Publications Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy
- Measuring full counting statistics in a quantum simulator arXiv:2501.14424 (ID: 721419)
- Experimental measurement and a physical interpretation of quantum shadow enumerators doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.16914 (ID: 721299)
- Constructing the spin-1 Haldane phase on a qudit quantum processor doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.04702 (ID: 721300)
- Demonstration of two-dimensional connectivity for a scalable error-corrected ion-trap quantum processor architecture arXiv:2406.02406 (ID: 721261)
- Back action suppression for levitated dipolar scatterers arXiv:2402.04802 (ID: 721241)
- Characterization of ion-trap-induced ac magnetic fields Phys. Rev. A 110, 63101 (2024). (ID: 721258)
- Motional-state analysis of a trapped ion by ultranarrowband composite pulses Phys. Rev. A 110, 53103 (2024). (ID: 721243)
- Mpemba‐Effekt in einem Quantensimulator: Quantenphysik , (2024). (ID: 721298)
- Demonstration of fault-tolerant Steane quantum error correction PRX Quantum 5, 030326-19 (2024). (ID: 721173)
- Observing the quantum Mpemba effect in quantum simulations PRL 133, 10402 (2024). (ID: 721174)
- Multimode Ion-Photon Entanglement over 101 Kilometers PRX Quantum 5, 20308 (2024). (ID: 721259)
- Correlation Spectroscopy with Multiqubit-Enhanced Phase Estimation Phys. Rev. X 14, 24 (2024). (ID: 721249)
- Towards experimental classical verification of quantum computation Quantum Sci. Technol. 9, (2024). (ID: 720821)
- MQV K6 Site Visit Erlangen , (2024). (ID: 721294)
- MQV Site Visit THEQUCO K4 , (2024). (ID: 721291)
- MQV Site Visit TAQC K3 , (2024). (ID: 721289)
- Single-ion optical autocorrelator arXiv:2312.03679 (ID: 721153)
- Simulating 2D lattice gauge theories on a qudit quantum computer arXiv:2310.12110 (ID: 721176)
- Reconstructing Complex States of a 20-Qubit Quantum Simulator PRX Quantum 4, 40345 (2023). (ID: 721166)
- Exploring Large-Scale Entanglement in Quantum Simulation Nature 624, 539 (2023). (ID: 721080)
- Observation of magnon bound states in the long-range, anisotropic Heisenberg model Phys. Rev. X 13, 031017-12 (2023). (ID: 720909)
- Verifiable measurement-based quantum random sampling with trapped ions arXiv:2307.14424 (ID: 721154)
- Sideband thermometry of ion crystals PRX Quantum 4, 40346 (2023). (ID: 721085)
- A telecom-wavelength quantum repeater node based on a trapped-ion processor Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 213601 (2023). (ID: 721040)
- Experimental observation of thermalization with noncommuting charges PRX Quantum 4, 20318 (2023). (ID: 720810)
- Controlling two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of more than 100 ions in a monolithic radio-frequency trap PRX Quantum 4, 20317 (2023). (ID: 721039)
- Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor URL (ID: 721076)
- Quantum-enhanced sensing on optical transitions through finite-range interactions Nature 621, 740 (2023). (ID: 721072)
- Approaching optimal entangling collective measurements on quantum computing platforms Nature Phys. , 1-7 (2023). (ID: 721010)
- 2023 MQV Review Meeting , (2023). (ID: 721134)
- Experimental single-setting quantum state tomography PRX Quantum 3, 40310 (2022). (ID: 720910)
- Characterizing Quantum Instruments: From Nondemolition Measurements to Quantum Error Correction PRX Quantum 3, 30318 (2022). (ID: 720911)
- Experimental Bayesian calibration of trapped ion entangling operations PRX Quantum 3, 20350 (2022). (ID: 720913)
- Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations Nature 605, 675 (2022). (ID: 720914)
- rf-induced heating dynamics of noncrystallized trapped ions Phys. Rev. A 105, 33101 (2022). (ID: 720915)
- Relaxation times do not capture logical qubit dynamics Quantum 6, 632 (2022). (ID: 720916)
- Controlling long ion strings for quantum simulation and precision measurements Phys. Rev. A 105, 52426 (2022). (ID: 720726)
- Observing emergent hydrodynamics in a long-range quantum magnet Science 376, 720 (2022). (ID: 720666)
