Publications Lauritz KLAUS
Invited Talk
- Rotating dipolar quantum gases Unravelling quantum many-body physics with long-range interacting platforms (Cambridge) , (2023). (ID: 721189)
- Many-body physics with ultracold magnetic atoms: From supersolids to vortices in neutron stars MoSaiQC Autumn School on Quantum Optics, Cold Atoms and Laser Technologies (Vienna) , (2023). (ID: 721193)
- Observation of vortices and vortex stripes in a dipolar BEC of magnetic atoms 54th annual meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics (DAMOP) (Spokane) , (2023). (ID: 721190)
- Supersolidity and Bloch oscillations in dipolar quantum gases DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP) (Hannover) , (2023). (ID: 721191)
- Observation of vortices and vortex stripes in a dipolar BEC of Dysprosium DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP) (Hannover) , (2023). (ID: 721192)
Invited Talks
- Many-body quantum phases in dipolar gases EMMI Workshop on Long-Range Ultracold Interactions 2022 (2022-09-06) URL , (2022). (ID: 720945)
- Few- and many-body physics with ultracold dipolar quantum gases 23rd European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems (MOLEC 2022) (2022-08-21) URL , (2022). (ID: 720948)
- Supersolidity, Bloch oscillations and vortices in dipolar quantum gases 777. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Ultracold Quantum Matter: Basic Research and Applications (2022-12-06) URL , (2022). (ID: 720949)
- Supersolidity and Vortices in dipolar quantum gases MAQS Status meeting (2022-06-08) URL , (2022). (ID: 720947)
- Angular oscillations in a 2D supersolid of Dysprosium 2022 DAMOP meeting Orlando (2022-05-30) URL , (2022). (ID: 720954)