

  • M. Zanner, R. Albert, E. I. Rosenthal, S. Casulleras-Guardia, I. Yang, C. Schneider, O. Romero-Isart, G. Kirchmair Spatial Addressing of Qubits in a Dispersive Waveguide arXiv:2407.10617 (ID: 721271)
  • A. Sharafiev, G. Kirchmair, M. L. Juan, M. Cattaneo Leveraging collective effects for thermometry in waveguide quantum electrodynamics arXiv:2407.05958 (ID: 721270)
  • L. Deeg, D. Zoepfl, N. Diaz-Naufal, M. L. Juan, A. Metelmann, G. Kirchmair Optomechanical Backaction in the Bistable Regime arXiv:2406.04217 (ID: 721263)
  • A. Chu, V. Martinez-Lahuerta, M. Miklos, K. Kim, P. Zoller, K. Hammerer, J. Ye, A. M. Rey Exploring the interplay between mass-energy equivalence, interactions and entanglement in an optical lattice clock arXiv:2406.03804v1 (ID: 721260)
  • J. Yang, T. E. Agrenius Gustafsson, V. Usova, O. Romero-Isart, G. Kirchmair Hot Schrödinger Cat States arXiv:2406.03389 (ID: 721262)
  • M. Valentini, M. van Mourik, F. Butt, J. Wahl, M. Dietl, M. Pfeifer, F. Anmasser, Y. Colombe, C. Rössler, P. Holz, R. Blatt, M. Müller, T. Monz, P. Schindler Demonstration of two-dimensional connectivity for a scalable error-corrected ion-trap quantum processor architecture arXiv:2406.02406 (ID: 721261)
  • M. K. Joshi, M. Guevara-Bertsch, F. Kranzl, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos Characterization of ion-trap-induced ac-magnetic fields arXiv:2405.18883 (ID: 721258)
  • C. Fromonteil, R. Tricarico, F. Cesa, H. Pichler Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for Rydberg-blockade processes arXiv:2402.12956 (ID: 721246)
  • Z. Zeng, G. Giudici, H. Pichler Quantum dimer models with Rydberg gadgets arXiv:2402.10651 (ID: 721245)
  • M. Mallweger, M. Guevara-Bertsch, B. T. Torosov, R. Thomm, N. Kuk, H. Parke, C. F. Roos, G. Higgins, M. Hennrich, N. V. Vitanov Motional state analysis of a trapped ion by ultra-narrowband composite pulses arXiv:2402.10041 (ID: 721243)
  • Y. Weiser, T. Faorlin, L. Panzl, T. Lafenthaler, L. Dania, D. S. Bykov, T. Monz, R. Blatt, G. Cerchiari Back action suppression for levitated dipolar scatterers arXiv:2402.04802 (ID: 721241)
  • H. Kamal, J. Kemp, Y. He, Y. Fuji, M. Aidelsburger, P. Zoller, N. Y. Yao Floquet Flux Attachment in Cold Atomic Systems arXiv:2401.08754 (ID: 721233)
  • R. Ott, T. Zache, M. Prüfer, S. Erne, M. Tajik, H. Pichler, J. Schmiedmayer, P. Zoller Hamiltonian Learning in Quantum Field Theories arXiv:2401.01308 (ID: 721175)