- Probing phases of quantum matter with an ion-trap tensor-network quantum eigensolver Phys. Rev. X 12, 41035 (2022). (ID: 720826)
- Optimal metrology with variational quantum circuits on trapped ions Nature 603, 604 (2022). (ID: 720667)
- Industrially Microfabricated Ion Trap with 1 eV Trap Depth Quantum Sci. Technol. 7, 35015 (2022). (ID: 720813)
- MQV Scientific Report 2022 , Mitgliederversammlung von Munich Quantum Valley e.V. , (2022). (ID: 720871)
- Third Meeting of the Dioscuri Committee in the 4th Call for DCs in PL , (2022). (ID: 720852)
- Experimental Bayesian calibration of trapped ion entangling operations arXiv:2112.01411 (ID: 720735)
- Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations arXiv:2111.12654 (ID: 720736)
- A universal qudit quantum processor with trapped ions arXiv:2109.06903 (ID: 720737)
- RF-induced heating dynamics of non-crystallized trapped ions arXiv:2104.10623 (ID: 720645)
- Versatile fidelity estimation with confidence PRL 133, 020402-1 (2021). (ID: 720738)
- Position measurement of a dipolar scatterer via self-homodyne detection Phys. Rev. A 104, 53523 (2021). (ID: 720734)
- Verification of independent quantum devices Phys. Rev. X 11, 31049 (2021). (ID: 720502)
- Measuring ion oscillations at the quantum level with fluorescence light Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 63603 (2021). (ID: 720535)
- A compact ion-trap quantum computing demonstrator PRX Quantum 2, 20342 (2021). (ID: 720642)
- Heating of a Trapped Ion Induced by Dielectric Materials 126, 230505 (2021). (ID: 720661)
- Electric field noise in a high-temperature superconducting surface ion trap Phys. Rev. B 104, 64513 (2021). (ID: 720658)
- Interface between Trapped-Ion Qubits and Traveling Photons with Close-to-Optimal Efficiency PRX Quantum 2, 20331 (2021). (ID: 720657)
- Motion analysis of a trapped ion chain by single photon self-interference Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 24003 (2021). (ID: 720641)
- Ultraviolet Laser Pulses with Multigigahertz Repetition Rate and Multiwatt Average Power for Fast Trapped-Ion Entanglement Operations Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 24054 (2021). (ID: 720517)
- Entangling logical qubits with lattice surgery Nature 589, 224 (2021). (ID: 720515)
- Relaxation times do not capture logical qubit dynamics arXiv:2012.07911 (ID: 720759)
- Indistinguishable photons from a trapped-ion quantum network node Phys. Rev. A 102, 52614 (2020). (ID: 720603)
- Ultra-fast two-qubit ion gate using sequences of resonant pulses New J. Phys. 22, 103024 (2020). (ID: 720513)
- Polarization-gradient cooling of 1D and 2D ion Coulomb crystals New J. Phys. 22, 103013 (2020). (ID: 720512)
- The Panopticon device: an integrated Paul-trap-hemispherical mirror system for quantum optics Review of Scientific Instruments (Online) 91, 113201 (2020). (ID: 720514)
- Two-dimensional linear trap array for quantum information processing Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 2000031 (2020). (ID: 720490)
- Efficient ion-photon qubit SWAP gate in realistic ion cavity-QED systems without strong coupling Opt. Express 28 , 11839 (2020). (ID: 720492)
- Probing surface charge densities on optical fibers with a trapped ion New J. Phys. 22, 63018 (2020). (ID: 720489)
- Experimental deterministic correction of qubit loss Nature 585, 207 (2020). (ID: 720491)
- Coherent rotations of qubits within a multi-species ion-trap quantum computer Phys. Rev. A 102, 22611 (2020). (ID: 720488)
- Quantum information scrambling in a trapped-ion quantum simulator with tunable range interactions Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 240505 (2020). (ID: 720436)
- Cross-Platform Verification of Intermediate Scale Quantum Devices Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 10504 (2020). (ID: 720357)
Diploma Thesis
- Single-atom-focused laser for photon generation and qubit control , (2020). (ID: 720582)
- Ultrafast Coherent Excitation of a 40Ca+ Ion , (2020). (ID: 720602)
- Towards ion-lattice quantum processors with surface trap arrays , (2020). (ID: 720607)
