisse der Quantenphysikforschung unser Alltagsleben verändert? (Spoiler: GPS, MRT oder unser Handy würden ohne diese Forschung nicht funktionieren / nicht existieren) Welche neuen Technologien der „Quantenrevolution 2.0“ sind jetzt schon absehbar und was wird das für uns bedeuten? Welchen Impact hat die starke Quantenforschung und die ausgezeichnete Physikausbildung auf Tirol und die Tiroler Wirtschaft?
Wissenschaftlerinnen und Experten, die international an der Spitze der Quantenforschung arbeiten, diskutieren diese spannenden Zukunftsfragen am Freitagnachmittag im Perspektiven Talk in Kooperation mit der Lebensraum Tirol Gruppe. Alle Besucher/innen des Tages der Offenen Tür sind herzlich dazu eingeladen!
IQOQI Innsbruck, 3. Obergeschoss, ICT Gebäude
Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), gegründet im Jahr 1847, ist längst nicht mehr jene reine Männergesellschaft, die sie ursprünglich gewesen ist. Es dauerte aber mehr als hundert Jahre, ehe mit der Physikerin Lise Meitner (die mehrfach für einen Nobelpreis vorgeschlagen wurde, aber ihn trotz herausragender wissenschaftlicher Leistungen nie erhielt) und 25 Jahre später mit einer weiteren Physikerin, Berta Karlik, Frauen in die Akademie Einzug hielten. Diesen Vorreiterinnen und all jenen, die nach ihnen kamen und kommen werden, ist diese Ausstellung gewidmet.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Haltestelle: Innsbruck Technik | Straßenbahn 2 & 5, Busse K & T sowie einige Regionalbusse
Mit dem Auto
Besucherparkplätze stehen am Technik Campus zur Verfügung, sind aber limitiert. Wir empfehlen die Anreise mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.
The mission of the IQOQI Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship is to identify, recruit and support the most talented and promising young quantum physicists at an early stage of their careers.
The Fellowship is awarded for two years - with an optional third year - to an outstanding experimental or theoretical physicist. It offers the freedom of collaborating with all research groups at the institute, and/or of having a leading role in an experiment to pursue a project line not necessarily coinciding with the mainstream research of the group. Choosing a hosting research group is not a requirement, but optional. We value this independence, and support and foster it. The IQOQI Prize postdoctoral researchers are communicated accordingly, including their visibility on our website.
Furthermore, the program offers various attractive benefits, such as a competitive salary and social benefits as well as research funds for a total lump sum of 7.000 Euro.
Recipients are selected by a committee of the scientific directorate and should have completed their PhD degree by the time they start their assignment. Applications are open on a yearly basis.
Applications are now closed and are expected to reopen in November 2025.
The Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences dedicates its work to theoretical and experimental basic research in the areas of quantum optics and quantum information science. Research topics range from the foundations of quantum physics to their applications, for example for metrology, sensor technology and quantum information processing. Internationality, worldwide networking and highly actual research topics characterize the institute's work which aims at conducting independent top-notch research. The institute's personnel and infrastructure is closely connected with the University of Innsbruck and contributes strongly to the education of doctoral and master students. A particular concern of the institute is the sustainable advancement of young academics, and together with the University of Innsbruck, their integration into the research and teaching program.