Publications Francesca FERLAINO



  • F. Ferlaino TIQIT - Trento Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour 2024 TIQIT - Trento Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour 2024 (Innsbruck, 2024-02-18) URL URL (ID: 721413)
  • F. Ferlaino InnFi joint meeting on Ultracold Atoms InnFi joint meeting on Ultracold Atoms (Florenz, 2024-10-30) URL URL (ID: 721412)
  • F. Ferlaino ECT* workshop - The physics of strongly interacting matter: neutron stars, cold atomic gases and related systems ECT* workshop - The physics of strongly interacting matter: neutron stars, cold atomic gases and related systems (Trento, 2024-04-22) URL URL (ID: 721411)

Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Rotating Dipolar Quantum Gases Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Atoms (Florenz, 2024-09-30) URL URL (ID: 721397)
  • F. Ferlaino Quantum Simulation and New Quantum Phases with Long-Range-Interacting Ultra-Cold Atoms Biennial Plenary: Science for sustainability and wellbeing in the anthropocene - opportunities, challenges, and AI (2024-09-23) URL (ID: 721393)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in the ultracold: when quantum gases behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time EGAS 55 (Granada, 2024-06-16) URL URL (ID: 721398)
  • F. Ferlaino Quantum Simulation and New Quantum Phases with Long-Range-Interacting Ultra-Cold Atoms Dies Academicus unibz 2024 (Bolzano, 2024-05-24) URL URL (ID: 721394)
  • F. Ferlaino Strongly-correlated superfluids 85th Workshop: Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Ultracold Matter (Sicily, 2024-05-09) URL URL (ID: 721395)
  • F. Ferlaino Advancing Many-Body Quantum Physics with Dipolar Quantum Gases Quantum Matter 2024 (San Sebastian, 2024-05-07) URL URL (ID: 721396)
  • F. Ferlaino Beyond Proximity: Phenomena in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Gases The EPS Forum 2024 (Berlin, 2024-03-25) URL URL (ID: 721399)
  • F. Ferlaino Observation of Vortices in Dipolar Supersolids Workshop on Quantum Simulators of the Future: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theories (Trieste, 2024-02-20) URL URL (ID: 721400)


  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity with long-range-interacting magnetic atoms The Zurich Physics Colloquium (ETH Zürich) URL URL (ID: 721405)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic “magnets” ICAP Summer School 2024 (Oxford, 2024-07-08) URL URL (ID: 721402)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in ultracold quantum gases: the simultaneous crystalline and superfluid nature of dipolar atoms (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / VU University Amsterdam / Freie Universität Amsterdam) , (2024). (ID: 721406)
  • F. Ferlaino Quantum simulations Frontiers at the Intersection of Quantum Simulation and Machine Learning (Trieste, 2024-04-08) URL URL (ID: 721403)
  • F. Ferlaino Expertenbeitrag: Physical Sciences and Engineering FFG Academy Training: “ERC at 3“ (Wien) URL URL (ID: 721410)
  • F. Ferlaino Advancing Many-Body Quantum Physics with Dipolar Quantum Gases (The Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS)) URL URL (ID: 721407)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in ultracold quantum gases: the simultaneous crystalline and superfluid nature of dipolar atoms (ETH Zürich) URL URL (ID: 721408)
  • F. Ferlaino Observation of Vortices in Dipolar Supersolids Bolzmann lecture 2024 (SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies) URL URL (ID: 721409)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar Quantum Gases TIQIT - Trento Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour 2024 (Innsbruck, 2024-02-18) URL URL (ID: 721404)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar Quantum Gases IQOQI Summer School 2024 (Vienna, 2024-09-09) URL URL (ID: 721401)


Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Vortices in dipolar quantum gases ECT Critical Stability of few-body systems (Trento) , (2023). (ID: 721185)
  • F. Ferlaino Rotating dipolar quantum gases International conference on Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter (Erlangen) , (2023). (ID: 721186)
  • F. Ferlaino Many-body physics with dipolar quantum gases Designing out of equilibrium many-body quantum systems (Glasgow) , (2023). (ID: 721188)
  • F. Ferlaino Many-body physics in dipolar quantum gases YAO 2023 (Barcelona) , (2023). (ID: 721182)
  • L. Klaus, T. Bland, C. Politi, G. Lamporesi, E. Casotti, R. N. Bisset, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, E. Poli Rotating dipolar quantum gases Unravelling quantum many-body physics with long-range interacting platforms (Cambridge) , (2023). (ID: 721189)
  • F. Ferlaino Many-body physics in dipolar quantum gases DPG-Frühjahrstagung SAMOP (Hannover) , (2023). (ID: 721183)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases TIQIT - Trento-Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour (Trento-Innsbruck) , (2023). (ID: 721184)


