Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy


The research group led by Rainer Blatt investigates quantum processes in a system of few ions held in ion traps. The experiments aim at achieving complete control over all quantum degrees of freedom in order to store and process quantum information in a system of trapped ions. Here, the focus is on quantum simulation and infor-mation. A second related topic is precision spectroscopy and quantum metrology with the goal of constructing a quantum-logic based single-ion optical clock.

More: "Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy"

Quantum Optics


Wittgenstein awardee Peter Zoller studies topics in the fields of theoretical quantum optics and atomic physics as well as quantum information and condensed matter theory. His main focus is on theoretically describing real physical systems while closely collaborating with the experimental field and connecting the fields mentioned above in an interdisciplinary approach. Peter Zoller aims to realize, simulate and investigate novel quantum many-body systems consisting of atoms, ions or molecules or based on hybrid systems of optomechanical and solid state systems. In addition, he is developing and searching for new tools and protocols for applications in the fields of quantum information and communication technology.