- Ultrafast Coherent Excitation of a 40Ca+ Ion URL (ID: 720581)
- Characterizing large-scale quantum computers via cycle benchmarking Nat. Commun. 10, 5347 (2019). (ID: 720497)
- MEMS-based design of a high-finesse fiber cavity integrated with an ion trap Phys. Rev. Applied 12, (2019). (ID: 720498)
- Light-matter entanglement over 50 km of optical fibre URL (ID: 720366)
- "Wavelength-scale errors in optical localization due to spin–orbit coupling of light Nature Phys. 15, 21 (2019). (ID: 720501)
- Ultrafast coherent excitation of a Ca+ ion New J. Phys. 21, 83025 (2019). (ID: 720108)
- Self-verifying variational quantum simulation of lattice models Nature 569, 360 (2019). (ID: 720076)
- Statistical correlations between locally randomized measurements: a toolbox for probing entanglement in many-body quantum states Phys. Rev. A 99, 52323 (2019). (ID: 720100)
- Cluster State Generation with Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 160402 (2019). (ID: 720107)
- Frequency measurement of the 1S0,F=5/2 to 3P1,F=7/2 transition of 27Al+ via quantum logic spectroscopy with 40Ca+ New J. Phys. 21, 103003 (2019). (ID: 720264)
- Probing Renyi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Science 364, 260 (2019). (ID: 720034)
- Ion-Based Quantum Sensor for Optical Cavity Photon Numbers Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 153603 (2019). (ID: 720499)
- Environment-assisted quantum transport in a 10-qubit network Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 50501 (2019). (ID: 720065)
- Observation of superconductivity and surface noise using a single trapped ion as a field probe Phys. Rev. A 99, 23405 (2019). (ID: 720500)
- Excellence Strategy University of Heidelberg , (2019). (ID: 720364)
- Energy exchange between atoms with a quartz crystal μ-balance New J. Phys. 20, 123001 (2018). (ID: 720163)
- Experimental quantification of spatial correlations in quantum dynamics Quantum 2, 90 (2018). (ID: 720164)
- Quantum chemistry calculations on a trapped-ion quantum simulator Phys. Rev. X 8, 31022 (2018). (ID: 720003)
- Interference of Single Photons Emitted by Entangled Atoms in Free Space Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 193603 (2018). (ID: 720162)
- Observation of Entangled States of a Fully Controlled 20-Qubit System Phys. Rev. X 8, 21012 (2018). (ID: 720009)
- Assessing the Progress of Trapped-Ion Processors Towards Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Phys. Rev. X 7, 41061 (2017). (ID: 719935)
- Efficient tomography of a quantum many-body system Nature Phys. 13, 1158 (2017). (ID: 719716)
- Micromotion-enabled improvement of quantum logic gates with trapped ions New J. Phys. 19, 113038 (2017). (ID: 719937)
- U(1) Wilson lattice gauge theories in digital quantum simulators New J. Phys. 19, 103020 (2017). (ID: 719936)
- Polarisation-preserving photon frequency conversion from a trapped-ion-compatible wavelength to the telecom C-band Appl. Phys. B Las. Opt. 123, 228 (2017). (ID: 719939)
- Deterministic quantum state transfer between remote qubits in cavities Quantum Sci. Technol. 2, 45003 (2017). (ID: 719794)
- Direct observation of dynamical quantum phase transitions in an interacting many-body system Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 80501 (2017). (ID: 719714)
- Quantum repeaters based on trapped ions with decoherence-free subspace encoding Quantum Sci. Technol. 2, 44001 (2017). (ID: 719938)
- Experimental quantum compressed sensing for a seven-qubit system Nat. Commun. 8, 15305 (2017). (ID: 719934)
- In-line polarization rotator based on the quantum-optical analogy Opt. Lett. 41, 2113 (2016). (ID: 719736)
- Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer Nature 534, 519 (2016). (ID: 719563)
- Cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing Review of Scientific Instruments (Online) 87, 113103 (2016). (ID: 720506)
- Pure single photons from a trapped atom source New J. Phys. 18, 93038 (2016). (ID: 720507)
- Compiling quantum algorithms for architectures with multi-qubit gates New J. Phys. 18, 63029 (2016). (ID: 720509)