  • G. Giudici, F. M. Surace, H. Pichler Unraveling PXP Many-Body Scars through Floquet Dynamics arXiv:2312.16288 (ID: 721171)
  • E. Bonvin, L. Devaud, M. Rossi, A. Militaru, L. Dania, D. Bykov, O. Romero-Isart, T. E. Northup, L. Novotny, M. Frimmer State Expansion of a Levitated Nanoparticle in a Dark Harmonic Potential arXiv:2312.13111 (ID: 721167)
  • L. Postler, F. Butt, I. Pogorelov, C. Marciniak, S. Heußen, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, M. Rispler, M. Müller, T. Monz Demonstration of fault-tolerant Steane quantum error correction doi:10.48550/arXiv.2312.09745 (ID: 721173)
  • M. I. Hussain, M. Guevara-Bertsch, E. Torrontegui, J. García-Ripoll, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos Single-ion optical autocorrelator arXiv:2312.03679 (ID: 721153)
  • W. Kirkby, A. Lee, D. Baillie, T. Bland, F. Ferlaino, B. Blakie, R. N. Bisset Excitations of a binary supersolid doi:10.48550/arXiv.2312.03390 (ID: 721181)
  • P. Grochowski, H. Pichler, C. A. Regal, O. Romero-Isart Quantum control of continuous systems via nonharmonic potential modulation arXiv:2311.16819 (ID: 721151)
  • B. Vermersch, M. Ljubotina, J. I. Cirac, P. Zoller, M. Serbyn, L. Piroli Many-body entropies and entanglement from polynomially-many local measurements arXiv:2311.08108v1 (ID: 721143)
  • K. Vodenkova, H. Pichler Continuous Coherent Quantum Feedback with Time Delays: Tensor Network Solution arXiv:2311.07302 (ID: 721144)
  • R. Grimm, C. Baroni Fermionic quantum mixtures with tunable interactions doi:10.48550/arXiv.2311.01220 (ID: 721139)
  • M. Meth, J. Haase, J. Zhang, C. Edmunds, L. Postler, A. Steiner, A. Jena, L. Dellantonio, R. Blatt, P. Zoller, T. Monz, P. Schindler, C. A. Muschik, M. Ringbauer Simulating 2D lattice gauge theories on a qudit quantum computer arXiv:2310.12110 (ID: 721176)
  • A. Riera Campeny, M. Rodà Llordés, P. Grochowski, O. Romero-Isart Wigner Analysis of Particle Dynamics in Wide Nonharmonic Potentials arXiv:2307.14106 (ID: 721110)
  • M. Ringbauer, M. Hinsche, T. Feldker, P. K. Faehrmann, J. Bermejo-Vega, C. Edmunds, L. Postler, R. Stricker, C. Marciniak, M. Meth, I. Pogorelov, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, J. Eisert, T. Monz, D. Hangleiter Verifiable measurement-based quantum random sampling with trapped ions arXiv:2307.14424 (ID: 721154)
  • M. Cain, S. Chattopadhyay, J. Liu, R. Samajdar, H. Pichler, M. Lukin Quantum speedup for combinatorial optimization with flat energy landscapes arXiv:2306.13123 (ID: 721087)
  • Sideband thermometry of ion crystals (ID: 721084)
  • G. Anich, R. Grimm, E. Kirilov Comprehensive Characterization of a State-of-the-Art Apparatus for Cold Electromagnetic Dysprosium Dipoles arXiv:2304.12844 (ID: 721078)


  • Quantum optimization with arbitrary connectivity using Rydberg atom arrays arXiv:2209.03965 (ID: 720884)
  • Vinicius S. Ferreira, G. Kim, Andreas Butler, Hannes Pichler, O. Painter Deterministic Generation of Multidimensional Photonic Cluster States with a Single Quantum Emitter arXiv:2206.10076 (ID: 720849)
  • H. Hainzer, D. Kiesenhofer, T. Ollikainen, Matthias Bock, F. Kranzl, Manoj K. Joshi, Goni Yoeli, Rainer Blatt, Tuvia Gefen, C. F. Roos Correlation spectroscopy with multi-qubit-enhanced phase estimation arXiv:2203.12656 (ID: 720825)


  • A. Seshadri, M. Ringbauer, R. Blatt, T. Monz, S. Becker Versatile fidelity estimation with confidence arXiv:2112.07925 (ID: 720738)
  • L. Gerster, F. Martínez-García, P. Hrmo, M. van Mourik, B. Wilhelm, D. Vodola, M. Mueller, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, T. Monz Experimental Bayesian calibration of trapped ion entangling operations arXiv:2112.01411 (ID: 720735)
  • L. Postler, S. Heußen, I. Pogorelov, M. Rispler, T. Feldker, M. Meth, C. Marciniak, R. Stricker, M. Ringbauer, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, M. Mueller, T. Monz Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations arXiv:2111.12654 (ID: 720736)
  • N. Mueller, T. Zache, R. Ott Quantum thermalization of gauge theories: chaos, turbulence and universality arXiv:2111.01155 (ID: 720769)
  • C. Kargi, J. P. Dehollain, F. Henriques, L. Sieberer, T. Olsacher, P. Hauke, M. Heyl, P. Zoller, N. Langford Quantum Chaos and Trotterisation Thresholds in Digital Quantum Simulations arXiv:2110.11113 (ID: 720694)
  • M. Ringbauer, M. Meth, L. Postler, R. Stricker, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, T. Monz A universal qudit quantum processor with trapped ions arXiv:2109.06903 (ID: 720737)
  • N. Mueller, T. Zache, R. Ott Thermalization of Gauge Theories from their Entanglement Spectrum arXiv:2107.11416 (ID: 720771)
  • G. Pecci, P. Naldesi, A. Minguzzi, L. Amico The phase of a degenerate Fermi gas arXiv:2105.10408 (ID: 720783)
  • M. van Mourik, P. Hrmo, L. Gerster, B. Wilhelm, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, T. Monz RF-induced heating dynamics of non-crystallized trapped ions arXiv:2104.10623 (ID: 720645)