  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases Introductory course on Ultracold quantum gases 2023 (Innsbruck) , (2023). (ID: 721200)

Public Lectures

  • F. Ferlaino Atoms approaching absolute zero tempearture: the hardware of future quantum technologies Passion for knowledge (San Sebastian) , (2023). (ID: 721213)
  • F. Ferlaino Quantum revolution in technologies: Key facts and Trends Biennale Venedig (Venedig) , (2023). (ID: 721214)
  • F. Ferlaino Simulazione quantistica "a lungo raggio" ed oltre con atomi ultrafreddi Italian Quantum Weeks (Napoli) , (2023). (ID: 721215)

Seminar Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Rotating dipolar quantum gases European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS) (Florenz) , (2023). (ID: 721211)
  • F. Ferlaino Many-body physics in dipolar quantum gases Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB) ENS Paris Seminar (Paris) , (2023). (ID: 721212)


  • L. Klaus, T. Bland, E. Poli, C. Politi, G. Lamporesi, R. N. Bisset, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino Observation of vortices and vortex stripes in a dipolar BEC of magnetic atoms 54th annual meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics (DAMOP) (Spokane) , (2023). (ID: 721190)
  • L. Klaus, C. Politi, E. Casotti, G. Natale, L. Lafforgue, T. Bland, E. Poli, F. Ferlaino, M. J. Mark Supersolidity and Bloch oscillations in dipolar quantum gases DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP) (Hannover) , (2023). (ID: 721191)
  • T. Bland, L. Klaus, E. Poli, C. Politi, G. Lamporesi, E. Casotti, R. N. Bisset, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino Observation of vortices and vortex stripes in a dipolar BEC of Dysprosium DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP) (Hannover) , (2023). (ID: 721192)


Invited Talks

  • Francesca Ferlaino Quantum gases with long-range magnetic interactions 3rd Conference on Quantum gases, fundamental interactions and cosmology- Third Edition (QFC 2022) (Pisa) , (2022). (ID: 720968)
  • F. Ferlaino Rotating dipolar quantum gases Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) (Sant Feliu de Guíxols) , (2022). (ID: 721187)
  • Claudia Politi, Matthew Norcia, Lauritz Klaus, Thomas Bland, Elena Poli, Eva Casotti, Manfred J. Mark, Francesca Ferlaino Many-body quantum phases in dipolar gases EMMI Workshop on Long-Range Ultracold Interactions 2022 (2022-09-06) URL , (2022). (ID: 720945)
  • Francesca Ferlaino Supersolidity and vortices in dipolar quantum gases Solvay Workshop on ‘Quantum Simulation – 2021’ (Brussels) , (2022). (ID: 720967)
  • Manfred J. Mark, Gabriele Natale, Alexander Patscheider, Claudia Politi, Lauritz Klaus, Elena Poli, Thomas Bland, Matthew Norcia, Russell N. Bisset, Francesca Ferlaino Few- and many-body physics with ultracold dipolar quantum gases 23rd European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems (MOLEC 2022) (2022-08-21) URL , (2022). (ID: 720948)
  • Francesca Ferlaino New paradigms with dipolar quantum gases: Vortices, two-dimensional supersolidity, and angular responses International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP2022) (Toronto) , (2022). (ID: 720966)
  • Francesca Ferlaino When the complex nature of atoms can really make a difference: ultracold erbium and dysprosium for quantum simulation Quantumatter (Barcelona) , (2022). (ID: 720965)
  • Francesca Ferlaino When the complex nature of atoms can really make a difference: ultra cold erbium and dysprosium for quantum simulation 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) (Orlando) , (2022). (ID: 720964)


  • Francesca Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases Introductory Course on Ultracold Quantum Gases (Innsbruck) , (2022). (ID: 720963)
  • Francesca Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases Introductory Course on Ultracold Quantum Gases (Innsbruck) , (2022). (ID: 720962)

Seminar Talk

  • Francesca Ferlaino Supersolidity in dipolar quantum gases: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time (Yale University, New Haven) , (2022). (ID: 720961)


