The Thesis Prize is awarded by the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IQOQI Innsbruck) to graduates of the Physics PhD program at the University of Innsbruck who have excelled in their studies in the field of Quantum Physics.

The prize consists of a sum of 1.000 Euros and a certificate, and is awarded at a public ceremony at the IQOQI Innsbruck. The prize winner is selected by a jury consisting of 10 scientists from the Innsbruck physics institutes.

Applications can be submitted until November 30, 2024. Prerequisite is the successful defense of the dissertation in the academic year 2023/24 (1/10/2023 – 30/09/2024). Please include the following documents as PDF to

  • Thesis (link, if applicable) and Graduation Certificate
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of publications (limited to those that were produced as part of the dissertation)
  • Short letter of motivation including an outline of the key results of the dissertation (no more than one A4 page)

Previous Awardee

2022 Maximilian Zanner
2021 Christine Maier
2020 Andreas Elben
2019 Simon Baier
2018 Petar Jurcevic
2016 Florian Meinert
2015 Albert Frisch
2014 Alexander Glätzle
2013 Philipp Schindler and Simon Stellmer