
Former Members

Muir Kumph (Postdoc)


Photon Conversion for Trapped-Ion Quantum Networks (PhiNet)

In this project we are investigating a novel way to interface light with the quantum states of trapped atomic ions. Our approach is to exploit a nonlinear optical process to change the frequency of single photons emitted and absorbed by trapped ions, from their natural values to those that are optimal for quantum networking. This frequency-shifter could act as a universal adapter for accessing and distributing the quantum states of trapped ions: between different traps and other quantum systems.

A photonic quantum adapter for trapped ions.
A non-linear optical process allows the frequency of single photons to be tuned over a broad range of values: from those with minimal transmission loss, to those compatible with other kinds of quantum matter.

Our experimental goals include using such an adapter to observe entanglement between matter (an ion) and light (a photon) that has travelled over tens of kilometers, and to enable new ion-hybrid quantum systems. Our experiments combine single photon non-linear optics, atomic physics, cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) and quantum information science. More information about this project can be found here.

This project is funded by the START programme of the Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, FWF) and is led by Dr. Ben Lanyon. For an overview of all 2015 START prize winners, see here.

Our team is also involved in the collaborative project SciNet (website coming soon!), which aims to build a three-node ion-trap quantum network in Innsbruck, distributed between the IQOQI and University of Innsbruck’s experimental physics building.


We currently have positions available for Postdocs and Master students. For more information, please Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..


Our team is part of the Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy Group.