Subradiance and Superradiance at the Edge of Dicke`s Regime

IQOQI Quantum Seminar

Speaker: Giovanni Ferioli
When: May. 15 2024 09:00
Where: Erwin Schrödinger Saal, Innsbruck

The realization of a light-matter interface based on collective effects is an important goal of modern quantum optics. In this talk, I will present a series of experiments in which we have probed the subradiant [1] and superradiant [2] properties of a micrometer-sized cloud of thermal Rb atoms loaded in an optical tweezer with a volume comparable to the atomic transition cube. From g2 measurements of the light emitted by the system, we also investigate the statistical properties of the interatomic correlations that give rise to the collective response of, and find that these are non-Gaussian [3]. Finally, I will also describe a recent experiment where we studied the onset of the superradiant phase transition for the first time in free space [4], paving the way for the realization of a new class of time crystals.

[1] PHYSICAL REVIEW X 11, 021031 (2021)
[2] PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 243602 (2021)
[3] PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 133601 (2024)
[4] Nature Physics, 19, 1345-1349 (2023)

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