- Cryogenic resonator design for trapped ion experiments in Paul traps Appl. Phys. B Las. Opt. 122, 157 (2016). (ID: 720510)
- Iterative phase optimization of elementary quantum error correcting codes Phys. Rev. X 6, 31030 (2016). (ID: 720508)
- Electromagnetically-induced-transparency ground-state cooling of long ion strings Phys. Rev. A 93, 53401 (2016). (ID: 719536)
- Can different quantum state vectors correspond to the same physical state? An experimental test New J. Phys. 18, 13007 (2016). (ID: 719518)
- Electric-field noise above a thin dielectric layer on metal electrodes New J. Phys. 18, 23020 (2016). (ID: 719519)
- Operation of a planar-electrode ion-trap array with adjustable RF electrodes New J. Phys. 18, 23047 (2016). (ID: 719520)
- Realization of a scalable Shor algorithm Science 351, 1070 (2016). (ID: 719521)
- Ion-trap measurements of electric-field noise near surfaces Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 1419 (2015). (ID: 719442)
- Enhanced Quantum Interface with Collective Ion-Cavity Coupling Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 023602 (2015). (ID: 719349)
- Sympathetic cooling and detection of a hot trapped ion by a cold one New J. Phys. 17, 103001 (2015). (ID: 719305)
- Measurement of dipole matrix elements with a single trapped ion Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 143003 (2015). (ID: 719242)
- Spectroscopy of interacting quasiparticles in trapped ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 100501 (2015). (ID: 719241)
- Cryogenic silicon surface ion trap arXiv:1403.5208 (ID: 719049)
- Operation of a planar-electrode ion trap array with adjustable RF electrodes arXiv:1402.0791 (ID: 719047)
- Quantum information transfer using photons Nature Photon. 8, 363 (2014). (ID: 719036)
- Quantum computations on a topologically encoded qubit Science 345, 305 (2014). (ID: 719037)
- Quasiparticle engineering and entanglement propagation in a quantum many-body system Nature 511, 202 (2014). (ID: 718717)
- Experimental Violation of Multipartite Bell Inequalities with Trapped Ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 100403 (2014). (ID: 718697)
- Generalized Dicke Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Trapped Ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 023603 (2014). (ID: 718711)
- Digital quantum simulation, Schrödinger cat state spectroscopy and setting up a linear ion trap , (2014). (ID: 719428)
- Integrated fiber-mirror ion trap for strong ion-cavity coupling Review of Scientific Instruments (Print) 84, 123104 (2013). (ID: 718695)
- A quantum information processor with trapped ions New J. Phys. 15, 123012 (2013). (ID: 718676)
- Measurement-based quantum computation with trapped ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 210501 (2013). (ID: 718582)
- Free-space read-out and control of single-ion dispersion using quantum interference Phys. Rev. A 88, 041804(R) (2013). (ID: 718623)
- Experimental generation of quantum discord via noisy processes Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 100504 (2013). (ID: 718585)
- Demonstration of genuine multipartite entanglement with device-independent witnesses Nature Phys. 9, 562 (2013). (ID: 718862)
- Entanglement-enhanced detection of single-photon scattering events Nature Photon. 7, 633 (2013). (ID: 718575)
- Entanglement growth in quench dynamics with variable range interactions Phys. Rev. X 3, 031015 (2013). (ID: 718525)
- Quantum simulation of open-system dynamical maps with trapped ions Nature Phys. 9, 367 (2013). (ID: 718325)
- Shot-noise-limited monitoring and phase locking of the motion of a single trapped ion Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 133602 (2013). (ID: 718471)
- Deterministic generation of arbitrary symmetric states and entanglement classes Phys. Rev. A 87, 032325 (2013). (ID: 718473)
- Quantum-state transfer from an ion to a photon Nature Photon. 7, 222 (2013). (ID: 718446)
- Atom-atom entanglement by single-photon detection Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 083603 (2013). (ID: 718441)