  • Manfred J. Mark, Gabriele Natale, Alexander Patscheider, Claudia Politi, Lauritz Klaus, Elena Poli, Thomas Bland, Matthew Norcia, Russell N. Bisset, Francesca Ferlaino Supersolidity, Bloch oscillations and vortices in dipolar quantum gases 777. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Ultracold Quantum Matter: Basic Research and Applications (2022-12-06) URL , (2022). (ID: 720949)
  • Manfred J. Mark, Claudia Politi, Lauritz Klaus, Elena Poli, Thomas Bland, Matthew Norcia, Russell N. Bisset, Francesca Ferlaino Supersolidity and Vortices in dipolar quantum gases MAQS Status meeting (2022-06-08) URL , (2022). (ID: 720947)
  • Gabriele Natale, Thomas Bland, Simon Gschwendtner, Louis Lafforgue, Daniel Schneider Grün, Alexander Patscheider, Manfred J. Mark, Francesca Ferlaino Bloch oscillations and matter-wave localization of a dipolar quantum gas in a one-dimensional lattice MAQS Status meeting (2022-06-08) URL , (2022). (ID: 720955)
  • Lauritz Klaus, Matthew Norcia, Elena Poli, Claudia Politi, Thomas Bland, Manfred J. Mark, Luis Santos, Russell N. Bisset, Francesca Ferlaino Angular oscillations in a 2D supersolid of Dysprosium 2022 DAMOP meeting Orlando (2022-05-30) URL , (2022). (ID: 720954)


Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Quantum Simulation 2nd European Quantum Technologies Virtual Conference (EQTC 2021) (Online, 2021-11-29) URL , (2021). (ID: 720787)
  • F. Ferlaino Two-dimensional supersolidity in a dipolar quantum gas International Conference on Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC 2021) (Sant Feliu, 2021-09-11) URL , (2021). (ID: 720789)
  • F. Ferlaino Ultracold Magnetic Lanthanides: new opportunities for quantum science QuSCo International Conference (Obergurgl, 2021-09-06) URL , (2021). (ID: 720790)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time Quantum Optics X (Torun, 2021-09-05) URL , (2021). (ID: 720791)
  • F. Ferlaino Two-dimension supersolidity in a dipolar quantum gas International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and Emergent Phenomena (Shanghai, 2021-08-18) URL , (2021). (ID: 720792)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar Quantum Gases of Magnetic Atoms: new opportunities and recent results ICQT - 6th International Conference on Quantum Technologies (Online, 2021-07-12) URL , (2021). (ID: 720793)
  • F. Ferlaino "Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time" 52nd Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS52) (Online, 2021-07-06) URL , (2021). (ID: 720788)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time Condensed Matter Physics in the City (London) (Online, 2021-07-05) URL , (2021). (ID: 720794)
  • F. Ferlaino Two-dimensional supersolidity in a dipolar quantum gas SuperFluctuations 2021 (Online, 2021-06-14) URL , (2021). (ID: 720795)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as solid and superfluid at the same time APS March Meeting 2021 (Online, 2021-03-15) URL , (2021). (ID: 720796)

Seminar Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases of magnetic lanthanide atoms: achievements and future opportunities The University of Oklahoma (Norman, 2021-09-28) URL , (2021). (ID: 720797)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar Quantum Gases of Magnetic Lanthanide Atoms: Achievements and Future Opportunities Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO)/ Institute of Photonic Sciences (Barcelona, 2021-06-22) URL , (2021). (ID: 720798)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time JQI - Joint Quantum Institute (Maryland, 2021-02-01) URL , (2021). (ID: 720799)



  • F. Ferlaino The quantum phases of dipolar quantum gases (Garching, 2020-01-28) URL , (2020). (ID: 720570)

Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Birth, life, and death of a dipolar supersolid 735. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Exploring Quantum Many‐Body Physics with Ultracold Atoms and Molecules (Bad Honnef (Online), 2020-12-14) URL , (2020). (ID: 720567)
  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time IQFA'11 Colloquium (Grenoble, 2020-12-02) URL , (2020). (ID: 720568)
  • F. Ferlaino A dipolar supersolid of ultracold atoms International Conference on Quantum Optics 2020 (Obergurgl, 2020-02-23) URL , (2020). (ID: 720569)