  • M. Walschaers, N. Treps, B. Sundar, L. Carr, V. Parigi Emergent complex quantum networks in continuous-variables non-Gaussian states arXiv:2012.15608 (ID: 720611)
  • A. K. Pal, P. Schindler, A. Erhardt, A. Rivas, M. A. Martin-Delgado, R. Blatt, T. Monz, M. Müller Relaxation times do not capture logical qubit dynamics arXiv:2012.07911 (ID: 720759)
  • B. Sundar Proposal to measure out-of-time-ordered correlations using Bell states arXiv:2006.15093 (ID: 720613)


  • C. Yi, J. Yu, W. Sun, X. Xu, S. Chen, J. Pan Observation of the Hopf Links and Hopf Fibration in a 2D topological Raman Lattice arXiv:1904.11656 (ID: 720388)


  • D. Hoang, B. Venkatesh, S. Han, J. Jo, G. Watanabe, M. Choi Emergent Universality in Nonequilibrium Processes of Critical Systems arXiv:1508.02444 (ID: 719412)


  • L. Chen, Z. Liang, Y. Hu, Z. Zhang Quench Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Disordered Bose Gases: Condensation, Superfluidity and Fingerprint of Dynamical Bose Glass arXiv:1411.7540 (ID: 719089)
  • M. Niedermayr, K. Lakhmanskiy, M. Kumph, S. Partel, J. Edlinger, M. Brownnutt, R. Blatt Cryogenic silicon surface ion trap arXiv:1403.5208 (ID: 719049)
  • D. E. Bruschi, M. Perarnau-Llobet, N. Friis, K. V. Hovhannisyan, M. Huber The thermodynamics of creating correlations: limitations and optimal protocols arXiv:1409.4647 (ID: 719087)
  • V. Dunjko, N. Friis, H. J. Briegel Quantum-enhanced deliberation of learning agents using trapped ions arXiv:1407.2830 (ID: 718955)
  • M. Tiersch, E. Ganahl, H. J. Briegel Adaptive quantum computation in changing environments using projective simulation arXiv:1407.1535 (ID: 718953)
  • J. Combes, C. Ferrie, C. Cesare, M. Tiersch, G. Milburn, H. J. Briegel, C. M. Caves In-situ characterization of quantum devices with error correction arXiv:1405.5656 (ID: 718918)
  • V. Dunjko, P. Wallden, E. Andersson Quantum digital signatures with quantum key distribution components arXiv:1403.5551 (ID: 718929)
  • M. Kumph, P. Holz, K. Langer, M. Niedermayr, M. Brownnutt, R. Blatt Operation of a planar-electrode ion trap array with adjustable RF electrodes arXiv:1402.0791 (ID: 719047)
  • T. Müller, H. J. Briegel Stochastic libertarianism: How to maintain integrity in action without determinism (ID: 718723)


  • E. Altman, J. Toner, L. Sieberer, S. Diehl, L. Chen Two-dimensional superfluidity in driven systems requires strong anisotropy arXiv:1311.0876 (ID: 718667)
  • J. Mautner, A. Makmal, D. Manzano, M. Tiersch, H. J. Briegel Projective simulation for classical learning agents: a comprehensive investigation (accepted, New Generation Computing) arXiv:1305.1578 (ID: 718513)