- Undoing a quantum measurement Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 070403 (2013). (ID: 718428)
- Experimental Characterization of Quantum Dynamics Through Many-Body Interactions Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 040603 (2013). (ID: 718422)
- Quantum simulation - an exciting adventure Ann. Phys. 525, (2013). (ID: 718616)
- NOBEL 2012 Physics: Manipulating individual quantum systems Nature 492, 55 (2012). (ID: 718370)
- Compact radio-frequency resonator for cryogenic ion traps Review of Scientific Instruments (Print) 83, 084705 (2012). (ID: 718262)
- Bosonic Josephson junction controlled by a single trapped ion Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 080402 (2012). (ID: 718182)
- Viewpoint: Moving traps offer fast delivery of cold ions Physics 5, 94 (2012). (ID: 718180)
- Guiding of Rydberg atoms in a high-gradient magnetic guide Phys. Rev. A 86, (2012). (ID: 718195)
- Quantum tomography in position and momentum space Eur. Phys. J. D 66, 222 (2012). (ID: 718184)
- Spatially-resolved potential measurement with ion crystals Appl. Phys. B Las. Opt. 107, 1125 (2012). (ID: 718115)
- Toward an ion-photon quantum interface in an optical cavity Appl. Phys. B Las. Opt. 107, 1145 (2012). (ID: 718116)
- Tunable ion-photon entanglement in an optical cavity Nature 485, 482 (2012). (ID: 718088)
- News and Views: Simulating magnetism Nature 484, 461 (2012). (ID: 718064)
- Interferometric Thermometry of a single sub-Doppler-cooled atom Phys. Rev. A 85, 043401 (2012). (ID: 718043)
- Quantum simulations with trapped ions Nature Phys. 8, 277 (2012). (ID: 718042)
- Quantum simulation of quantum field theories in trapped ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 260501 (2011). (ID: 717840)
- Quantum simulation of the Majorana equation and unphysical operations Phys. Rev. X 1, 021018 (2011). (ID: 717833)
- Single atom as a mirror of an optical cavity Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 133002 (2011). (ID: 717769)
- Relativistic quantum mechanics with trapped ions New J. Phys. 13, 095003 (2011). (ID: 717766)
- Universal Digital Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions Science 334, 57 (2011). (ID: 717768)
- Two-dimensional arrays of radio-frequency ion traps with addressable interactions New J. Phys. 13, 073043 (2011). (ID: 717756)
- Simulating open quantum systems: from many-body interactions to stabilizer pumping New J. Phys. 13, 085007 (2011). (ID: 717750)
- Spin flips of a single proton Nature 475, 298 (2011). (ID: 717908)
- Experimental repetitive quantum error correction Science 332, 1059 (2011). (ID: 717685)
- Trapped-ion antennae for the transmission of quantum information Nature 471, 203 (2011). (ID: 717659)
- 14-qubit entanglement: creation and coherence Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 130506 (2011). (ID: 717660)
- An open-system quantum simulator with trapped ions Nature 470, 491 (2011). (ID: 717617)
- Quantum simulation of the Klein paradox with trapped ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 060503 (2011). (ID: 717611)
- Quantum simulation of relativistic quantum physics with trapped ions 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (Cairns, Australia, 2010-07-25) J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 264, 012020 (2011). (ID: 717471)
- QED with a spherical mirror Phys. Rev. A , 063812 (2010). (ID: 717398)
- Experimental multiparticle entanglement dynamics induced by decoherence Nature Phys. 6, 943 (2010). (ID: 717355)
- Trapped-ion probing of light-induced charging effects on dielectrics 12, 093035 (2010). (ID: 717314)
- Electromagnetically Induced Transparency from a Single Atom in Free Space Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 153604 (2010). (ID: 717316)
- Klein tunneling and Dirac potentials in trapped ions Phys. Rev. A 82, 020101(R) (2010). (ID: 717386)
- Short-time-interaction quantum measurement through an incoherent mediator Phys. Rev. A 81, 062126 (2010). (ID: 717259)
- Ion imaging in a high-gradient magnetic guide 81, 043109 (2010). (ID: 717359)