  • F. Ferlaino The impact of the European Research Council in low-performing EU member states ÖAW Joint Academy day (Wien, Austria) URL , (2019). (ID: 720453)

Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Hallmarks of Supersolidity in Dipolar Quantum Gases Atoms and photons Nice 2019 (Nice, France) URL , (2019). (ID: 720454)
  • F. Ferlaino Fermi Gases of Dipolar Flavor Jin Fest (Boulder, USA) URL , (2019). (ID: 720460)
  • F. Ferlaino Quantum simulation with ultracold magnetic atoms Annual Meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Physical Societies (Zürich, Switzerland) URL , (2019). (ID: 720448)
  • F. Ferlaino Long-lived hallmarks of supersolidity in dipolar quantum gase Workshop on Quantum Mixtures (Trento, Italy) URL , (2019). (ID: 720447)
  • F. Ferlaino The quantum phases of ultracold dipolar gases near a Roton excitation DAMOP (Milwaukee, USA) URL , (2019). (ID: 720446)
  • F. Ferlaino Hallmarks of supersolidity in dipolar quantum gases  Lorentz Center Workshop “Compound (atomic) quantum systems (Leiden, Netherlands) URL , (2019). (ID: 720445)
  • F. Ferlaino The quantum phases of ultracold dipolar gases near a Roton excitation ECAMP 13 (Florence, Italy) URL , (2019). (ID: 720442)

Seminar Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behaves as solid and superfluid at the same time Sitzung der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse der ÖAW (Wien, Austria) URL , (2019). (ID: 720455)
  • F. Ferlaino The quantum phases of ultracold dipolar gases near a Roton excitation The David and Edith Harris Physics Colloquium Series (MIT, USA) URL , (2019). (ID: 720444)
  • F. Ferlaino The quantum phases of ultracold dipolar gases near a Roton excitation Joint Quantum Seminar (Harvard, USA) URL , (2019). (ID: 720443)


Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Fermi Gases of Dipolar Flavor Quantum Phases of Fermions in Optical Lattices: The Low-Temperature Frontier (Toronto, Canada) URL , (2018). (ID: 720458)
  • F. Ferlaino Probing the Roton Excitation Spectrum in an Erbium Dipolar Quantum Gas ICAP 2018 (Barcelona, Spain) URL , (2018). (ID: 720466)
  • F. Ferlaino Many-body dipolar phenomena with ultracold magnetic atoms 5th UQUAM Workshop ERC Synergy retreat Les Houches (Les Houches, France) URL , (2018). (ID: 720456)
  • F. Ferlaino Observation of Roton Modes in an Erbium Dipolar quantum gas Conference on “Quantum Paths in Low Dimensions: Theory and Experiment” (Wien, Austria) URL , (2018). (ID: 720462)

Public Lectures

  • F. Ferlaino The Role of Competitive Research Funding in Science The Role of Competitive Research Funding in Science (Klosterneuburg, Austria) URL , (2018). (ID: 720457)
  • F. Ferlaino L’hardware delle tecnologie quantistiche del futuro Campus Party Italy (Italy) URL , (2018). (ID: 720467)

Seminar Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar Quantum Matter near Absolute Zero Temperature Dipolar Quantum Matter near Absolute Zero Temperature (New York, USA) URL , (2018). (ID: 720459)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases of ultracold atomic magnets Physikalisches Kolloquium Mainz (Mainz, Germany) URL , (2018). (ID: 720465)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases of multi-electron Erbium atoms MPIK Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany) , (2018). (ID: 720461)



  • F. Ferlaino Where there is enjoyment, there can be no loss: reflections of a quantum physicist (Melbourne) URL , (2017). (ID: 719787)

Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Latest results on dipolar phenomena in Erbium quantum gases Bose-Einstein Condensation Conference - BEC 2017 (San Feliu, 2017-09-02) URL , (2017). (ID: 719874)
  • F. Ferlaino From roton to quantum droplets: dipolar quantum gases echo He superfluid phenome 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (Gothenburg, 2017-08-09) URL , (2017). (ID: 719857)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar Quantum Matter near Absolute Zero Temperature Victorian ULtraCold Atoms Network (VULCAN) Workshop (Melbourne, 2017-02-28) URL , (2017). (ID: 719788)

Public Lecture

  • F. Ferlaino Atomi prossimi allo zero assoluto: l’hardware delle tecnologie quantistiche del futuro Futuro Remoto 2017, Neapel (Neapel) URL URL (ID: 719927)



  • F. Ferlaino The Discreet Charm of Dipolar Quantum Matter near Absolute Zero Temperature Colloquium Università Trento (Trento, 2016-09-28) URL , (2016). (ID: 719665)
  • F. Ferlaino The Discreet Charm of Dipolar Quantum Matter near Absolute Zero Temperature Physikkolloquium Universität Heidelberg (Heidelberg) , (2016). (ID: 719623)
  • F. Ferlaino The Fascination of Lanthanides for Ultracold Quantum Physics Kolloquium Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (Berlin) , (2016). (ID: 719447)

Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases of strongly magnetic Erbium atoms Quantum gases and quantum coherence Conference (Salerno, 2016-08-31) URL , (2016). (ID: 719650)
  • F. Ferlaino Exploring Dipole-Dipole Interactions in Ultracold Gases of Magnetic Atoms Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Science (North Easton, 2016-07-31) URL , (2016). (ID: 719624)
  • F. Ferlaino Many-body quantum phenomena in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate of erbium atoms 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP 2016 (Seoul, 2016-07-24) URL , (2016). (ID: 719622)
  • F. Ferlaino Exploring Few- and Many-Body Dipolar Quantum Phenomena with Ultracold Erbium Atoms 47th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Providence, 2016-05-23) URL , (2016). (ID: 719570)
  • F. Ferlaino The Fascination of Lanthanides for Ultracold Quantum Physics 22nd Young Atom Opticians conference (Garching, 2016-02-22) URL , (2016). (ID: 719508)
  • F. Ferlaino The Fascination of Lanthanides for Ultracold Quantum Physics Workshop on "Quantum Simulation with Cold Matter and Photons" (Brussels, 2016-02-08) URL , (2016). (ID: 719500)


  • F. Ferlaino Key experiments with quantum degenerate gases Summer School on Complex Quantum Systems (Vienna, 2016-09-12) URL , (2016). (ID: 719653)
  • F. Ferlaino Short overview on how to cool atoms near the absolute zero when “classical fridges” are too hot Summer School on Complex Quantum Systems (Vienna, 2016-09-12) URL , (2016). (ID: 719651)
  • F. Ferlaino Bose-Einstein condensates and degenerate Fermi gases: the two faces of matter Summer School on Complex Quantum Systems (Vienna, 2016-09-12) URL , (2016). (ID: 719652)

Seminar Talk

  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases of strongly magnetic Erbium atoms CUA seminar (Harvard) URL , (2016). (ID: 719679)



  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic magnets Universität Bonn (Bonn, 2015-04-28) , (2015). (ID: 719493)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic magnets TU Kaiserslautern (Kaiserslautern, 2015-04-23) , (2015). (ID: 719494)

Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino The discreet charm of quantum matter near absolute zero temperature TWAS's 13th General Conference and 26th General Meeting: "Science and Technology in Austria" (Vienna, 2015-11-18) URL , (2015). (ID: 719479)
  • F. Ferlaino The Fascination of Lanthanides for Ultracold Quantum Physics 600. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Frontiers of Quantum Optics (Bad Honnef, 2016-10-26) URL , (2015). (ID: 719480)
  • F. Ferlaino The fascination of Lanthanides for ultracold quantum matter (Lunteren, 2015-10-13) URL , (2015). (ID: 719481)
  • F. Ferlaino Exploring Dipolar Quantum Phenomena with Ultracold Erbium Atoms Workshop on Topological effects and synthetic gauge/magnetic fields for atoms and photons (Zagreb, 2015-09-29) URL , (2015). (ID: 719482)
  • F. Ferlaino The Fascination of Lanthanides for Ultracold Quantum Physics Second International UQUAM Workshop (Innsbruck, 2015-09-21) URL , (2015). (ID: 719483)
  • F. Ferlaino Superfluid-to-Mott insulator transition with Dipole-Dipole interactions Bose-Einstein Condensation 2015 - Frontiers in Quantum Gases (Sant Feliu, 2015-09-05) URL , (2015). (ID: 719484)
  • F. Ferlaino Exploring Dipolar Quantum Phenomena with Ultracold Erbium Atoms SYQMA 2015: International Workshop on Synthetic Quantum Magnetism (Dresden, 2015-08-31) URL , (2015). (ID: 719485)
  • F. Ferlaino Superfluid-to-Mott-Insulator Transition with long-range dipole-dipole interaction Sino-German Symposium on Frontiers of Quantum Information and Quantum Simulation (Heidelberg, 2015-07-20) URL , (2015). (ID: 719486)
  • F. Ferlaino The Fascination of Lanthanides as Ultracold Quantum Matter (Riga, 2015-07-13) URL , (2015). (ID: 719487)
  • F. Ferlaino erfluid-to-Mott-Insulator Transition with Ultracold Atomic Dipoles ICQT 2015: 3rd International Conference on Quantum Technologies (Moskau, 2015-07-12) URL , (2015). (ID: 719488)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar gases with ultracold atomic magnets Cold Atoms Meet High Energy Physics (Trento, 2015-06-22) URL , (2015). (ID: 719489)
  • F. Ferlaino Superfluid-to-Mott-Insulator Transition with Ultracold Atomic Dipoles New Trends in Complex Quantum Systems Dynamics (Cartagena, 2015-05-25) URL , (2015). (ID: 719490)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar Quantum Phenomena with strongly magnetic atoms INT International Conference: Frontiers in Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms (Seattle, 2015-03-30) URL , (2015). (ID: 719491)