- Quantum to classical transition in a single-ion laser Nature Phys. 6, 350 (2010). (ID: 717177)
- A single trapped atom in front of an oscillating mirror Opt. Com. 283, 765 (2010). (ID: 717009)
- Methods in Implementing 2 Dimensional Arrays of Ion Traps , (2010). (ID: 717154)
- Realization of a Quantum Walk with One and Two Trapped Ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 100503 (2010). (ID: 717148)
- Compatibility and noncontextuality for sequential measurements Phys. Rev. A 81, 022121 (2010). (ID: 717143)
- Quantum simulation of the Dirac equation Nature 463, 71 (2010). (ID: 716977)
- Realization of universal ion-trap quantum computation with decoherence-free qubits Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 200503 (2009). (ID: 716801)
- Theory of cross phase modulation for the vibrational modes of trapped ions DFG - Physik, Math. u. Geowissen. 373, 422 (2009) (ID: 646595)
- Absolute frequency measurement of the 40Ca+ 4s 2S1/2 - 3d 2D5/2 clock transition Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 023002 (2009) (ID: 650530)
- Optimal control of entangling operations for trapped-ion quantum computing Phys. Rev. A 79, 012312 (2009) (ID: 650641)
- Quantum interference from remotely trapped ions 11, 013032 (2009) (ID: 651475)
- Realization of the quantum Toffoli gate with trapped ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 040501 (2009) (ID: 654575)
- Deterministic entanglement of ions in thermal states of motion 11, 023002 (2009) (ID: 655090)
- High-fidelity entanglement of 43Ca+ hyperfine clock states Phys. Rev. A 79, 020304 (2009) (ID: 657856)
- Raman spectroscopy of a single ion coupled to a high-finesse cavity 95, 205 (2009) (ID: 674888)
- Intensity-Field Correlation of Single-Atom Resonance Fluorescence Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 183601 (2009) (ID: 679866)
- Wiring up trapped ions to study aspects of quantum information J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 154012 (2009) (ID: 694744)
- State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality Nature 460, 494 (2009) (ID: 695207)
- Deterministic single-photon source from a single ion 11, 103004 (2009) (ID: 716750)
- Deterministic reordering of 40Ca+ ions in a linear segmented Paul trap 11, 103008 (2009) (ID: 716755)
- Absolute frequency measurement of the 40Ca+ S1/2-D5/2 clock transition Proceedings of the 7th symposium on frequency standards and metrology 7th symposium on frequency standards and metrology (Pacific Grove, 2008-10-05) , 108 (2009). (ID: 716779)
- Ca+ quantum bits for quantum information processing Physica Scripta T137, 014008 (2009). (ID: 716979)
- Ion trap quantum gates with amplitude-modulated laser beams 10, 013002 (2008) (ID: 551545)
- Dynamics of entanglement Nature Phys. 4, 97 (2008) (ID: 557615)
- Scalable continuous-variable entanglement of light beams produced by optical parametric oscillators Phys. Rev. A 77, 022311 (2008) (ID: 558992)
- Monitoring a single ion's motion via second-order photon correlations 10, 043011 (2008) (ID: 576252)
- Towards fault-tolerant quantum computing with trapped ions Nature Phys. 4, 463 (2008) (ID: 578533)
- Nonlinear coupling of continuous variables at the single quantum level Phys. Rev. A 77, 040302(R) (2008) (ID: 579025)
- Geometric phase gate on an optical transition for ion trap quantum computation Phys. Rev. A 77, 050303(R) (2008) (ID: 583053)
- Experimental quantum information processing with 43Ca+ ions Phys. Rev. A 77, 062306 (2008) (ID: 595124)
- Entangled states of trapped atomic ions Nature 453, 1008 (2008) (ID: 597200)
- The conversion of phase to amplitude fluctuations of a light beam by an optical cavity American Journal of Physics 76, 922 (2008) (ID: 614149)
- Precision measurement of the branching fractions of the 4p 2P3/2 decay of Ca II Eur. Phys. J. D 50, 13 (2008) (ID: 621123)
- Deterministic entanglement swapping with an ion trap quantum computer Nature Phys. 4, 839 (2008) (ID: 630215)
- Quantum computing with trapped ions Physics Reports 469, 155-203 (2008) (ID: 630261)
- "Quantum motion of a trapped ion: Schrödinger cats, ion interferometry and quantum tomography" in Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology , 20 (2008). (ID: 628467)
- Quantum information processing and Ramsey spectroscopy with trapped ions Laser Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference (ICOLS) (Telluride, USA, 2007-06-24) , 53 (2008) (ID: 594009)
- The Quantum Revolution - Towards a new generation of Supercomputers Laser Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference (ICOLS) (Telluride, USA, 2007-06-24) , 207 (2008) (ID: 594010)
- Robust state preparation of a single trapped ion by adiabatic passage J. Mod. Opt. , 1541 (2007) (ID: 434966)
- Measurement of the hyperfine structure of the S1/2-D5/2 transition in 43Ca+ Phys. Rev. A 75, 032506 (2007) (ID: 461034)
- Photon Correlation versus Interference of Single-Atom Fluorescence in a Half-Cavity Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 183003 (2007) (ID: 476829)
- Tomografie eines Quantenzustands – Verschränkung und Reinheit 124, 136 (2007) (ID: 488436)
- Universal quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces with hot trapped ions Phys. Rev. A 75, 052337 (2007) (ID: 489722)
- Quantum teleportation with atoms: quantum process tomography 9, 211 (2007) (ID: 499882)
- High-fidelity ion-trap quantum computing with hyperfine clock states URL (ID: 532174)
- Single-ion two-photon source Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 183001 (2007) (ID: 535603)
- Precision spectroscopy with two correlated atoms 89, 483 (2007) (ID: 545098)
- Transfer of trapped atoms between two optical tweezer potentials J. Mod. Opt. 54, 1619 (2007) (ID: 620359)
- Feedback cooling of a single trapped ion Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 043003 (2006). (ID: 332288)
- Highly charged ions, quantum-electrodynamics, and the electron mass International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 251, 152 (2006) (ID: 364895)
- Designer atoms for quantum metrology Nature 443, 319 (2006) (ID: 390237)
- Generalized spin-queezing inequalities in N-qubit systems Phys. Rev. A 74, 052319 (2006) (ID: 420124)
- Process tomography of ion trap quantum gates Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 220407 (2006) (ID: 423123)
- Der Quantenmechanik in die Karten geschaut: Quantenbits in der Ionenfalle Physik in unserer Zeit 37, 64 (2006) (ID: 424503)
- Quantencomputer und Quantenteleportation: Quantenbits in der Ionenfalle Teil 2 Physik in unserer Zeit 37, 272 (2006) (ID: 424504)
- Controlling three atomic qubits Physical Realizations of Quantum Computing , 108 (2006) (ID: 361308)
- Long lived entangled states Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology ISQM-Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan, 2005-08-22) , 33 (2006) (ID: 375560)
- Precision spectroscopy with entangled states: Measurement of electric quadrupole moments Atomic physics 20 (Innsbruck, Austria, 2006-07-16) , 111-118 (2006) (ID: 420335)
- Quantum information processing and communication Eur. Phys. J. D 36/2, 203 - 228 (2005). (ID: 375863)
- Scalable ion trap quantum computing without moving ions Eur. Phys. J. D 32, 201-208 (2005) (ID: 308239)
- Scalable multi-particle entanglement of trapped ions Nature 438, 646 (2005) (ID: 314190)
- Robust Entanglement 81, 151 (2005) (ID: 314806)
- New experimental and theoretical approach to the 3d ²D-level lifetimes of ⁴⁰Ca⁺ Phys. Rev. A 71, 032504 (2005) (ID: 314807)
- Transport of atoms in a quantum conveyor belt Phys. Rev. A 72, 053605 (2005) (ID: 314810)
- Ionen in Reih und Glied Physik Journal 4, Nr. 11, 37 (2005) (ID: 327389)
- Singe photons on demand from 3D photonic band gap structures 69, 945 (2005) (ID: 437336)
- Teleportation with Atoms Atomic Physics (Rio De Janeiro) 19, 341-349 (2005) (ID: 314808)
- Entanglement of trapped ions Laser Spectroscopy ICOLS XVII, 392 (2005) (ID: 327393)
- Interfacing Quantum-Optical and Solid-State Qubits Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 247902 (2004) (ID: 314633)
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