Seminar Talk

  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic magnets Collège de France, Paris Sprache: Englisch (Paris, 2015-06-10) , (2015). (ID: 719492)



  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic magnets (Hannover) , (2014). (ID: 719202)
  • F. Ferlaino Breaking dogmas with ultracold erbium atoms (Garching) , (2014). (ID: 719203)


  • A. Frisch, M. Mark, K. Aikawa, S. Baier, F. Ferlaino Quantum chaos in ultracold collisions of Erbium 78. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Berlin, 2014-03-20) , (2014). (ID: 719201)

Invited Talks

  • F. Ferlaino Exploring dipolar Physics with atomic magnets 579. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on "Quo vadis BEC? V" (Bad Honnef, Germany, 2014-12-16) URL , (2014). (ID: 719179)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic magnets Workshop on Long Range Interactions in Quantum Systems (Paliseau, France, 2014-09-23) URL , (2014). (ID: 719178)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic magnets Conference on Cold and Controlled Molecules, Congressi Stefano Franscini (Monte Verita (Ascona), Suisse, 2014-09-14) URL , (2014). (ID: 719177)
  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar physics with ultracold atomic magnets ICAP 2014 (Washington, D.C., USA, 2014-08-03) URL , (2014). (ID: 719176)
  • F. Ferlaino TBA: Three-Body Advances Symposium on "Precision Tests of Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Quantum Gases" (Peking, 2014-06-09) , (2014). (ID: 719198)
  • F. Ferlaino Breaking dogmas with ultracold erbium atoms Symposium on "Shedding light on emergent quantum phenomena" - Emergence 2014 (Heidelberg, 2014-03-11) , (2014). (ID: 719199)
  • F. Ferlaino Breaking dogmas with ultracold erbium atoms International Conference on Quantum Optics 2014 (Obergurgl, 2014-02-28) , (2014). (ID: 719200)



  • G. Pupillo, F. Ferlaino, G. Rempe Workshop on Coherence and Decoherence at Ultracold Temperatures (Munich, Germany, 2011-09-06) URL , (2011) (ID: 717978)


Invited Talk

  • F. Ferlaino From rotons to quantum droplets: Dipolar quantum gases echo He superfluid phenomena 82. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP) (Erlangen, Germany) URL , (2008). (ID: 720464)

Seminar Talk

  • F. Ferlaino Dipolar quantum gases of ultracold atomic magnets. Atomic and Laser Physics seminar (Oxford, UK) URL , (2008). (ID: 720463)


  • F. Ferlaino Few-body physics with ultracold Cs atoms and molecules Obergurgl Quantum Optics (Obergurgl, Austria, 2008-02-28) , (2008) (ID: 660362)
  • F. Ferlaino Few-body physics with ultracold Cs atoms and molecules Seminar (Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2008-04-14) , (2008) (ID: 660398)
  • F. Ferlaino Few-body physics with ultracold Cs atoms and molecules Seminar (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008-04-16) , (2008) (ID: 660399)



  • H. Nägerl, T. Kraemer, M. Mark, J. Danzl, M. Berninger, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm From Atomic to Molecular Quantum Gases Physik-Kolloquium Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria, 2006-06-13) , (2006) (ID: 447215)